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New Class??

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  • #31
    What if we are the same?

    quote: Steve, I take offense to your statements and find them rather condescending.

    Opinion by self was never intended to be offensive. I ride the same kind of stuff you do all the time... you just don't know it. Heh everyone...I know where his button is

    Not a condescending person either...makes too many enemies.

    Opinions are like a_ _holes...we all have one. But do we have to show it to other people?
    Steve Klein
    Collector . Conservator . Enthusiast
    American Pre-teens - 1965
    AMCA Member 12176
    Cherokee Chapter President, Editor
    Georgetown, TX USA


    • #32
      New Class??

      hi everybody.
      this is not a new class for AMCA judging. it is something extra that the two chapters are doing.
      what I do not understand is, why did I fight for 3 years to get Period Modified accepted for national recognition awards. these bikes are to show the history of Americian Motorcycling. it is for bikes that had been changed by the owner to suit his own personel taste. it is for the bikes I saw as a kid and later changed things to suit ME. most people thought it was for bobbers only, that is the farthest thing from the truth. it is for any street motorcycle that is not "correct as it left the factory", but customizied by the owner.
      Kevin Valentine 13
      EX-Chief Judge


      • #33
        Originally posted by kval View Post
        hi everybody.
        this is not a new class for AMCA judging. it is something extra that the two chapters are doing.
        what I do not understand is, why did I fight for 3 years to get Period Modified accepted for national recognition awards. these bikes are to show the history of Americian Motorcycling. it is for bikes that had been changed by the owner to suit his own personel taste. it is for the bikes I saw as a kid and later changed things to suit ME. most people thought it was for bobbers only, that is the farthest thing from the truth. it is for any street motorcycle that is not "correct as it left the factory", but customizied by the owner.
        And I think that the original intent was a good idea, since many "first owner" riders added a windshield, bags, mascot and such to personalize, but also make the bike more comfortable and practical. And over the years such bikes developed their own history - that little decal showing a honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls, or the windshield sticker from Laconia and so on. That sort of thing is so nice to see on a bike that still gets used.



        • #34
          dr. sprocket is right. its part of our history, whether you like it or not.
          Last edited by jurassic; 04-06-2010, 09:30 PM.


          • #35
            WOW what a HOT issue. I will stay clear of this one except three points.
            With so much passion over this issue no matter what, our club members will continue building great bikes from both opinions, that is good as there are a lot of not so good bike parts now being used to build cool rat rods and other such bikes.
            My 48 twin carb Pan surely has pleased myself and many club members and apparently might have irritated a few others, sorry.
            Most importantly! The kid (Matt O.) Is really shining right now in my opinion first a good young kid in the club now turning into a great young man holding his own ideas while introducing more kids into our club. I look forward to meeting Ryan and all the rest of the new kids that he can introduce into our organization in whatever fashion he can contrive. Matt keep up the good work.
            Your friend.
            Last edited by Slojo; 04-06-2010, 09:35 PM.


            • #36
              I can empathize with most viewpoints posted thus far, but I'd most like to offer the same gut-check as is implied by T Cotten, bmh, and Lonnie: Will we encourage the desecration of good old parts (frames, handlebars, front ends, etc) in the future? What's been done IS history, and we can celebrate that, but will it be important to re-address our club's mission statement with respect to the celebration of the chopper era?

              I'm perfectly okay with Ryan Mackey piecing together a machine that the next caretaker can restore to original, or leave as is, or modify with bolt-on parts. But what if he chose to rake the neck? or cut up Ford radius rods and extended the forks? or hack-sawed the handlebars? ... dark secret: I did those three to my first bike, a 41 WLD, and if I'd had any knowledge of AMCA back then, I doubt I'd have done that. But for now I have to live with the regrets.

              I don't feel the issue has reached critical mass (yet), and I don't feel that it merits serious alarm. The inclusiveness is commendable, and I hope my bikes' next caretakers are as proud and respectful of them as I am. But odds are I'll (we'll) be some measure of disappointed, and the kid will choose to learn those things in his own way, at his own pace, with his own mistakes, .. just like I did.
              he might even be my son-in-law!


              • #37
                Back in the old chopper days the parts were cheap and plentiful. Now that any old springer is worth over a grand I don't think kids will be cutting too many up. Same goes for frames. I loved my old chopper but I did trade up to a bike that might pass for stock to the untrained eye. Hopefully someday I'll find a close to stock ride that won't break the bank.(LOL)..Mike


                • #38
                  Originally posted by T. Cotten View Post
                  So an AMCA achievement will mean about as much as an Easyriders trophy.

                  Just for the record . I am VERY PROUD of my Easyrider trophy(s)
                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    Just to say....

