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petition to hold open elections for the AMCA board

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  • #31
    Here's the part of this that I think might be keeping people from signing on. The petition calls for an open election but that doesn't at all guarantee that the major issues that have been discussed here over the last 2-3 months would be addressed. It would appear that what the club needs is some changes in it's by-laws to accomodate the concerns of those members who have been vocal about some of the more recent major changes. Things like the wholesale changes in the judging rules and administration; the museum moving into a vendor's place of business; etc. I think the issue here is accountability and transparency and that can only be improved through changes in the club's charter/by-laws. For example, maybe major changes or expenditures over a certain threshold should be voted on by the membership. Not saying that everyday or minor changes shouldn't be carried out by the offciers and/or board as a matter of routine, but some of these changes have been much more significant than that.

    The part of all of this that bothers me the most is that it seems like the general population of members has been much more likely to hear of these significant changes through some publication, website, or other means instead of on this website. Shouldn't the dues paying members be the first to be advised of these changes, and shouldn't that notifcation come through this website first and then through the magazine? It would go a long ways towards eliminating many of the rumors and suspicions that circulate when we hear about these changes 'through the grapevine'.
    AMCA 15783


    • #32

      It'll be a cold day in hell. P.S. N.W. Maine, how many members do you think use this forum on a reguler bases? out of say 10,000?


      • #33
        this web site has 2567 members.lets say that is 18-20% of the club. so how many do you think outside of the world wide web, eustis and oley know of changes to judging .i'll bet alot don't know yet or care. stay at it and give it time.after denton, rhinebeck and wauseon there will be a good head of steam or lack of it.leaving us to know where it stands.
        rob ronky #10507


        • #34
          Originally posted by RichO View Post
          It'll be a cold day in hell. P.S. N.W. Maine, how many members do you think use this forum on a reguler bases? out of say 10,000?
          Ya know Rich? Nothing for nothing. You really should start concidering attending those anger manangment classes.
          Last edited by Robert Luland; 05-06-2010, 08:39 PM.
          AMCA #3149


          • #35
            I have seen the membership number listed at around 2500 somewhere else on this forum, but the total number of members on the membership list is only 1001? Of this total 511 members have not logged in this year and should be classed as inactive.

            This gives us a grand total of 490 active members.
            If these numbers are correct there will be a substantial difference in the percentages quoted.
            If our club has 10500 members the percentage of Club members who are active forum members would be less than 5%

            Pete Reeves 860


            • #36
              We have a club roster....don't we ? The roster contains names, addresses, and telephone numbers. How about a mass mailing with a postage paid return envelope containing a vote postcard or solicit the telephone numbers for a recorded verbal vote ? Just food for thought.


              • #37
                Originally posted by RichO View Post
                It'll be a cold day in hell. P.S. N.W. Maine, how many members do you think use this forum on a reguler bases? out of say 10,000?

                I thought I was making a couple of relevent points in my post, RichO, but apparently you'd rather argue about how many members use this sight. Frankly, I don't care if there's only 50 members using this sight on a regular basis, this site is the easiest and quickest way for the President and Board to communicate significant proposed or actual changes to the membership, and yet it seems that there's seldom any official announcement of these changes - instead we have to hear it through the grapevine, and we all know that can be full of rumors and misunderstandings. Just what is so damned hard about the board or President posting official club news about a significant change or anticipated change on this site? It could be done in about the same amount of time it's taken me to write this reply - about two minutes.
                AMCA 15783


