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Charlie Carter

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  • #31
    I considered dropping this whole thing. I thought there might be a few negative comments but I was not prepared for the vitriolic bitterness that has been expressed. If this is going to turn into a re-hash of a 25 year old pissing match then count me out.

    Charlie has no idea this is going on and he is not hooked up to the internet so he is not aware of this forum. As a matter of fact, he has pretty much dropped off the map as far as the AMCA is concerned. I'm glad he hasn't seen some of the replys because it would be most hurtful to him.

    The thing that really burns my ass is the letter writer doesn't know Charlie Carter, and has never even met him. Somehow, he has an intimate knowledge of Charlie's personality, knows everything that was said in board meetings he was not invited to, and knows all of the details of 13 years of day to day magazine publication. His insight is nothing short of miraculous.

    The bottom line is; Charlie Carter did something for 13 years (at the request of the BOD) and produced the "Antique Motorcycle". He may have beat little old ladies, and kicked puppies in his spare time but his contribution produced a real and tangible magazine that helped to grow the AMCA. That is what he should be honored for.
    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886


    • #32
      Originally posted by exeric View Post
      I considered dropping this whole thing. I thought there might be a few negative comments but I was not prepared for the vitriolic bitterness that has been expressed. If this is going to turn into a re-hash of a 25 year old pissing match then count me out.

      Charlie has no idea this is going on and he is not hooked up to the internet so he is not aware of this forum. As a matter of fact, he has pretty much dropped off the map as far as the AMCA is concerned. I'm glad he hasn't seen some of the replys because it would be most hurtful to him.

      The thing that really burns my ass is the letter writer doesn't know Charlie Carter, and has never even met him. Somehow, he has an intimate knowledge of Charlie's personality, knows everything that was said in board meetings he was not invited to, and knows all of the details of 13 years of day to day magazine publication. His insight is nothing short of miraculous...
      This letter writer claims no miracles, Eric. Except, perhaps, that, tho I have been registered on this forum for a couple of years, I hadn't visited it for at least a year until just the other day, (I do hang out on another forum) when the very first thing I laid my eyes upon was a "snowballing" (a quote) thread entitled "Charlie Carter." That seems to me now almost like Divine Intervention. But we'll just mark it up to coincidence.
      Being a co-founder of Seaboard Chapter and its Secretary and Editor, I was on intimate terms with most of the people on that club Honorary Member list today who were members of the Board of Directors of the AMC then (not 25, BTW, but 35 years ago).
      I'm not going to name names in this forum, but most national directors from that time were "on my Rolodex," as we would have said in those days, and personal acquaintances of mine that I met at every national meet I attended: at places now lost to time, like Fort Mott, NJ, Boyertown, Pa., Schenectady, N.Y. and Medina, Ohio, besides Davenport.
      I know what went on in those board meetings long ago because it was reported to me in person, almost immediately afterwards, and very nearly blow-by-blow. Those honorary members are almost all passed on, now. And yes, there was no love lost between definite factions on the Board at that time, mostly as regarded The Antique Motorcycle and "when's the next issue going to appear?"

      I don't think you'll find it "vitriolic bitterness," either, if you examine what I said carefully. I was expressing facts, all supportable, all details now lost on people who weren't there, who expressed wonder at why Charlie Carter wasn't honored before now.
      If you notice, in my first post I came on gently, in general terms. That wasn't enuf, so you axed for and got specifics, some of which you must be mistaking for "vitriol." The conclusions weren't even mine, originally, but national directors, now deceased honorary members, who explained to me, chapter-and-verse, what went on in directors' meetings at the time.
      I do apologize for having to make the case, and I am also glad to hear that Charlie Carter hasn't had to read and live through it all again, as I have had it thrust back into the front of my mind in re-telling the story, but I'd remind you that you brought it up, Eric. And you had no idea of the depth of the wounds you were re-opening with what must have seemed to you a fairly simple request. Please, Eric, "let sleeping dogs lie."
      Last edited by Sargehere; 02-12-2010, 09:41 PM. Reason: sleeping dogs
      Gerry Lyons #607


      • #33

        I have been friends with Charlie Carter for many, many years, and I have seen him show his ass more times than a mallard duck. For every oldtimer you could dig up to put Charlie down, I could dig up just as many to say what a great guy he is. You'll find that you are always on one side of a story, depending on which side you hang out with. I don't think it really matters any more how Charlie got the job, or how Charlie quit the job, or for what reasons. 30 years later, what should matter is what Charlie did for the Club as editor of the magazine.

        I have spoken to many members of this Club over the years; some who love Charlie, and some who hate Charlie for what went on. But one thing they will all agree on, is what a great magazine Charlie put out. You are the only person I can recall in many years who doesn't agree with that. If you believe "let sleeping dogs lie", then why are we having this discussion all these years later??

        Maybe try looking at the big picture. All this is meant to be is acknowledgment in our Club for all the effort he put in over the years. No one is looking to give him the Nobel Peace Prize or an Olympic gold medal. And let me remind you that for our dues, all we receive is 4 magazines per year and a flimsy paper memembership card.


