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Hidden Room at H-D?

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  • Hidden Room at H-D?

    Originally posted by Chris Haynes View Post

    By chance (or ghost) pem posted a photo with Sherbie (Edwin) Becker in the pre-1916 forum. He is the guy on the left in this photo of a 1911 single on a track, probably in Milwaukee.

    Why would a guy who worked at H-D since 1907 and was their "chief tester" lie when he told what he did to Squibby in the 1920s? Is there a "hidden room"? I don't know. But I know the area down there in the basement around the west elevators is a big area and Sherbie was there when that part of the factory was built.

    Sherbie on left:
    Herbert Wagner
    AMCA 4634
    The TRUE beginnings of the Harley-Davidson Motor Co.

  • #2
    Maybe I'm a dreamer but I want to believe it's there......
    Cory Othen


    • #3
      Milwaukee Dreaming

      Originally posted by c.o. View Post
      Maybe I'm a dreamer but I want to believe it's there......

      Dreaming is one way we learn how to ask the right questions and how to dig for the right answers. And winter is a good time for dreaming...

      There is a certain logic for guys who started a company from scratch and then built a large edifice-like factory (Juneau Avenue) to want to include a "cornerstone" or historical cache within its hallowed red brick walls. Why not? They would have had enough "old junk" lying around at the time to do it.

      We also know the founders of H-D were sentimental because they honestly liked motorcycles and the goodfellowship that went with them. Not only that, but they watched a lot of their pals die in pursuit of the sport on both the road and on the racetrack. The notion of a silent monument to that tradition comes to mind. Look at the Factory museum today and the bronze sculpture of the hillclimber. Were the originals any different? But only perhaps more sly and subtle about it.

      That said, I don't know if anything hidden exists behind those thick concrete walls. I do know the drilling they did was not very deep and could not possibly tell the full tale. I also know that Squibby was an honest guy. And when he told me the story I had never heard of Edwin "Sherbie" Becker, the guy who told him the tale. Only later did I discover that Sherbie was in that group of originals going back to at least 1907 and was there until he was killed on the road NW of Milwaukee near Hartford.

      Why would a guy like that lie?

      Because this wasn't for advertising purposes, but only something he slipped to Squibby because, quote: "He liked my riding style."

      Could there be a better reason for truth than that?

      There's Sherbie in 1911 on the left. Too bad the guys in this photo can't reach out of the grave and talk to us.

      PS: this Eight-Valve story I'm working on is turning up all kinds of myths, falsehoods, and new discoveries. This is fertile ground and nothing can be ruled in -- or out -- with this stuff.
      Herbert Wagner
      AMCA 4634
      The TRUE beginnings of the Harley-Davidson Motor Co.


      • #4
        Herb Maybe he wasnt lying,maybe he was building mystic !!!


        • #5
          Herb...... there's gotta be somebody in this club that's got an "in" in Milwaukee that could maybe get the ball rolling at a little more progressive pace regarding the "hidden room". Surely it would make great publicity to unearth a time capsule from right under their noses.....

          I can't wait to see the eight-valve article surface. I, like others really appreciate the effort that goes into your written works. Thanks for stepping up to spread the truth!
          Last edited by c.o.; 01-18-2010, 08:57 AM.
          Cory Othen


          • #6
            Hope I'm not stepping on any toes or anything, but I sent the link to this thread, (with Herb's Enthusiast story) to PBS's History Detectives to see if they wanted to look into it.

            Maybe they will get with HD (and we all know how much HD would like the free publicity) and get some interest going in solving this.


            • #7
              Urban Legand

              Does anyone actually believe that the MoCo doesn't know what's behind that wall?

              There is nobody in this club with more of an "in" than Herb Wagner, if any outsider knew the whole story he would.

              That nonsense about them not drilling far enough or completely investigating the "mystery" regarding that supposedly unaccounted for space in the basement is just that: nonsense.

