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Oley Weather ?

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  • #16
    it's always open. no gates to walk through.
    rob ronky #10507


    • #17
      I can't speak for the weather on Saturday but it was a beautiful day on Friday. What a show.

      Some pics.
      Last edited by Bills37; 04-23-2010, 03:55 PM.


      • #18
        can't open up pictures ? am I doing something wrong
        aka Glenn


        • #19
          I went searching around in Photobucket. I couldn't get on "j227/Fhead74/Oley," either, but I found this neat photo of late-model Four from Oley, last year:

          And a neat U-model Harley that was there last year:

          Maybe a '52:

          1963, 1956, & 1959 Pans in a row:

          A '50, looks like:

          Just puttin' these up to tide you photo freaks over until the Oley 2010 photos start coming in.
          You know, if anyone coordinated a certain title for each of their photos they posted to Photobucket from the meet site, like "Oley 2010," anyone else logging in to Photobucket could do a search like I just did, for "Oley," and pull them up and post um here, in almost "real time." These are probably old, but nice eye candy.
          Last edited by Sargehere; 04-23-2010, 07:27 PM.
          Gerry Lyons #607


          • #20
            Sorry about the problem folks. I changed the settings on the account, please try the link now.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Bills37 View Post
              Sorry about the problem folks. I changed the settings on the account, please try the link now.
              The link works and the pictures are great, thanks for sharing!


              • #22
                I personally want to thank everyone who i'm sure worked very hard to put on the event. 46EL


                • #23

                  rob ronky #10507


                  • #24
                    half full

                    Originally posted by exeric View Post
                    If it didn't rain in Oley, I would think I was in the wrong state.
                    With your forecast, I would suggest that the glass is half full. But upon reflection upon the circumstances, I realize that it is best to disuade the competition. hence; it may snow!
                    I spent my wad on the Texas Road Run, where one really gets to smell the roses of ones' labors of our steads. As a result, I forfitted Oley. The Road Runs are truelly the reward of all the swap meets combined, when we get to enjoy the fruits of all our hunting, and labor. The Texas Road Run was a huge REWARD, Big Texas Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only hope that you managed to score some great treasures to insure your presence at a future Road Run.
                    All the best, RF.


                    • #25
                      sunday morning and it's raining welcome to oley!
                      rob ronky #10507


                      • #26
                        Great weather Thursday, Friday and Saturday.The Perkiomen Chapter always puts on a great show.
                        Last edited by Dave Minerva; 04-25-2010, 08:14 AM. Reason: type O


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Dave Minerva View Post
                          Great weather Thursday, Friday and Saturday.The Perkiomen Chapter always puts on a great show.
                          Yes....They do ! I left the grounds Satyrday afternoon when the weather looked like it was going to make a drastic change. Drove through rain all the way back to Ohio. Paps


                          • #28
                            first class meet as usual, thanks perkiomen chapter, your the best!


                            • #29
                              Brought along a 47wl with the Ole Ladies solo electric starter system installed on it. Trip was eventful on the way to Oley. First thing that happened to us was we stripped out the fuel line threads in the tank. Had to improvise with an IV type fuel feed setup at the meet. Second issue we ran across on the trip there was the bike fell over in the trailer. Had no clue the bike went down for quite a spell. First time I ever had a problem utilizing the stand with my straps on a bike. Checked on it often though. I-80 did a number on the repop jiffystand. This particular repop stand was one of those ones made incorrectly a while back. Many of you may recall the new earlier repop ones with the built on flat spot on the bottom on the leg. Not only was that flat spot and issue with that repop stand, the material the leg was made out of was garbage. The leg bent and twisted around near the horseshoe bend next to the mount. Didn't break off though. The bike falling over in the trailer didn't hurt the bike none. It did screw up the paint job though. The 47 is by no means correct. We just wanted a runner at Oley for the 45 solo electric start display. I even installed a bare finish unit so the unit would stand out above the rest of the machine. I have the matching finish unit for the bike but felt no one would notice the unit if it blended in to the rest of the surrounding components. I was very pleased with the meet. It was ran extremely efficient and well ran in my opinion. Weather was great while I was there from Wednesday through Saturday late afternoon. As always, seeing friends again and meeting new ones to boot, is the best part of any meet for me. I looked up several dozen people [ most of them forum members ] but was unable to catch up with them. Really wanted to meet Steve Slocombe but missed him a few times. Missed Kevin as well. Looked for ya Bob Ludland but missed you both times also. Seemed like when I was out and about looking for folks...they were out and about as well. Same here though....when I was out and about...folks were at my spot trying to look me up. I personally didn't score the long sought after parts I was searching for but all in all I had a real good time. Paps


                              • #30

                                Funny you say that I was trying to do the same when I had the chances I was there thursday till saturday just a suggestion next year for Oley maybe we could have a fourm members meet at a specific location.

                                I was at your site but didn'tsee any guys there out side of the ones circling the flat head in the picture
                                AMCA Member#1848