                    With the high prices today of stock frames, forks, motors, and other major componets I don't think we have to worry about kids cutting them up even if they could afford them. We didn't have SandS pans, knuckles, and shovel motors like they do now or V-Twin frames, forks, etc. which is what they'll probally use so we used stock stuff to chop up in the sixties. Then later we restored machines we chopped earlier. Every dog has his day. Ricky, Carl, Rocky, and alot more of us have been there and done that. Who's turn in the barrel now?


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by rousseau View Post
                      Just for the record . I am VERY PROUD of my Easyrider trophy(s)

                      I've got wall full of Rat Class trophies that I'm very proud of....

                      But AMCA awards are supposed to actually mean something.

                      AMCA #776
                      Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                      • #41
                        Nail The Door Shut...Don't let anyone else in?

                        quote: The kid (Matt O.) Is really shining right now in my opinion first a good young kid in the club now turning into a great young man holding his own ideas while introducing more kids into our club.

                        What a thought provoking thread this has become.

                        Bottomline is that young Matt Olson does not have to be passionate about vintage motorcycling, does not need to serve on our AMCA Board, does not need to try to bring a younger generation into our membership, does not need to restore vintage bikes alongside his father in their family vintage motorcycle business. He could just get a "JOB" in a cubicle with a keyboard and ride home on a tupperware streetracer while listening to rap music on his iPod...but he doesn't. He has 50WT in his veins and is just trying to do a trial project. It may may fail. Give him some room to try it. We all came into this sport in a different way, during different decades and were inspired by different types of riding and machines. Once we become AMCA members we get exposed to a much larger world including very correct restorations, a great judging program, seminars on building bikes, vintage racing, AMCA Library, and the value of developing personal relationships, getting help from other AMCA members, attending great road runs and swap meets and a multitude of other benefits.

                        New blood brings new ideas. Existing club programs will not be diluted..they are based on generations of history, preservation, hard work and respect. They will hold up just fine.

                        I respect all members opinions, but tire of certain members who think they have to resort to hip shot, sharp edged name calling, and cramming their personal viewpoint down the rest of our throats the minute someone else expressing an opinion or slightly different view from a different vantage point. $30 bucks a year membership fee is not a ticket to do so.

                        There are alot of us out here that log on in the evening to learn, understand and better ourselves, our machines and enjoy our hobby. There is enough negative in the daily world that we do not need to get hit with it afterhours in our hobby.

                        Thank you to Roussea, Dr. Sproket, Lonnie, MJW, Red Dog, SloJo, AFJ, KVAL, Bills37, Pauquette, Vince A and others who offered good comments in a respectful manner.
                        Steve Klein
                        Collector . Conservator . Enthusiast
                        American Pre-teens - 1965
                        AMCA Member 12176
                        Cherokee Chapter President, Editor
                        Georgetown, TX USA


                        • #42
                          One thing for sure whether we agree or disagree with this new direction, we are all motorcyclists no matter what we ride. Personally riding my 1909 to Wauseon the long way (about 120 miles) was one ride I will never forget. Or even better the 1911 ride to Milwaukee in 2003. Yet I still enjoy a......... "ride home on a tupperware streetracer" ........Ducati, don't knock it untill you try it. Typically when people ask me which bike is my favorite the best answer I can offer is the bike that I am riding at that point.
                          Last edited by Slojo; 04-07-2010, 10:06 PM.


                          • #43
                            Ouch, this is one heck of a thread...

                            I think the new class, in combination with the rule changes previously applied to the restored and original classes will motivate the new blood to take old engines and build new "old school" choppers, instead of period correct ones, or restorations. If it's not period correct, it should not be shown at the meet. We should encourage history over involvement. A lot more people would show up for civil war re-enactments if they used AK-47s...

                            I Wonder how much money the club is making off having "Hot Bikes" sponsor the show???


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Lonnie View Post

                              in some cases the builder has started with a complete and running Duo-Glide or slab shovel, pulled the motor and trans for the build and sells the rest as either a roller or parted out. I did the same thing myself back in the late 70s...
                              so your the guy! and what the hell is a "Limpnickie"?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by T. Cotten View Post

                                I've got wall full of Rat Class trophies that I'm very proud of....

                                But AMCA awards are supposed to actually mean something.

                                AMCA awards USED to mean something. It kinda seems like the new judging disclaimer took care of that;

                                AMCA JUDGING DISCLAIMER
                                The undersigned, a member in good standing of The Antique Motorcycle Club of America, Inc., a Florida corporation not for profit ("AMCA"), acknowledges that:
                                2. The number of points and judging classification placed on a motorcycle by AMCA judges ... is not an indication or a guarantee of the motorcycle's completeness, correctness, or value when such is compared to the respective factory standard adopted by the AMCA and its judges.

                                If it's not an indication of correctness, then what the heck does an AMCA award mean these days?