              When the camera crew films them busting through the wall I'll bet Geraldo Rivera has more egg on his face than when he went into Al Capone's secret vault. Maybe one of the old harley factory workers will burst out of the secret room, smash Geraldo in the face, and ask him "do you think this is real"?




              • #8
                Squibby said it was true.... Maybe the Motor Co. does actually know what's behind that wall and is conveniently dodging the subject under the guise of the H-D "mystique". Maybe there's nothing behind that thick ol' concrete but it would be nice to hear a full story one way or the other...
                Cory Othen


                • #9
                  hidden room

                  [QUOTE=c.o.;89983]Herb...... there's gotta be somebody in this club that's got an "in" in Milwaukee that could maybe get the ball rolling at a little more progressive pace regarding the "hidden room". Surely it would make great publicity to unearth a time capsule from right under their noses.....

                  To add to this,when they remodled the basement,they cut several holes through walls and had these cores that were 8" to 18" across and roughly 12" to 14" deep.
                  My Dad brought these home and used them for plant stands in his yard.
                  Ken S., # 6457
                  1926- H-D BAF-Peashooter
                  1954-H-D Panhead


                  • #10
                    Ground Radar?

                    Some archeologists use Ground Radar to find hidden structures both in the ground and in buildings. I believs this would give answer to this question if it is possible to get access to the basement.


                    • #11
                      When the camera crew films them busting through the wall I'll bet Geraldo Rivera has more egg on his face than when he went into Al Capone's secret vault.

                      Yes, more than likely the hidden room contains the same thing as Al's vault.
                      That doesn't change the fact that it would make an interesting TV show, when you consider the garbage that is the alternative.

                      I'd watch it. I'd bet 95% of the people on this forum would.


                      • #12
                        I Hate To Crush You Guys But As Long As There's Hype Around It, Why Wouldn't They Uncover It & End The Story Once & For All. You'd Be Better Off Digging In Your Back Yard At Least When You're Finished You Could Put In A Garden Or A Pool.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by INLINE4NUT View Post
                          Herb Maybe he wasnt lying,maybe he was building mystic !!!
                          Maybe, but I don't think so. The way Squib related the story was that it was on their lunch hour and Sherbie Becker just took him around the corner from the testers' room to the spot in the basement and mentioned it. Not long after that Sherbie was killed on the road. Maybe he had a premonition, I don't know.
                          Herbert Wagner
                          AMCA 4634
                          The TRUE beginnings of the Harley-Davidson Motor Co.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by c.o. View Post
                            Herb...... there's gotta be somebody in this club that's got an "in" in Milwaukee that could maybe get the ball rolling at a little more progressive pace regarding the "hidden room". Surely it would make great publicity to unearth a time capsule from right under their noses.....

                            I can't wait to see the eight-valve article surface. I, like others really appreciate the effort that goes into your written works. Thanks for stepping up to spread the truth!
                            That's a good idea. I was able to go down in the basement and take photos of the spot as Squib described it to me. He was pretty exact where it was, but it's still a large area, and he wasn't along the day I was down there. I was able to pace off the distance to ramp going outside from the old testers' room. So I have a pretty good idea of the age of that part of the factory.

                            The Harley eight-valve story (part 1) is pretty much down. It contains several "hidden rooms" of its own. That is, much of what has been written about the early eight-valve is incorrect, sometimes wildly so. I was surprised at what I found.
                            Herbert Wagner
                            AMCA 4634
                            The TRUE beginnings of the Harley-Davidson Motor Co.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Dave R View Post
                              Hope I'm not stepping on any toes or anything, but I sent the link to this thread, (with Herb's Enthusiast story) to PBS's History Detectives to see if they wanted to look into it.

                              Maybe they will get with HD (and we all know how much HD would like the free publicity) and get some interest going in solving this.
                              That's cool. But they'll have to bring their pneumatic jack-hammers along to bust down that thick concrete wall. It's massive. If there's something back there it was sealed up for the ages and no mistake. I have a theory....
                              Herbert Wagner
                              AMCA 4634
                              The TRUE beginnings of the Harley-Davidson Motor Co.

