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The Census

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  • The Census

    A little info. Enjoy
    AMCA #3149

  • #2
    Good timing Bob. I just got mine in the mail yesterday.
    AMCA #7300


    • #3
      I have seen a current form and nowhere on it is there any question relating to personal information. Merely a few questions on # of residents and race/ethnic background. No names, no personal inquiry. So where does your boy get his info Bob?
      Robbie Knight Amca #2736


      • #4
        Rub why would they want to know if you white or black? It's suppost to be only a head count. I just put it up the way I got it. Take it for what it's worth. In full its a total joke. When I get mine it will go straight to the garbage can. Bob L
        AMCA #3149


        • #5
          I enjoyed the clip. Funny how I received a census just a few years ago, 2.5 years ago to be exact. I recently received another. On the gentlemans points on certain questions....the gov already knows how much one earns, receives in ssi, foodstamps, or any other entitlement program resources. What race, creed, religion, gender, or physical shape I am is not their business. Head count is the only constitutional requirement. GPS of residence is for one reason only !!!!!! Use your imaginations for this puppy !


          • #6
            my mother did census work last april.she walked up to the front door of your house and hit a button on her hand held gps.she counted the mail boxes and electric boxes at the house or apartment and made a note on the gps.every night at midnight that thing uploaded to some where.i fought with here for days don't come to my house .she showed up and handed me a letter saying i had to let a federal employee do there
            rob ronky #10507


            • #7
              Some famalies get a long version that asks every question you could ever imagine.
              I know because I have filled one out.
              What I filled out was number of people in home and number of students and that is all.
              My wife was visited by a census worker while I was not at home and she was asked to answer questions. She refused until she spoke with her husband. The census worker became enraged and informed her that she would answer the questions or "ELSE".
              The census worker returned later with another person later that day to apologize for the first workers attitude. The first worker would not apologize. I informed them that I had done my civic duty by informing them number of people in household and they could get off my property!
              I understand the purpose for the census but I have an address, work, pay bills and taxes
              If the federal government is so concerned about population, School funding etc. etc. they should do something about the wave of illegals coming into our country eating up our resources.
              My 2 cents
              now back to Motorcycles
              Bob Williams
              Commonwealth of Kentucky


              • #8
                i got a letter two days ago telling me that i will be getting another letter soon and that i should fill out the information on the second letter and send it back. how efficient.

                i always add some special artwork to any letters sent back to politicians asking for money or in this case the govt asking for information....i have my crayons ready for when i get my second letter....can't wait.


                • #9
                  I got the same one Sludge, I opened mine today which came addressed to “Resident At”, and it was just to tell me that in about a week I was going to receive the official questionnaire. No wasted money there eh?

                  At the end of the letter where how to get help instructions printed in no less than six different languages. I’m not making any of this up. -Steve
                  AMCA #7300


                  • #10



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
                      In full its a total joke. When I get mine it will go straight to the garbage can. Bob L
                      Same here, total waste of time and money.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by KDR View Post
                        Good one Kurt ! Paps


                        • #13
                          Just fill out the short form. It is how/why/ the reason your state, city receives federal funding. No more/ no less. If you want to SCREW your community then by all means make your dipshit statement to the FEDS--


                          • #14
                            The town or state position is if you don't fill out the census you screw your town out of large amounts of cash. Thousands per person from the Federal government. If that kind of money is at stake why don't they help out their citizens. Why not discount your water or garbage bill for filling it out. I'd give you $50 to get thousands. It all depends how you look at it.


                            • #15
                              What ??? The fed doesn't trust the local and state govs to provide acurate population numbers ?

