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Long Distance Knucklehead rides....

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  • Long Distance Knucklehead rides....

    Hey everybody,
    I just did my first Iron Butt Association qualifying ride with a friend of mine from Cyprus on Sunday. We rode from Wauseon Ohio to Redfield South Dakota, I was on a 1939 knucklehead and broke the record for the oldest Harley to finish an IBA run, 40 minutes later my friend Iacovos from Cyprus broke the new record on my 1936 EL. We went over 1050 miles in 22 hours. We recorded 5 short video clips along the trip. Check them out here--> We start out fresh and excited and gradually get wore down and start looking like zombies.

    But wait... there is more. I plan on doing another IBA run in 12 hours and bringing along a friend of mine as a passenger. My friend Mara will be updating our whereabouts along the trip on her blackberry. If you would like to follow along on the trip, go to and see where we are at, if we broke down, got arrested, or made it to our destination in Lexington Ohio at the AMA days. If I complete this next run, it will be two IBA runs within five days of each other--on a 70 year old motorcycle. Wish me luck! If any of you are going to the event, look me up and we can have lunch and hang out!

    Matt Olsen
    A.M.C.A. Board Member

  • #2
    Be safe and enjoy your youth
    Johnny Whitsett
    AMCA # 8626


    • #3
      Congratulations! I have done a Saddle Sore 1000 on my Ultra and wouldn't even think about it on my 33VL.
      Bob Selph
      1933VC/1934LT Sidecar
      1940 Sport Scout


      • #4
        Congratulations Matt !! I must have held the previous record for a couple of years with my 40EL. Your 36 has a lower vin than mine so I guess I wont be able to regain the record. How about 1500 in 24 ?



        • #5

          Enjoy being young while you can!


          • #6
            Matt listen to TOM have a GREAT TIME and enjoy every minute of LIFE !! Ohhhh yeah listen to DAD and MOM as well !!


            • #7
              Hi Matt,

              Congratulations on your first IB and good luck on your second. I had a great time at the Two Rivers event with you and Mara. Tell her Bruce says hi and have a great time.
              Bruce Keith
              AMCA #1467


              • #8
                Ditto to what others have said Matt ! Bust ass while you are at it !


                • #9
                  Way to go Matt.....the rest of us older knuck riders will be with you in spirit....not with sore butts


                  • #10
                    Mat & Mara didn't make it into the record books with their two-up ride from SD to Mid Ohio for the AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days when the rear tire blew out at highway speeds in the rain.

                    But I am delighted to report they did cover the 1,000+ miles in less than 24 hours on the way home yesterday. I was honored to be with them at 4:30 in the morning when they pulled out of the hotel.

                    Congrats to Matt and Mara for an amazing feat on Matt's 1936 EL!
                    Buzz Kanter
                    Classic-Harley.Info Classic Harley History
                    [Classic American Iron Forum Classic Harley Forum
                    [American Iron Magazine Harley Magazine


                    • #11
                      The most amazing part to me is that it was done on a buddy seat. Very comfee for the rider but big time sore ass for the driver. Congratulations Matt !! I am getting a set of 5 gallon tanks ready and got a sheepskin covered gel seat pad on the way just in case I decide to do a 1500 in 24 on my 47 FL.


