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39EL done in airway blue and white

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  • 39EL done in airway blue and white

    The burly biker in me wants to play it safe and go with Black and ivory paint on my 39EL but the sensitive side of me is very interested in the air way blue and white. Any body got any pics of the blue and white? I have seen 39s done in other colors but only 1 of the blue. My fear is there is a reason for this like it was not very popular????

  • #2

    Get yourself this book. It has a lot of photos of the cover bike in it.
    Attached Files
    Bruce Keith
    AMCA #1467


    • #3
      Only photo of an Airway Blue & White '39 I could dig up is this ULH, Sidevalve 80. Maybe will hep. I always liked the 1939 paint scheme, following the line of the frame all the way to the headlight.

      Gerry Lyons #607


      • #4
        Difficult to tell with wheel covers and white walls.
        Picture Gerry sent is kinda what I was looking for as mine will have black wheels.


        • #5
          Go with the burly instincts. It won't lead you to something you regret later.


          • #6
            Originally posted by silentgreyfello View Post
            Go with the burly instincts. It won't lead you to something you regret later.
            Your right, I chickened out, Black and Ivory it is.


            • #7
              Apparently the riders back in those days didn't have so many issues with their manhood! Remember that they are the guys that kicked ass in Europe and the Pacific. Just be sure the big burly part of you isn't the one that secretly wishes it could wear fishnet stockings under its leathers!
              Robbie Knight Amca #2736


              • #8
                How right you are Robbie. Coincidently, I saw my uncle today who is 88 and crewed on a B-24. What he, and his generation went through makes big burly bikers look like pansies. Paint it blue.
                Eric Smith
                AMCA #886


                • #9
                  Now that's some insightful writing Robbie! I'm with you and Eric....paint it blue.... after several years of use it should age to perfection!
                  Cory Othen


                  • #10
                    I painted my 51FL Rio Blue, which is a pretty light color. The machine stands out wherever it goes. I don't regret thr choice.


                    • #11
                      Dare to be different !!!

                      So many bikes are black, black,black,black. I hate black t-shirts, black sux. We need color, blue rox !!! Pusherman Racing


                      • #12
                        Ok, OK Blue it is


                        • #13
                          This may or may not help you make your final decision, but here goes.
                          My buddy and I rode to the Laughlin run a few years back. I think he was the only dude in that whole place with a blue H-D t-shirt in a sea of black ones. A really hot Daisy Duke type hill billy chick at one of the stands hit on him. Later on, after they'd 'bonded', she said she liked him cause he was a "snappy dresser".
                          Blue might be the way to go.


                          • #14
                            soooooo black is a hooker repellent ???


                            • #15
                              let's make all the meet t-shirts blue

