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What to do in Florida? (antique motorcycles, history, museums, etc.)

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  • What to do in Florida? (antique motorcycles, history, museums, etc.)

    The wife and I may be heading to Florida, possibly this coming weekend to visit family down there.
    I haven't been down in several years and it seems we can never get away from the Daytona area when we're there since our relatives are in that general area. Well, that's gonna change this time!

    I'm a history nut, and love the world pre-1950,.. so, I'm wondering if there's any little-known areas of historical interest in Florida from the Datona area on down south? Anything vintage/antique motorcyle related, antique car related, vintage 1930s-40s hotels, motels, drive-ins, museums, etc. etc.
    You know, those places that have been standing since 1902 and serve the best food, or the old hotel from the 1930s, the museum, the old race tracks from the 1920s, 30s, 40s, etc.
    That type of stuff!

    So, thanks in advnace for the help,... its much appreciated!

    I'm pushing to head to the Florida Keys, since I've wanted to go for years now,... so anything in that area,.. the keys, would be great too!!
    "The beauty of life is more the crying baby than the great orchestra." -Woody Guthrie

  • #2
    LOL!,... not much in Florida these days huh?... lol.
    "The beauty of life is more the crying baby than the great orchestra." -Woody Guthrie


    • #3
      Check out Don Garlits' Museum of Drag racing in Ocala. Even if you don't appreciate drag racing it is superbly done. I sold Don an Ardun many years ago but few who read this list will know what that is.


      • #4
        I live on the west coast but I grew up in Orlando and spent a lot of time on the east coast. Florida has largely been Disney-ized and certainly over-built which means, the iconic symbols that people think of when they think of Florida are gone. People moved here from all over to enjoy Florida, but they must have quickly tired of it because they got rid of all the Florida stuff and replaced it with junk from where they came from. There are a few good things left but you have to look. In spite of the negative things I've said, Florida can be a lot of fun if you accept it for what it is and take advantage of the things it has in abundance such as water, sunshine, and sea food. Also, this is off-season so many things will not be at full potential. Personally, I think you would have more fun on the west coast and I think you'll find more expamples of old Florida here. Certainly fewer people south of Tampa. Lastly, avoid Orlando at all costs.
        Eric Smith
        AMCA #886


        • #5
          Originally posted by Barry Brown View Post
          Check out Don Garlits' Museum of Drag racing in Ocala. Even if you don't appreciate drag racing it is superbly done. I sold Don an Ardun many years ago but few who read this list will know what that is.
          You're right Barry. That is one of the best car museums I've ever been to. Lots of antiques too. I'm probably way off; did Ardun make OHV heads for flathead Ford V-8s ?
          Eric Smith
          AMCA #886


          • #6
            Originally posted by Barry Brown View Post
            Check out Don Garlits' Museum of Drag racing in Ocala. Even if you don't appreciate drag racing it is superbly done. I sold Don an Ardun many years ago but few who read this list will know what that is.
            Oh I know well what an ardun is! Very cool... seems you always have something neat on here!
            "The beauty of life is more the crying baby than the great orchestra." -Woody Guthrie


            • #7
              Originally posted by exeric View Post
              I live on the west coast but I grew up in Orlando and spent a lot of time on the east coast. Florida has largely been Disney-ized and certainly over-built which means, the iconic symbols that people think of when they think of Florida are gone. People moved here from all over to enjoy Florida, but they must have quickly tired of it because they got rid of all the Florida stuff and replaced it with junk from where they came from. There are a few good things left but you have to look. In spite of the negative things I've said, Florida can be a lot of fun if you accept it for what it is and take advantage of the things it has in abundance such as water, sunshine, and sea food. Also, this is off-season so many things will not be at full potential. Personally, I think you would have more fun on the west coast and I think you'll find more expamples of old Florida here. Certainly fewer people south of Tampa. Lastly, avoid Orlando at all costs.
              Yes I talked with the wife,... looks like the Keys are out of the question,... when a plane ride from Orlando/Daytona area to Key West would run me around $380 per person! Dear Lord, its cheaper from PA to FL, than from one part of FL to another part? What's wrong with THAT picture!!??

              Anyway, yes I've been looking into the gulf area of Florida,.. the old Casino Ballroom, etc. Looks like a better area for what I'm looking to enjoy. I saw St. Augustine looks neat, but I think it might be a bit of a tourist trap,.. though I'm not familiar so I wouldn't know for sure.

              Gotta say, the best time I had in Florida was when I went with my wife and her Dad, etc. to Deleon Springs, walked around and baked up our own pancakes in their "Pancake House!" It was simple, old fashioned, and just a kick ass time. Now why the hell have they taken away all of the cool little things like that to do? Dumb-ass developers!... modern crap is NOT the way to go!

