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What's The Deal With George's?

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  • What's The Deal With George's?

    I am sure many of you like me have used George's website to post American made motorcycle and parts ads. I am sure most would agree it can be a usefull service.
    George's reminds me of Walnecks when it first started, ie. who knows what ads we never get to see if you get my drift. I know that I have sent ads that do not appear . Can you blame the guy? After all he had the brains to start it from the get-go. I wonder what George's collection looks like?
    Why is it seemingly impossible to post a photo ?
    Who the f**k is George?

  • #2
    George = George Pardos and I believe he is from Colorado. Someone told me he is a dentist. I too have wondered about the photos. Anymore if I use his site I just supply a link to my picture and do not count on his picture handling service.



    • #3
      For some reason this flashed thro my mind reading this thread

      George probably a nice guy Barry


      • #4
        That Is Hilarious


        • #5
          I check George's fairly often just to see what's out there. 9.9 times out of 10 the picture won't load. I posted an ad on the site once and didn't add extra letters etc. to my e-mail and I got a fair amount of spam as a result. A dentist eh? Mmmm... I had sort of visioned a ZZTop bearded farmer with a computer hummin' in the barn. I guess I was a little off on that one......... I never thought about it before but now that you mention it Barry, I can just imagine the stuff George might have......
          Cory Othen


          • #6
            If ya post on George's. Do your self and everybody else a favor. Type a date at the end of your title because nobodie has any clue when it was put up. Your right Barry. Who the F--K is Goerge?
            AMCA #3149


            • #7
              Speakin' of George's......check out number 588. I'm not quite sure what to make of it.

              Cory Othen


              • #8
                H-D built miniature, diamond encrusted 1903 models. Displayed in a class showcase. They were god awful expensive.
                Be sure to visit;
                Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
                Also be sure to visit


                • #9
                  Thanks for the clarification Chris.
                  Cory Othen


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by c.o. View Post
                    Speakin' of George's......check out number 588. I'm not quite sure what to make of it.

                    I had one of those. It was superb. They came out with an 85 anniversary twin ten years later that sucked. The 75th had incredible detail etc. but was in a cheap plexi case. I had a custom inlaid exotic wood case made for mine. with the HD logo. The case was almost nicer than the model! The 85th was what connoisseurs of fine art call a "chocolate bunny" ie. an el cheapo casting without detail.


                    • #11
                      gold harley

                      they made 500 of these on the 75th,but they also made them again for the 100th,but with the fenders removed,and the bars changed,so the bike looks like SNO#1.this early version looks a little beat up.