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Paps View Post
                  We have a club roster....don't we ? The roster contains names, addresses, and telephone numbers. How about a mass mailing with a postage paid return envelope containing a vote postcard or solicit the telephone numbers for a recorded verbal vote ? Just food for thought.
                  Are you gonna pay the postage Paps?
                  Be sure to visit;
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                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Northwoods_Maine View Post
                    I thought I was making a couple of relevent points in my post, RichO, but apparently you'd rather argue about how many members use this sight. Frankly, I don't care if there's only 50 members using this sight on a regular basis, this site is the easiest and quickest way for the President and Board to communicate significant proposed or actual changes to the membership, and yet it seems that there's seldom any official announcement of these changes - instead we have to hear it through the grapevine, and we all know that can be full of rumors and misunderstandings. Just what is so damned hard about the board or President posting official club news about a significant change or anticipated change on this site? It could be done in about the same amount of time it's taken me to write this reply - about two minutes.
                    My guess is that Rocky doesn't know how to use a computer. After all he has always been against the web site as a waste of money. Hmmmmmmn, who's money is it anyway?
                    Be sure to visit;
                    Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
                    Also be sure to visit


                    • #40
                      Mr. Robert Luland

                      I have never met you. You have never met me. So I find it impossible to assertain how you would asume to know if or if I am not in need of any help with the management or non-management of my anger or lack of it. No need to get personal. It's really not your business one way or the other. Since this forum has become fodder for a very small portion of the National membership, who deem themselves disenfrancised, we all can have our varied feelings on these matters aired here. I always thought it was about old motorcycles but perhaps mislead. Those who do truely know me, know me. Of that I am more than thankful.


                      • #41
                        Why do I hear "Jerry!..Jerry!...Jerry!" in the background?

                        What is this, the 'Jerry Springer Show'?

                        Why are so many of our good friends are becoming hostile to each other, for little more than a 'failure to communicate'?

                        This drives folks not only away from the process, but from participating at all.
                        Especially here on the Forum.

                        Open elections can have its downside!
                        But if candidate's campaigns are the only way to bring agendas to the light of civil discussion,
                        I'm all for it.

                        AMCA #776

                        (PS: A low member number doesn't really mean anything, does it? Don't they re-cycle them? A good buddy who joined in the late '90s has a number under 200.)
                        Last edited by T. Cotten; 05-07-2010, 11:33 AM.
                        AMCA #776
                        Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Chris Haynes View Post
                          My guess is that Rocky doesn't know how to use a computer. After all he has always been against the web site as a waste of money. Hmmmmmmn, who's money is it anyway?
                          Rocky said in his one and only posting I have ever seen here that he hates computers . I believe that is an accurate quote.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Chris Haynes View Post
                            Are you gonna pay the postage Paps?
                            My share of it...yep.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by pete reeves View Post
                              I have seen the membership number listed at around 2500 somewhere else on this forum, but the total number of members on the membership list is only 1001? Of this total 511 members have not logged in this year and should be classed as inactive.

                              This gives us a grand total of 490 active members.
                              If these numbers are correct there will be a substantial difference in the percentages quoted.
                              If our club has 10500 members the percentage of Club members who are active forum members would be less than 5%

                              Pete Reeves 860
                              some of your numbers are correct, we do have over 2500 members on the forum, and there are over 1000 listed on the membership list for the forum. what you do not know is if a member joins the forum and reads it every day BUT never puts in a post, they do not appear on the list, does that mean they are not active members. NO it means they have nothing to say but still want to be able to access the forum for all the good information that is posted by those 1000+ members
                              Kevin Valentine 13
                              EX-Chief Judge


                              • #45
                                More often than not I read the posts without logging in, only if I want to see a photo that is posted which requires I log in to view or if I have something to say, only then do I log in.

                                I would agree, however, that that there is absolutely no need to bitch each other out over any of the topics on this forum. We can agree or agree to disagree but there is no need for hostilities. The world is hostile enough as it is.

                                I have made my thoughts clear on several different threads about the need for open elections, with the geographical area represented by separate directors. There is no need to repeat it here. In the end, it is up to the directors themselves to make that change. A petition cannot force their hand. If you feel the need to do so, speak in private with the directors. I can guarantee that if you piss the man off even before you even meet and talk to him in person, that your words will fall on deaf ears.
                                Lonnie Campbell #9908
                                South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

                                Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

                                Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at

