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AMCA Museum status?

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  • #16
    photo 1 is lurray 2 is nicks 3 steamtown
    rob ronky #10507


    • #17
      Hi All:
      Rest assured, the AMCA Foundation is alive and well. It has indeed been funded with a portion of the club's treasury, but that is still largely intact, and is beginning to grow as an endowment. Yes the focus is the museum, which is in the northeast, where 75% of the mebership happen to live. The current world class exhibit, "Fast From the Past" at Hershey is something you will all be proud of when you see it, and you will get that chance when the exhibit goes on the road which is planned, after it is replaced with the next Guggenheim quality exhibit, and so on. This is a world class club, and we are providing a world class showcase for it.
      We have an exciting new development which you will hear of soon. Watch this space and the magazine. There are expected to be no further signifigant costs to the club, only benefits.
      Pete Gagan, president, AMCA Foundation.


      • #18
        When I was a kid, my Grandpa took me to Steamtownm it was in Bellows Falls, Vermont.
        Pete Cole AMCA #14441
        1947 Indian Chief


        • #19
          Originally posted by Pete Gagan View Post
          Hi All:
          Rest assured, the AMCA Foundation is alive and well. It has indeed been funded with a portion of the club's treasury, but that is still largely intact, and is beginning to grow as an endowment. Yes the focus is the museum, which is in the northeast, where 75% of the mebership happen to live. The current world class exhibit, "Fast From the Past" at Hershey is something you will all be proud of when you see it, and you will get that chance when the exhibit goes on the road which is planned, after it is replaced with the next Guggenheim quality exhibit, and so on. This is a world class club, and we are providing a world class showcase for it.
          We have an exciting new development which you will hear of soon. Watch this space and the magazine. There are expected to be no further signifigant costs to the club, only benefits.
          Pete Gagan, president, AMCA Foundation.

          Thanks for at least attemping to answer the questions. But if you don't know, who does?


          • #20
            cry babies

            You make me tired. Go to the National road runs, go to the National or local meets, read your magazine. If that isn't enough for your money go join something else. Don't always assume the worst. The old saying is, " an assumption makes an ass of you and me." If you haven't put on a National road run, or a local or National meet, then you haven't a clue as to what it takes to keep the ball rolling for you or other members. You make me tired!


            • #21
              seems like Perry's last posting got deleted. so much for freedom of speech


              • #22
                That's a dangerous precedent.
                Eric Smith
                AMCA #886


                • #23
                  Dr Sprocket
                  Assumptions only occur when insufficient, detailed information is supplied in the first instance.
                  I have carefully read the minutes of the board meetings as reported in the club magazine and am amazed at the lack of detail they contain and can see why assumptions occur.
                  The reported minutes lack detail and the average due paying member deserves more respect when his/her money is spent.
                  The club president has, as far as I'm aware, only ever once addressed this forum and in doing so published thoughts that did more to alienate the general membership rather than joining them together as one happy family.
                  Perry as a member asked a perfectly reasonable question and deserved a reasonable answer. Instead he had a response from you that didn't answer his question and an inference from you that he is a "cry baby". Is this the way adults behave?
                  This forum gives the board the opportunity to communicate with those members that don't reside in the USA and also those that live in remote American regions but for some reason they choose not to and in doing so further alienate themselves from the general membership.
                  If and when any of those people who are on the board use this forum it would be nice if they added "Board member" to their post so those of us who don't know who they are can realise that the response is coming from a Board member.
                  As asked some time back I have included my full name and membership number to my signature and I feel everybody else should do the same and not hide behind a non-de-plume.
                  Peter Thomson, a.k.a. Tommo
                  A.M.C.A. # 2777
                  Palmerston North, New Zealand.


                  • #24
                    Damn! If are club treats Perry with this much disrespect, what must they think of me?
                    AMCA #7300


                    • #25
                      Cry babies part 2 (and last)

                      I don't speak French (non-de-plume) and I don't hide either. Didn't know the rules you play by required full discloser. Here it is. Richard Lee Ostrander National #47. I'm in the book (roster). P.S. My Father and three of his brother's landed at Normandy. That's all the French we needed. Not to mention 30 years after that I had to go tramp around in rice paddies to cover their tracks in Southeast Asia. You still make me tired, and I'm to old to care. I'm done!


                      • #26
                        Doesn’t being a member of this organization deserve full discloser. I wasn’t aware that the AMCA is a privately held corporation. I was always under the impression that it was one for all, all for one. Bob L
                        AMCA #3149


                        • #27
                          Hershey Exhibit

                          I haven't had the pleasure of visiting the other displays, but the Hershey AMCA Fast From The Past Exhibit is really well done. When I delivered my Warrior TT, I hung around to help set up awhile and everyone was very friendly and appreiciative. I was impressed by the whole experience. You should check it out, very cool. Brian.


                          • #28
                            I thought Perry's post was valid. He didn't state anything that wasn't true. Nor did he present it in such a way as to be rude or derogatory. If he didn't pull it off this thread himself then I think the censors got a little carried away. That's the kind of thing that alienates the membership even further from the top of the heap. It's also unfortunate when club officials (and other members) barge onto a forum that they rarely frequent and instead of trying to sort out a potential problem or attempt to answer a question with sincerity they find it more appropriate to bash and ridicule.
                            Last edited by c.o.; 12-09-2009, 08:03 PM.
                            Cory Othen


                            • #29
                              Hot Topic

                              Wow! This a hot topic.When I joined the AMCA in 1987 0r 88 it was a bunch of nice people who love old motorcycles. Always happy to help each other out. Over the years we've grown like crazy. The more people, the more complex. The folks on the executive board have been in this HOBBY for as long as I remember. They have the best interest of the organization at heart. They got there due to the respect of others. Unfortunately with growth came a percentage of people who aren't from the old school mind set like most of us. Those few think differently and are more modern and cynical. Maybe they think all people are like them and do not trust anyone else. I agree with Rich O. If you don't understand what it takes to run all that this club needs to, go to a National Meet and really pay attention. I can remember when you could swap or get parts reasonably, now it seems some people are more about themselves than helping a fellow hobbiest, and want to retire on the stuff they think is made of gold. Sorry, but I'm a bit passionate about the things I love. I guess I'll get off my soap box and batten the hatches for a probable onslought. Brian Riegel AMCA #815, Not a board member.


                              • #30
                                Brian..... I can appreciate your views but did you get a chance to read Perry's eliminated post by chance? The members who participate here are in fact the nice people who love old motorcycles that you speak of. If a question is asked that is motorcycle related there is almost always an answer. I have personally had members extend a helping hand with advice, parts and service. This was done because there is a genuine love for these old bikes here and a willingness to help other members in need. If one can't express an opinion on what is published regarding the club meetings than why print the minutes at all?
                                Cory Othen

