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Library donorship?

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  • Library donorship?

    Dear fellow students and scholars of calamitous antiquities:

    Our New Zealand member "Tommo" has entrusted me with a copy of a very noteworthy 1926 Schebler dealer's brochure, and after many failed attempts to convert them to electrons, I finally commandeer'd a quality scanner. Then, after another painful e-leck-trawnic learning curve, I have managed to put it into printable .jpg's for the AMCA library.

    But jumping through the hoops on the AMCA's 'library' link doesn't seem to elicit a response.

    It appears that George Schebler licensed from the Amal Bros!

    So okay, maybe most of you find less excitement in that than I do, but this really is a piece that deserves preservation in this organization's archives.

    I would greatly appreciate knowing where to upload, if at all possible.

    Thanks in advance,

    AMCA #776
    Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!

  • #2
    HD Rider's Handbooks

    I have the Rider's Handbooks for early Hydraglides and Duoglides. I went through the donor links offering them a week or so ago and have not heard back yet. Maybe it's the time of year.
    Rod Hansen, Jr.


    • #3
      Dear Tom and Rod, I'll contact Larry Barnes, our Virtual Librarian, and make sure he takes you up on your kind offers. At the moment our Technical Information Committee members are trialling various ways of getting information to the Library. For instance, I've taken the 1933 Harley color brochure and Emailed it to Larry at 100 dpi resolution, plus also mailed it to him on disc at 300 dpi resolution. We're trying to find easy ways, and simple procedures, so our average members who may not be too computer savvy but have a couple of choice items can donate them without much hassle or expense. Certainly getting your document onto disc as a .pdf file at the local copy shop, then mailing it to Larry, is relatively inexpensive and needs next to no computer knowledge. Thanks again to all who would like to add to our Club library.

      By the way, I made a video last week about judging a 1936 VLH Harley. It's being edited now, and could be uploaded to our Website to fascinate all those with '36 VLs and bore the pants off everyone else. We are also planning to take pictures of Winners' Circle bikes, starting at Eustis, and post these for the edification and delight of our membership.


      • #4
        Who are the Amal brothers? Isn't Amal just a made up word when the earlier companies merged? At least that is what every reference i have ever seen is.
        Robbie Knight Amca #2736


        • #5
          The term "Amal" is short for "amalgamated", which means two or more companies merged. Wikipedia mentions "Brown and Barlow" as one of the merged companies. I think "Binks" might have been another of the merged companies.
          Jerry Hatfield


          • #6
            Thanks Jerry,
            That part is well known, but I am trying to find out this Amal brothers reference Cotton makes. It must have appeared somewhere or Tom would not have mentioned it. And Yes, I know that there are no Amal family associated with the Amal Carburetor company. I am just very curious about this reference and the source of it.
            Robbie Knight Amca #2736


            • #7
              Cotton, you will have to burn it onto a CD and mail it in the old fashioned way. I thought you could upload it also but no can do. I have a disc here with some stuff to send them after the holidays. here is the contact info I got when I inquired about making a donation.

              Please make a copy of your document(s) and send to:

              Larry Barnes
              AMCA Library
              1754 Alabama Ave. NW
              North Lawrence, OH 44666
              Brian Howard AMCA#5866


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jerry Hatfield View Post
                The term "Amal" is short for "amalgamated", which means two or more companies merged. Wikipedia mentions "Brown and Barlow" as one of the merged companies. I think "Binks" might have been another of the merged companies.
                Aston Motor Accessories Co. (AMAC carburettors), Brown and Barlow (B & B carburettors) and C. Binks (1920) Ltd. (Binks carburettors) joined together in 1928 to form Amalgamated Carburettors Ltd. (AMAL).



                • #9
                  So maybe they weren't brothers.
                  This wasn't a 'real' Schebler either!

                  Attached Files
                  AMCA #776
                  Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                  • #10
                    Sending Library documents to me


                    Thanks for your generous offer of submitting documents for our library. Awhile back our "Donor Submission Form" got hacked by someone and I got hundreds of porno-type emails with "Donor Submission Form" in the subject line. I quit opening emails with those words in the subject line to prevent further damage, and therefore may have missed some legitimate offers of documents.

                    Subsequently, and at least for now, I will only accept documents that are "snail mailed" to me on disk. Please scan your document(s) using Adobe .pdf generating software at 300 dpi and mail them to me at:

                    Larry Barnes
                    AMCA Library
                    1754 Alabama Ave. NW
                    North Lawrence, OH 44666


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by T. Cotten View Post
                      So maybe they weren't brothers.
                      This wasn't a 'real' Schebler either!

                      How about posting a big enough picture to see rather than a "thumbnail"?

                      AMAL licenced various firms, including Mikuni and Bing, to use their designs and technology. Any Schebler carbs I am familiar with work on the butterfly principle rather than the slide/needle system of the B&B which became a feature of the AMAL designs from 1928 on.



                      • #12
                        It took me six weeks to get these scanned into rational j-pegs, edit blemishes pixel by pixel, and size them for printability, as well as practical for uploading and downloading on a dial-up connection.

                        My WIN98 doesn't support modern Adobe format.
                        In fact, the AMCA library is pretty much out of reach for me personally.

                        How ironic that an organization dedicated to antiquities would demand state of the art capabilities from its constituents.
                        My town doesn't even have a 'copy shop'.

                        Perhaps I should just start a thread under 'American Other" and post them for discussion, and anyone interested could just print them off.

                        (Half-sized attached; I presume the thumbnail enlarges when clicked, as I see no options to post otherwise.)

                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by T. Cotten; 12-16-2009, 11:03 AM.
                        AMCA #776
                        Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                        • #13
                          I get frustrated as hell trying to scan and then post stuff on this site and come very close to throwing a brick at everything when it won't accept it, so I know how you feel.
                          I thought you might be a bit more computor savvy than me and being a carb man would be interested and able to do more with this stuff than I was able to.
                          If you can post the Schebler story that is printed inside the front cover some of the mystery surrounding Schebler may be answered.

                          Everybody in General
                          The AL looks very much like a Brown and Barlow of the period and there are at least 2 of them surviving here in NZ. I'll try and get one of the owners to send some pictures of his and will try and get them posted.
                          The cover of the booklet that Tom posted is obviously a Schebler produced document and when you study the original you can see that the NZ agents details have been added later.
                          There is some very thought provoking information contained in this booklet but I'll leave it at that and see how Tom gets on in getting it loaded so all can enjoy it.
                          Peter Thomson, a.k.a. Tommo
                          A.M.C.A. # 2777
                          Palmerston North, New Zealand.


                          • #14
                            First, let me apologize to the legacy of the Amal brothers (below) for associating them with designs not of their own doing.

                            Tommo is understating the note-worthiness of this unique piece.

                            So I shall take the liberty of starting a discussion in the "American Other" catagory, where we can share questions and insights, page by page. (Just as soon as I figure out which traveldrive they are in..)

                            Attached Files
                            AMCA #776
                            Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                            • #15
                              I have a couple of Schebler carburetor repair manuals on my web site. They are PDF files.
                              Be sure to visit;
                              Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
                              Also be sure to visit

