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AMCA Museum status?

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  • AMCA Museum status?

    Reading the board minutes in the new issue of the club magazine I see two museum funding requests were voted down. What's the status of the museum? Did the club sign a 20 year lease with the AACA or have we avoided having that albatross hung around our necks for now? ... Perry

  • #2
    Good Questions, Perry.
    William McClean
    AMCA # 60


    • #3
      Originally posted by Perry Ruiter View Post
      Reading the board minutes in the new issue of the club magazine I see two museum funding requests were voted down. What's the status of the museum? Did the club sign a 20 year lease with the AACA or have we avoided having that albatross hung around our necks for now? ... Perry
      I stand to be corrected on this but in looking over the AMCA minutes of the last couple of years the splitting of the AMCA (Ohio Corp.) liquid assets 50/50 with the "new" AMCA (Florida Corp.) and the also new AMCA Foundation Inc. has been rescinded. Presumably this leaves the AMCA (Florida Corp.) with 100% of the now dissolved "old" AMCA (Ohio Corp.).

      Would this also leave the AMCA Foundation Inc. without funds from the AMCA?

      There is apparently a lease between the AMCA Foundation Inc. and the AACA dated Aug. 1, 2008 which has several "options." The AMCA Board voted against funding the AMCA Foundation to "exercise the first option" (whatever that was/is) and also voted against making a "one-time" contribution of $117,000 to the AMCA Foundation Inc.

      The two motions might appear to suggest that the AMCA Foundation Inc. lacks the funds necessary to continue, or perhaps terminate, the partnership/lease agreement with the AACA as regards the AMCA Foundation Inc. Museum project.

      Perhaps an AMCA board member could clarify the situation.

      Last edited by AFJ; 12-02-2009, 07:14 PM.


      • #4
        Speculating from previous discussion I would guess that $400,000 of the club's money is gone or there would be no need for this motion to transfer $117,000 more?


        • #5
          Amca Money Belongs To The Amca Membership!!!

          Originally posted by MGD View Post
          Speculating from previous discussion I would guess that $400,000 of the club's money is gone or there would be no need for this motion to transfer $117,000 more?
          If "we" feel that "we" need a museum that bad $400,grand would build an nice size museum doesn't need to be huge just something that is functional for about 25-30 bikes some period era displays etc.

          IF "they" want to donate $117,000 grand to something how about a boost in the shipping department for getting the club magazine out to the people that fund the club........Perry I think phrasing it as an albatross would be putting it mildly
          AMCA Member#1848


          • #6
            Let's just hope this deal don't turn into what the AMA museum deal did. At least we got our money back on that one.
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            • #7
              The AMA museum is sterile looking. Bare white walls. After seeing the Wheels Through Time museum anything else pales in comparison. Hopefully the display at Hershey is something interesting.
              Be sure to visit;
              Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
              Also be sure to visit


              • #8
                I sure agree with that. Dale's museum is beautifully done and his passion for old motorcycles is obvious. I've seen pictures of museums from around the world and most of them are sterile and minimalist. Dale's dioramas bring back memories of the dioramas at the Museum of Natural History in New York where they really tried to create an atmosphere to go with the setting. If you're going to put club money in a museum, it should have been Dale's Wheels Through Time. . . . Don't get me started.
                Last edited by exeric; 12-07-2009, 11:29 AM.
                Eric Smith
                AMCA #886


                • #9
                  I'll second that motion.....

                  Originally posted by exeric View Post
                  I sure agree with that. Dale's museum is beautifully done and his passion for old motorcycles is obvious. I've seen pictures of museums from around the world and most of them are sterile and minimalist. Dale's diaramas bring back memories of the diaramas at the Museum of Natural History in New York where they really tried to create an atmosphere to go with the setting. If you're going to put club money in a museum, it should have been Dale's Wheels Through Time. . . . Don't get me started.

                  I have never been to Dales museum I have seen photos and have heard about the displays that is what I would call a museum

                  I was down to Bill's old bike barn 3 weeks ago,and I thought it was a pretty good display of bikes and related items

                  The AMA museum I have been there twice once at the old location in Westerville and once in the new location it wasn't bad but you are correct about the "hospital" effect it has inside
                  AMCA Member#1848


                  • #10
                    amca museum paging dr. rider

                    rob ronky #10507


                    • #11

                      rob ronky #10507


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Chuck#1848 View Post
                        I was down to Bill's old bike barn 3 weeks ago,and I thought it was a pretty good display of bikes and related items
                        Bill has a nice collection of stuff. But it doesn't hold a candle to what Dale has put together.
                        Be sure to visit;
                        Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
                        Also be sure to visit


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Perry Ruiter View Post
                          Reading the board minutes in the new issue of the club magazine I see two museum funding requests were voted down. What's the status of the museum? Did the club sign a 20 year lease with the AACA or have we avoided having that albatross hung around our necks for now? ... Perry
                          Good question Perry
                          Now if only someone would answer it. I'm still waiting for my answer (been 5 months).

                          16 June 09
                          Received my mag today another fine edition. What caught my eye was ‘Fast from the Past’ section about donating $500.00 to sponsor a member’s bike that’s on display. Since the whole display cost upwards of $50,000.00 to bring to the public, questions are how long does a display like this run? If it cost 50 bills what is the Foundation take after the display is over? Is this even profitable? Or did somebody just invent themselves a job? I’m not trying to get my membership revoked I just like to know.
                          Regards Dave
                          Or maybe the lack of a reply was my answer.


                          • #14
                            Bill is building a village complete with a bar,post office,restaurant,tobacco store and a replica of a foundry with a couple ton in weight of flathead cylinders I have been to the York PA plant before and it seemed to me, ol Bill may have had a few more cylinders just any where you looked there was "stuff" in corners on walls the ceiling,sky lights you name it
                            As for Wheels I hope to get down there yet.

                            I am guessing that may be you in the pix what was your take on the Hershey museum?
                            Guessing you must have viewed it favoriably by what I saw in the pix you posted when it was published in the magazine a photographer will sometimes single out all the high lights of an exhibit I did see a few things in the background and on the walls but to me sterile is the word for it ,kind of like the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn Michigan.
                            Now...I would love to have the hood ornimate for the front fender ov my VL

                            Oh I gotta ask.......did you save her from the rush hour traffic on the bridge?
                            AMCA Member#1848


                            • #15
                              yup to clean. they had a vintage bus exibit something you don't see much local contractor allen myers had an exibit "three dogs" witch was alot of old ford race's free to get in and an hour from me so i went
                              bill's is a little more americana then just bikes. coke bottles toys and old stuff. nick muths in williamstown nj is more down and dirty.nice looking original bikes. lurray cavern off of 81 in va has more cars then the hersey museum. they have the oldest running mercedes in the us if you like it real dirty hit steam town in scranton pa

                              rob ronky #10507

