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Positive portrayals of bikes in movies

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BNSONS View Post
    With out looking it up- Bonnie Bedalia.

    Thats her.
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    • #17
      Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
      Then came Bozo? What was great about that show was when he would kick the bike you could hear the electric starter in action. Chris I don’t now her name but she looks like the desperate type.
      The bike was an XLH. No magneto and electric foot. We used 19 bikes during the one season the show was in production. XLHs, FLHs, and Sprints.
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      • #18
        Hey Chris, Do we have a Hollywood type in our midst? Tell us about it. How come no one said "Easyrider". An American friend told me that the heros of the movie in the south were the guys in the pickup truck or was he just pulling my leg? Positive or not that flic sure had a big influence, the wannabees are still swarming the dealerships for stick on tattoos.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Barry Brown View Post
          Hey Chris, Do we have a Hollywood type in our midst? Tell us about it. How come no one said "Easyrider". An American friend told me that the heros of the movie in the south were the guys in the pickup truck or was he just pulling my leg? Positive or not that flic sure had a big influence, the wannabees are still swarming the dealerships for stick on tattoos.
          And every mutilated frame shows it! Lets face it, they were dope dealers. In my book the guys in the pick up were murders. I always though the movie was a piece of it.
          Last edited by Robert Luland; 05-04-2010, 03:11 PM.
          AMCA #3149


          • #20
            Here’s a cool input I went and checked a couple of sights on Bonnie Bedalia and not one of them in her credentials mentions And Then Came Bronson. Weird?
            AMCA #3149


            • #21
              Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
              Here’s a cool input I went and checked a couple of sights on Bonnie Bedalia and not one of them in her credentials mentions And Then Came Bronson. Weird?
              She was the runaway bride in the pilot episode.
              Here is what I found on the link you provided.
              "And Then Came Bronson" was produced by MGM in 1968. The theatrical title was pared down to "Then Came Bronson" by the time it hit the small screen in the U.S. It was first shown in the U.S. on March 24, 1969 on NBC-TV as a movie of the week, starring Michael Parks and a red Harley Sportster. Coming close on the heels of the surprisingly successful "Easy Rider" cycle flick, NBC quickly adapted the movie to a one hour weekly series format. Contrary to popular belief, the TCB movie wasn't made in response to Easy Rider's popularity, it was in production pre Easy Rider. The movie version was released to foreign audiences as a theatrical feature film. The feature version was not shown to U.S. audiences for two reasons, and they were both on Bonnie Bedelia's bare chest(This version actually aired on TNT some years back. Unfortunately, the only version I was able to obtain was extremly low quality but the spirit was there) . I had speculated here that the NBC censors had made demands on the show's producers to tame down the Bedelia beach scene to make it suitable for American TV and therefore the scene had to be reshot. Wrong!! The real story was related to me by a very gracious gentleman who was crucial in the development and production of TCB. All you have to do is Google "Bob Justman" and you'll see that he is a giant in the industry and has a list of credits dating back to the start of Television's Golden Age. He was implemental in producing some of the finest products to hit both the small and large screen. He was kind enough to send me some TCB production stills and a couple of wonderful pictures of him and Gene Rodenberry. Enough said, Bob would be embarrased if I wrote all the praises I have for him, besides it's probably all been said before by his contempories.
              Last edited by Chris Haynes; 05-04-2010, 08:23 PM.
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              • #22
                Where is Bonnie's hand?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by silentgreyfello View Post
                  Where is Bonnie's hand?
                  It is in front of Michael. Notice she is wearing a glove.
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                  • #24
                    Originally posted by silentgreyfello View Post
                    Where is Bonnie's hand?
                    LOL, are we sure that this film didn't start out as a biker-porn film....i mean the title fits. seriously though she was probably just reaching for the keys...


                    • #25
                      Chris, go back and read my post again. I stated on her sites I found no mention.
                      AMCA #3149


                      • #26
                        I can't believe no one's mentioned this one yet. My favorite from recent years and one that you don't even have to be a rider to appreciate is "The World's Fastest Indian". Great entertaining and inspiring flick. It's a "must see" in my book. Great story played by one of the best lead actor's of all times - Anthony Hopkins.
                        AMCA 15783


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Northwoods_Maine View Post
                          I can't believe no one's mentioned this one yet. My favorite from recent years and one that you don't even have to be a rider to appreciate is "The World's Fastest Indian". Great entertaining and inspiring flick. It's a "must see" in my book. Great story played by one of the best lead actor's of all times - Anthony Hopkins.
                          I think that Fastest Indian was mentioned in the original posting to set the standards for
                          this thread


                          • #28
                            It does deserve repeating though. Anthony Hopkins is one of the great actors and he was perfectly cast in that role. On a side note, I've wondered why Hollywood didn't remake the biker movies that American International did in the 60s. The ones with Bruce Dern, Peter Fonda, and Jack Nicholson. As terrified as Hollywood is of doing original stories, you would think doing remakes of old biker movies would have been right down their alley. Of course they would have to bring everything up to their new "Politically Correct" standards.
                            Eric Smith
                            AMCA #886

