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Ordering Calendar

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  • Ordering Calendar

    Hi, can't seem to find section to order calendar.

  • #2

    read 9 posts down from yours. Here is a direct link:


    • #3
      Ordering Calendar

      Hi folks--Greg Harrison again from the Antique Motorcycle Magazine. We've discovered a problem regarding the capability to order the calendar online. We'll be contacting the website designers and AMCA Cornerstone Organization who will handle distribution.
      The best way to order the calendar is by sending a check for $12 in US funds for each calendar you want, along with your return name and address, to AMCA Calendar, P.O. Box 1715, Maple Grove, MN 5311-6715. For Christmas delivery, you must order no later than November 15.
      Again, we'll check with the people handling this on Monday, and if something can be created online, we'll post something on the website and in the forums.

      Sorry for the problem. As somebody who spent some valuable non-riding time today proofreading the calendar (on a perfect Indian Summer day), I can tell you it's spectacular with excellent photos.
      Oh yeah, the ride later this afternoon was primo, too!---Greg


      • #4
        The website excepted my order less than a week ago. Excepted my credit card info also. Sure hope the problem doesn't effect my confirmed calender order, for which I have a printed out receipt with a confirmation number. I also hope my credit card information is safe, which I provided in order to order. Paps


        • #5
          ZIP code should be 55311-6715
          Bill Gilbert in Oregon


          • #6
            I wish you could get a preview of the upcomming calendar. I skipped 2009 because I was displeased with the '08 calendar. I thought there were way too many foreign bikes in '08 and earlier calendars so I boycotted '09. I don't want to stir up a honets nest but my interest in the AMCA and antique motorcycles is in American motorcycles. I'm all for supporting the AMCA but the calendar is an optional thing and I don't want to look at a 350 Honda for a whole month.
            Eric Smith
            AMCA #886


            • #7
              Thanks Eric, I'm glad someone said it. I did the same as you last year and skipped the calendar for the same reason. But I missed it so bad for not having it for the reminders of up coming events that I'll get it this year no matter who's bikes are featured.

              Hey, At least you got your picture in the magizine this year Eric.
              AMCA #7300


              • #8
                Ordering Calendar

                Hi again: For those of you who have ordered via the website, all is OK with your orders. The problem is that it is confusing to negotiate the system in order to get to the place where you can order.
                Working with the web folks, we'll have something up that is much more simple to use by late today or earlier tomorrow. Watch the website, and I'll post here once more to notify everybody.
                Again, to order by mail, The best way to order the calendar is by sending a check for $12 in US funds for each calendar you want, along with your return name and address, to AMCA Calendar, P.O. Box 1715, Maple Grove, MN 55311-6715. For Christmas delivery, you must order no later than November 15.

                Thanks--Greg Harrison/The Antique Motorcycle Magazine


                • #9
                  Phew !! Thanks Greg


                  • #10
                    Don't know if the Pony Express can get a letter there by the 15th, from out here in Ory-gun.
                    Doug McLaughlin #6607
                    NorCal, USA


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by exeric View Post
                      I wish you could get a preview of the upcomming calendar. I skipped 2009 because I was displeased with the '08 calendar. I thought there were way too many foreign bikes in '08 and earlier calendars so I boycotted '09. I don't want to stir up a honets nest but my interest in the AMCA and antique motorcycles is in American motorcycles. I'm all for supporting the AMCA but the calendar is an optional thing and I don't want to look at a 350 Honda for a whole month.
                      In terms of bikes - this year's calendar wasn't too bad (sure one month was a Honda), what I didn't like versus previous calendars was a black border around each main photo. I thought this looked terrible. Home Depot gave me a free calendar when I bought some light bulbs yesterday. I'll probably just use that for this coming year ... Perry

