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AMCA Museum status?

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  • #46
    Museum & Board etc....

    Hi Cory,
    My response wasn't directed to you, nor anyone in particular. I fully understand the mystery that surrounds this topic, and I also realize that the general membership sometimes feels un-informed by the Board. This sometimes snow-balls into huge assumptions and damaging rumors.
    I can assure you that everyone on the membership Board, is genuine, and has the good of the club held as their focus. If you've been reading my travel tails over the years, then you pretty much know where I'm coming from; I'm not the beuaracratic type, nor very formal. I'm into the full pursuit of everything fun with our old machines.
    I submitted my resume to the AMCA Board over 10 years ago!!!!!!!! Then, I had a gripe about instilling a cut-off date, and I felt; if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Well, now that I'm on the Board, I should have watched what I wished for! It's a virtual hornets nest sometimes, and was very complicated with the transition to the Foundation. I walked right into the middle of this for my very first Board Meeting. It's still settling, and we're still learning, therefore, there is really nothing concrete to report.
    The Museum is now fully in the hands of the Foundation, as it is run by the Car Clubs Foundation, and therefore, can only work with like-wise constructed non-profit organizations, of which, our Foundation, but not our Membership are eligible. See, it's getting complicated already! Anyway, our Foundation can only make money from interest income, or donations. The museum lease was structured in different levels, and when the Foundation came to the membership for the next installment, we voted against it as Membership Board. This is all published in the meeting minutes of the magazine. So now, the Foundation is forced to raise some money pronto, to keep their end of the museum going. The Museum offers much more to all of us besides just a bike display. I could go on about the Museum here, but then we'd have a book on our hands. But the museum offers much for the Big Picture of our passion, and it's future. The car club is way larger than us, and it is what they are doing for the same good reasons we are after. Luckily, we can ride in on their shirt tails.
    I don't frequent the Forums that often, but am happy to interject & update when & where I can. I don't see where you guys get all the time to be on these lists so much. I've been outta-work for some 6 months now, and I still don't have the time.
    Anyway, I hope you all can rest assured that the Board really isn't that mysterious as we sometimes make it out to be, and that I'm here to prove it.
    Merry Motoring to all, RF.
    AMCA #5 Board Member, Nat'l Deputy Judge, Tech Editor & Advisor ( I still can't get over that last one!)


    • #47
      Thank you for the long awaited response. It was understandable and to the point. It was appreciated.


      • #48
        Fantastic response. Just what was needed. Thank-you
        Peter Thomson, a.k.a. Tommo
        A.M.C.A. # 2777
        Palmerston North, New Zealand.


        • #49
          Red Fred - as others have said, thank you for providing the background needed to understand the votes recorded in the minutes ... Perry
          Last edited by Perry Ruiter; 12-12-2009, 07:07 PM.


          • #50
            Red Fred...... that's the first time I can recall such an explanation from a board member! I'll repeat what everybody else has said.....Thank-You!
            Cory Othen


            • #51
              No problem you guys. Keep the faith; we are all in this together, and it's all about enjoying our machines; both now, and in the future.
              Merry Motoring, RF.

              PS. Apologies for not being a frequent forum participant, but if something really, really bugs you and seems to be getting out of hand, just email me off site to alert me. I don't know it all, but will always try and give my take on things.
              I'm still a member, just like the rest of us all.


              • #52

                The AACA is advertiseing for AACA members to display their motorcycles in the AACA museum. How does this affect the AMCA's diplay?


                • #53
                  Originally posted by MGD View Post
                  The AACA is advertiseing for AACA members to display their motorcycles in the AACA museum. How does this affect the AMCA's diplay?
                  The latest issue of the club magazine says the AMCA Foundation is terminating its relationship with the AACA and moving its museum north to Newburgh, NY. Apparently leasing space from V-Twin ... Perry


                  • #54
                    Heres an idea for everyone !!!!!!

                    Or how about spending a couple of G's on some new membership cards???? Carl Estes amca # 123 Big Jesus 151 Pusherman Racing 513 407 What The F ?


                    • #55
                      you said it all.


