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Being a member?

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  • Being a member?

    So, how does this work? I joined about 2 years ago. Other than the magazine showing up in the mailbox and a paper ID card, That's it. Going to the Home site I see two chapters in Ohio, Lake Erie and Maumee Valley. Am I a member of one of them? Which one? I've never been contacted by either, not even a note saying welcome or an invite to a meeting. Are there meetings?
    I guess what I want to know is. How can a member be an active member?
    Last edited by olddaze; 03-07-2010, 08:43 AM.
    Member# 7397

  • #2
    get the contact info for the chapter close to you and call/email them about joining that chapter, they would love to hear from you
    Kevin Valentine 13
    EX-Chief Judge


    • #3
      I live south of Houston, Texas but I think I'm in the Prairie chapter as I joined at Wauseon several years ago, be glad that you live close to events and other members, I have to drive a couple of days to do any "club stuff".

      I think there is/was a Tejas chapter but I've never heard anything from them (I tried to get in touch with them but I didn't have any luck).

      AMCA #9037
      1973-1/2 LWB BMW R75/5
      1971 Norton Commando
      1952 Triumph TRW
      1936 BMW R2


      • #4
        Hello Oldaze !!!

        Well Hello Oldaze & Welcome to the club ! Glad to have you on board ! If there is any way I can help you, give me a buzz ! I've been around for 20 years & remember when I didn't know anybody or anything! - - 513 407 2575 Have Fun! Carl Pusherman Racing


        • #5
          If there is no local chapter near enough for you to participate in, start one! I used the membership roster and contacted every member in upper SC and lower NC via snail mail. (That was fun since the roster I had was for the entire club in last name alphabetical order - what a great time that was!). In about three months or so we had our first meeting and signed up 13 members! That was almost seven years ago and we still have 10 Charter members! It is interesting to note that many of us are members of more than one chapter - I'm in the Blue Ridge and Dixie (whenever Louie hits me up for the dues).

          Being in a local chapter is great since it puts you into contact with guys you did not even know in your area who share this love of old motorcycles. It has allowed our chapter to establish a great relationship with our neighouring chapters to the point that we are having our first National Meet up in Denton, NC in May.

          Like anything else, you get out of a chapter what you put into it. And I can safely say that even if our guys were not part of the National we would maintain our local club. And from what I have seen, the same can be said of any other local chapter, that is how much fun it is!

          So, find a local chapter and join or start your own! You will find that the most difficult part is getting the initial group together and getting the structure of the club set up. You will also find that there are folks who live fairly close but too far away to attend all the meetings who will support the chapter with annual donations, even though you will not see them but maybe once a year. Don't let the paperwork to join the AMCA as a local chapter put you off, contact a neighbouring chapter for a copy of their bylaws and between those and input from the National, you are on your way!

          All that being said, I believe it is easier to keep a group of riders involved if there is a local chapter or club since the regular structure keeps the focus. One of the biggest things is that there needs to be monthly meetings! We have ours in the form of monthly rides, typically set up by the officers and directors, each picking a month for their ride. We have business meetings at least twice a year and always have a year-end party with our families to share our camaraderie with those who put up with us.

          In any case, hope to see everyone in Denton!
          Lonnie Campbell #9908
          South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

          Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

          Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at


          • #6
            Cherokee Chapter Welcome to Olddaze

            Originally posted by olddaze View Post
            So, how does this work? I joined about 2 years ago. Other than the magazine showing up in the mailbox and a paper ID card, That's it. Going to the Home site I see two chapters in Ohio, Lake Erie and Maumee Valley. Am I a member of one of them? Which one? I've never been contacted by either, not even a note saying welcome or an invite to a meeting. Are there meetings?
            I guess what I want to know is. How can a member be an active member?
            Dear Olddaze;

            The nearest AMCA Chapter to you is The Cherokee Chapter. We have approximately 70 members and many from the Houston Area. Joining the AMCA does not automatically obtain your membership in a local / regional Chapter. Sorry you were overlooked. My contact info is below. Please call or email me outside the AMCA Forum here since I often do not have time to check updated forums.

            Our two upcoming events are as follows:

            April - 11-14 AMCA National Road Run - Kerrville TX Host Hotel is Inn of The Hills in Kerrville. 1-800-292-5690 for reservations. Three full days of beautiful riding on the best roads in The Texas Hill Country with long sweeping curves, high country vistas and thousands of acres of wildflowers in full bloom. Two evening meals are included in the registration fee.

            May 1-2 Smithville TX Vintage Motorcycle Show. A smaller meet with about 40 - 50 vintage bikes, a small swap meet and generally a way for all our local / regional members to enjoy fellowship, some riding and evenings around a campfire in the RV parking area. Bring your
            bike(s) and meet a bunch of really great people who are memebrs of our group from throughout Texas.

            Steve Klein
            AMCA Member 12176
            Cherokee Chapter
            361.652.8300 Cell
            512.868.9600 Home (asfter hours)
            Steve Klein
            Collector . Conservator . Enthusiast
            American Pre-teens - 1965
            AMCA Member 12176
            Cherokee Chapter President, Editor
            Georgetown, TX USA


            • #7
              You should join LEC we are fun people. We also need able bodies for Wauseon.