        • #34
          It seems even the Nobel peace prize is given to people who haven't really done anything...


          • #35
            Honorary Membership

            Back home from a Cold & Rainy Florida. Just wanted to report in that the nomination application reached Trudi (our secretary) in time (while she was on the road). She got it typed up, and included on the BOD Agenda, and Charley is now on Honorary Membership Status, with NO votes against.
            Please realize that we are all gear heads, and motorcycle nuts, including the gang on the Board. Taking cheap shots at an easy target to show one's disgruntaled miss-conceptions only causes hurtfull rumors, and snowballing uglyness.
            If anyone has any festering, Klan-like, lynch negativity pent up toward the likes of myself, Ricky Najera, Matt Olsen, Steve Slocombe, Rocky, Jim Moore (who had to be hospitalized before the meeting due to an intestine disorder ; He's OK now though), or any of the other gear head, motorcyclists who make up our Board (I just didn't name them all, but I back them all equally), Then Please contact us individually, or of course, ping me. It is very distracting to learn of un-informed pot-shots aimed at one, when they are trying to make things better for the Club.
            All my contact info is in the book (I prefer email, as I hate the phone). Please feel free to ask me any questions on anything, before you go off bad mouthing volunteers who are trying to maintain & better our Club. If you still don't have the faith in any of us, then do what I did; submit an application: if you feel you can't beat 'em, then JOIN 'em, and try and do something about it. Or, if you'd rather just sit back and stir the pot, then go on crying wolf, and defining your charactor, or lack of it.
            Respectfully submitted, RF. Trying to preserve and better our quality life with our beloved machines.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Red Fred View Post
              Back home from a Cold & Rainy Florida. Just wanted to report in that the nomination application reached Trudi (our secretary) in time (while she was on the road). She got it typed up, and included on the BOD Agenda, and Charley is now on Honorary Membership Status, with NO votes against.
              Please realize that we are all gear heads, and motorcycle nuts, including the gang on the Board. Taking cheap shots at an easy target to show one's disgruntaled miss-conceptions only causes hurtfull rumors, and snowballing uglyness.
              If anyone has any festering, Klan-like, lynch negativity pent up toward the likes of myself, Ricky Najera, Matt Olsen, Steve Slocombe, Rocky, Jim Moore (who had to be hospitalized before the meeting due to an intestine disorder ; He's OK now though), or any of the other gear head, motorcyclists who make up our Board (I just didn't name them all, but I back them all equally), Then Please contact us individually, or of course, ping me. It is very distracting to learn of un-informed pot-shots aimed at one, when they are trying to make things better for the Club.
              All my contact info is in the book (I prefer email, as I hate the phone). Please feel free to ask me any questions on anything, before you go off bad mouthing volunteers who are trying to maintain & better our Club. If you still don't have the faith in any of us, then do what I did; submit an application: if you feel you can't beat 'em, then JOIN 'em, and try and do something about it. Or, if you'd rather just sit back and stir the pot, then go on crying wolf, and defining your charactor, or lack of it.
              Respectfully submitted, RF. Trying to preserve and better our quality life with our beloved machines.
              Fred, you started off talking about the Charlie Carter honorary membership, then expanded it into dissing everyone with a perceived grudge against anyone on the BOD. I know that you weren't talking about me, under uninformed or misinformed for bringing up the long, sad truth about C.C.s editorship. I was there, having lived through it, and only speaking for a long list of (late) honorary members who hated his guts, to put it bluntly. So, because he's only outlived most of the people who knew him as Editor, he got honorary membership. For longevity, I guess.
              I ain't a back-sittin', pot-shooter, having helped found three AMC chapters (Seaboard, Chesapeake and Ohio Valley) and helping to get our members "Historic" license plates in five states. I'll talk to you on email.
              Last edited by Sargehere; 03-01-2010, 03:12 PM.
              Gerry Lyons #607


              • #37
                Honorary Membership

                Hi Gerry,
                I was alerted to this thread since it was snowballing into uglyness toward the BOD. It was a simple matter of procedures that squelched it. Yes, the issue had controversy, and yes, some of the BOD members were well aware of Charley and his history. It came down to that he contributed to the betterment of the club, in a large way, despite some personal feelings from his active era.
                What I elaborated on after this topic, and the jist of my posting, was how things can get out-of-hand, when usually there is a very simple solution. In this case, it was to submit a nomination, not to lynch the BOD.
                Thanks for all your input, and history on this.
                And thanks for all your efforts within the club.
                Perhaps I can invission a nomination for you some day to the Honor Roll?
                Many Thanks, RF.


                • #38
                  Red Fred, thanks for guiding me in the right direction to get Charlie's nomination before the BOD. I would like to give a special thank you to Trudi Johnson-Richards who went above and beyond to get this to the board for consideration. I have been impressed by the number of people who have expressed their support and desire to see this become a reality. Obviously, Charles Carter's remarkable achievements as editor of "The Antique Motorcycle" were not forgotten by the fine members of the AMCA Board of Directors. We are all members of a truly GREAT club.
                  Eric Smith
                  AMCA #886

