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Proud To Be American - Remember 9-11

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  • Proud To Be American - Remember 9-11

    I hope everyone here takes a minute today to think about how fortunate we are to be Americans and all that we have to be proud of.

    This day is a scar on the American soul, but one we will live with and remember forever.
    Buzz Kanter
    Classic-Harley.Info Classic Harley History
    [Classic American Iron Forum Classic Harley Forum
    [American Iron Magazine Harley Magazine

  • #2
    It was as though the earth stood still that day. I remember hearing the report over the radio of the first plane hitting and thought to myself what a terrible accident, then only minutes later when the second stuck it quickly became clear that our country would never be the same again.

    I still vividly remember how eerily the skies looked without any traces of passenger jet vapor trails when all the aircraft where grounded. We certainly found out who our freinds from abroad where that day and I'd like everyone to remember them as well. -Steve
    AMCA #7300


    • #3
      It is really sad that the person responsible for the attack is still out there somewhere alive and unable to be found???


      • #4
        it is also really sad that on the day when no planes were allowed to fly that an organ recipient couldn't get his heart but george bush provided a plane to get bin ladin's family out of florida. i like the idea of not turning this day into a national holiday but instead show some one some love on this day----even if you don't like them


        • #5
          I echo everyones thoughts and will add this one to them. I'm upset with the balance of money spent in investigating this horrific incident ! They spent very little, compared to the 10 fold amount, over the actual amount spent on 9/11, to investicate Bill Clintons sexcapades !!! Paps


          • #6
            Hats off to the hundreds of generous Canadian Newfoundlanders that opened up their homes and hearts to the thousands of redirected flight passengers on that day of infamy.


            • #7
              It’s amazing how this day brings the assholes (Conspiracy nuts. What ever you want to call them.) out of the wood work. Actually this is the first time I think I said anything about this in the last seven years. Today I had a customer tell me the CIA did it. Which pisses me off to no end. On that day I was on the roof of a thirteen story rehab we were doing in Jersey City. My self and everybody up there all watched both planes hit from ¾ mile away. I can tell you first hand they were passenger jets. One flew over us. My eyes are not that bad. So the next time someone tells ya the were military cargo planes. Smack’em for me! Believe me you didn’t want to see what we saw that day. I live straight across the river from the trade center. There is another side to the day that we got to see I’d like to share. That night and the next day. First off my neighborhood was sealed off from the rest of the world which is about twenty blocks surrounded with water on three sides. No ID. No entry. Keep the freaks out. In the neighborhood there was about a dozen daycare and nursery’s. That night only about ten percent of the parents showed to pick up there kids. Some of them lost both sides. The commuters parking lots that stood full around the clock until they started towing them away a week later. The hundreds of people being bought over buy boat. This was great to see. I think anything that could float with a motor on it was shuttling people across the Hudson River that day. The whole community was putting people up for the night. There was no way out. All mass transit closed.
              The hundreds of construction workers showing up to volunteer around the clock to be ferried across to the trade center site. Entry from the Manhattan side was forbidden. Everything was ferried from our little on clave. A week later they made it a job so things in the hood got a little normal. My NYC office is six blocks north of the trade center site. I didn’t go in for two weeks. When I did. Standing on the corner of Washington and Harrison Street looking down four blocks to the trade center was disbelieving. I mean there was a mountain of debris that had to be twenty stories high. The excavators on top look like Tonka trucks. All of this amiss the gray cloud from the fires underground. Well I said my part. If ya didn’t know any of this before? Now you do. RIP
              AMCA #3149


              • #8
                My daughter took this shot around the corner from the house about a week before the attack. Bob L
                Attached Files
                AMCA #3149


                • #9
                  i went to ellis island and the statue of liberty on sept 11 2000 i didn't know it until i looked up my credit card slips from the gift shop. i took this from the ferry and didn't realize it until the photos came back but the seagull was matching pace with the ferry. i think it looks kinda eerie. we made several elongated pennies with the world trade center logo on them that day in the atrium next to the top floor of the south tower. i took a picture of my son on the roof as he was standing in the corner and i moved around until the entire 300ft tower on the roof of the north tower was sticking up beside his head. i still get sick to my stomach every time i see that antenna going out of sight the very last thing when it collapsed. i still have a piece of a turnbuckle that was part of the braces holding the steel beams together that i kicked out of the rubble shorty after. when i build by last motorcycle i'm going to mount it on the front fender


                  • #10
                    I think that the US already has the person/persons responsible for this attack in custody now and in hiding.

           opinion is to ensure military funding will continue at a inflated rate.

                    My opinion.
                    George Greer
                    AMCA # 3370


                    • #11
                      I live in a community with a lot of Wall Streeters who commute into NYC. It became very personal when I went to the commuter parking lot a few days later and saw so many cars there with several days of parking tickets on the windshields. Sure gets very personal very quickly.

                      RIP all those innocents involved in that horrific day.
                      Buzz Kanter
                      Classic-Harley.Info Classic Harley History
                      [Classic American Iron Forum Classic Harley Forum
                      [American Iron Magazine Harley Magazine


                      • #12
                        Yep. That parking lot thing really had an eerie way of screwing with your head.
                        AMCA #3149


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Barry Brown View Post
                          Hats off to the hundreds of generous Canadian Newfoundlanders that opened up their homes and hearts to the thousands of redirected flight passengers on that day of infamy.
                          My wife works as a manager in operations for a major US airline. I didn't see her for a week after this tragedy. She still talks about the wonderful people of Newfoundland/Atlantic Canada and their acts of kindness during that time. I got angry when Bush called the Brits our best friend, anyone with any sense knows it is Canada. Not that England did not stand with us like other Eurotrash who's beaches were stained red with American, Canadien, and English blood. Canada has bailed us more times than anyone.That is something I will never forget.
                          Pete Cole AMCA #14441
                          1947 Indian Chief


                          • #14
                            MicMac could not agree more!! My family comes from Canada a loooooong time ago, but I can tell you our ties to Quebec are strong and life long for many generations !! GOD BLESS AMERICA and the rest of the WORLD! LORD knows we all need it !


                            • #15
                              Pete--I have to agree as well--Quebec , Canada gave the world my father who in turn gave the world me --for better or worse. I believe that the United States has always been better allies to the British, French, Soviet Union ( pre 1941), etc. than they have been to us ( remember Lend /Lease before WWII). The king of the pile will always be the most hated and despised, but we are living in a different world than we were 10, 20, or 50 years ago. It seems that the world needs our help( US) when the crap comes down on them but they are forgetfull when we need the world. How much longer do we stay in NATO spending your and my tax dollars to protect Europe from a Cold War enemy that no longer exists? I say bring back the isolationism that existed before WWII, bring back US manufacturing and stop being the Police force for the world!!!--Michael--6671