              I've actually been going through a load of old travel guides and brochures from the 1930s and 40s that I have collected trying to research it and see what's still around and what's gone by way of the bulldozer,... and in the midst of finding things gone, trying not to get disheartened by it! ugh!
              Last edited by 1776J; 08-25-2009, 08:26 PM.
              "The beauty of life is more the crying baby than the great orchestra." -Woody Guthrie


              • #8
                They paved Paradise and put up a Parking Lot!!
                The only thing I could suggest would be Derby Lane. The Oldest continually operating Greyhound Racing Track in the U.S. There was ONE cool Old School building left (an Old Service Station) in my town, Largo, and TODAY when I drove by it there was a Bulldozer and a Big Pile of red bricks!
                A.M.C.A. Member Since 1986


                • #9
                  I know a couple garages that are fun to be in.
                  Be sure to visit;
                  Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
                  Also be sure to visit


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Chris Haynes View Post
                    I know a couple garages that are fun to be in.
                    Hmmm,... why do I think after seeing more than one my wife (though she loves wrenching with me),...would kill me!...
                    "The beauty of life is more the crying baby than the great orchestra." -Woody Guthrie


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by indianut View Post
                      They paved Paradise and put up a Parking Lot!!
                      The only thing I could suggest would be Derby Lane. The Oldest continually operating Greyhound Racing Track in the U.S.
                      hmm,.. Derby Lane? I'll look into that....
                      Last edited by 1776J; 08-25-2009, 10:55 PM.
                      "The beauty of life is more the crying baby than the great orchestra." -Woody Guthrie


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by indianut View Post
                        They paved Paradise and put up a Parking Lot!!

                        There was ONE cool Old School building left (an Old Service Station) in my town, Largo, and TODAY when I drove by it there was a Bulldozer and a Big Pile of red bricks!
                        Oh that's horrid!

                        Why is it that it seems the only ones who buy up those great old buildings are the morons that tear them down!??

                        There's about 5 buildings I can think of I'd love to buy up and restore,... Lord only knows what I'd do with some of them though... (hey I can dream!)
                        ... of course to have the cash and know the right people to do that, I'd probably have to first be a member of the "morons-who-tear-down-historic-places-club" first!
                        "The beauty of life is more the crying baby than the great orchestra." -Woody Guthrie


                        • #13
                          I can't recall if it was Marathon or Duck Key....but
                          Sombrero Reef is pretty damned cool for snorkling, one of the nearby
                          resorts is named Hawk's Cay, I am sure.... they changed the key's old name when they built the resort...
                          But the reef is about 45 mins SE ...grab an outboard
                          launch and give that a shot. And don't forget a light tackle fishing rod!
                          # 5844


                          • #14
                            You could go visit the chopper builder and murderer Billy Lane at the State Penn. He killed a biker with his truck while driving drunk. It was his second DUI in a month. Now he gets only 6 years in the slammer and the other guy is dead. And to think some people actually think this guy is still cool. On second thought, let him rot.

                            Florida is very cool. I love the beaches, especially on the gulf side.
                            Last edited by silentgreyfello; 08-27-2009, 02:34 AM.


                            • #15
                              There is not a Huge amount of Motor Head \ Industrial Age bits laying around Florida. Before Air Conditioning this area was not heavily populated. We don't find many JD's overgrown with palmettos leaning up agaist the side of the barn.

                              Thomas Edison's Winter home, Labratory { Chemical to one side, Physical Lab on the other side } and and botanical garder in Ft. Meyers. Henry Ford and others hung out with Edison there.

                              History, there is plenty of. St. Augustine can be a bit touristy no doubt, but it is chock full of history. Henry Flagler and his trains ran down the east coast and to the keys.

                              In St. Augustine at Nombre de Dios, .5 mile North of the fortress Castillo de San Marco, the old cemetary { access thru the church gift shop, see the coffin cover of the 1st Spanish govenor who mysteriously died at age 45, aboard ship in the harbor of his home town in Spain on his return home. } is an interesting study. This is where Christianity made a first landing { and stayed } in what is now the United States. The first time the sounds of steel striking wood rang thru this stand of trees on the beach, in the cause of building an alter. This was done before a fire was kindled for breakfast. Stone Age meets the Age of Exploration. In the cemetary is located a shrine, the worlds' only one to the breast feeding Madona de Leche'. There can also be found the final resting places of Nuns, Consorts and Concubines all very close together.

                              The Colonial Wars are a major part of the recorder history of this area. The War of Jenkins Ear was a particularly gruesome conflict along the Florida- Georgia border and waters off shore. Some say it wasn't the ear that was servered and returned to England but another body part. There were a couple other episodes of mutilation in this conflict between European colonial powers.

                              Bon Voyage'
                              William McClean
                              AMCA # 60

