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The Non Winner Circle

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  • #61
    Am I the only one who can not see "Chris in Japan's" photo's, It say's removed by photobucket. BTW, I am learning a great deal from this thread.
    Pete Cole AMCA #14441
    1947 Indian Chief


    • #62
      Originally posted by micmac View Post
      Am I the only one who can not see "Chris in Japan's" photo's, It say's removed by photobucket. BTW, I am learning a great deal from this thread.
      No I have the same problem
      Jeff Bowles
      Membership # 14023
      1957 Sportster


      • #63
        Sorry guys!

        I indeed took the pictures away. They were too many and too heavy for the thread and most of all in consideration the zero feedback to my questions.

        I guess the idea was maybe not as good as we thought! Same for the "Winner Circle" thread were no pictures were posted...


        • #64
          Chris, some of don't come on here everyday, and in fact are not experts. Just because we offer no comment, does not denote lack of interest. I understand your reasons for removal however.

          On another note, Hawg I could be way out of line here but I think some of the 40-41 Chiefs were sent to Australia for civillian use. I have a mate in Sydney who has a 1941 Chief in what appears to be factory red paint. Again, I am not an expert nor do I profess to be, I just know I have loved Indian motorcycles since I was old enough to sit on my Grandpa's lap and ride on his Chief back in the late 50's.
          Pete Cole AMCA #14441
          1947 Indian Chief


          • #65
            When you upload your photos to photobucket choose 640x480 LARGE as your size and all will be well.
            Be sure to visit;
            Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
            Also be sure to visit


            • #66
              It's a good advice, Chris - Many thanks. VGA resolution should indeed fully suffice...


              • #67
                Regarding Chris Haynes' comments about having a "Preserved" class, perhaps the chapter(s) putting on the meets could set up a class for "Survivors". I know that back when I dealt with Corvettes such a classification was established with allowances for repairs and partial repaints over time. Not recalling the particulars but there was a certain percentage allowed for repainting, such a case where a car had a fender or panel repaired or a seat repaired, etc.

                The reasoning was that there were certain Vettes whose condition fell in between a car that needed a full restoration and one that was completely original. It was felt that the establishment of such a class would give those cars a home and perhaps prevent them from, in effect, being "lost" to the next generation via a restoration. If you follow Corvette restorations, you know that this has been a success and many folks have gone out of their way to preserve their cars as Survivors, though in my opinion there is overlap into what the AMCA terms as Original.

                As many of us know, a motorcycle in what I am terming Survivor condition can still be judged and can, as in the case of Chris' Sportster, make Junior level in the Original class. However, the establishment of a Survivor class would give recognition for those that have too many repairs or too much repainting for the Original class and do not meet the standards for Restored where it is all the way or nothing. It could also include those bikes, like my '72 Super Glide, that are original but rough (an understatement).

                Just my 3 cents worth (includes stimulus funds).

                Lonnie C.
                Lonnie Campbell #9908
                South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

                Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

                Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at


                • #68

                  Well stated. That's part of the reason why we started the period modified class because alot of original machines that had been modified over the years and were not all stock wouldn't be restored and their histories lost. It morphed into people building new ones. They still represent what riders were doing back then.


                  • #69
                    I'm so confused.

                    Chris's sportster now becomes "Modified"?

                    Just askin'.
                    Because insurance people don't like "modified", by the way!

                    AMCA #776
                    Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                    • #70
                      I think the club needs another catagory be it called perservation or what ever. As it stands now you have to have either a original or restored. There is no in between. You could have a 1910 Indian that was repainted 70 years ago and could not have a place for it in the judging. I think there should be some kind of awards for them, probably like the period modifieds are treated now, at least three throphies. I have a couple bikes that I would be able to show if there was another such class.
                      FaceBook >>>Modern Antique Cycle
                      Blog Site >>>
                      YouTube >>> LouieMCman


                      • #71
                        I agree that a few new categories would be great, but I also understand that our club has to draw a line somewhere as to the number of categories it can oversee and maintain the high standards for which the AMCA is known. Quality is achieved through high standards and is rarely achieved easily.
                        AMCA #7300


                        • #72
                          A preservation type catagory is what is needed - not all bikes fall under the restored or original guidelines as set out by the club. like I mentioned before about my indian possible was a police bike in canada but because it is a model 340 military cheif the rules say it has to be in military trim.

                          so if I want it judged I have to find and purchase all the military parts and paint it olive drab, then what if I find the documentation that is was a police bike, what do I do un restore the military and recreate the police version which was already lost in the military transformation???

                          I guess if I was really into the judging scene ( which I am not ) I will just have to go to the local trophy shop, have them make a trophy with the phrase ' WORLDS BEST INDIAN 99 POINT BIKE '

                          from now on I will just ride the indian arround at the meets, have a ball doing it, leave saturday afternoon/evening as I do not need to hang arround the meet for the judging

                          aka HAWG
                          1914 EXCELSIOR BELT DRIVE SINGLE
                          1914 excelsior belt drive single carcuss
                          1940 indian chief military
                          1965 sportster xlch
                          1969 sportster xlch bobber
                          1971 bsa A65 chopper
                          1969 harley ss350 sprint
                          1960 harley topper
                          1963 harley topper
                          H model whizzer on cheiftain bicycle
                          H model whizzer on schwinn bicycle
                          1949 harley model 125 bobber project
                          1959 harley model 165
                          1960 harley super 10
                          1974 indian 70cc dirt bike
                          EXCELSIOR - ALWAYS MAKES GOOD


                          • #73
                            I have to agree strongly with a new catagory of judging for those bikes in the "netherland" between original and restored. I am working on a 47 WL that I bought as a pretty complete basket. The previous owner had primered the frame and wheels with spokes, so I have no route other than to paint and recad those items. I have also decided to re-parkerize the parts that need it, but I am busting butt to get OEM parts to get this bike back on the road after 20+ years of being apart and am keeping the original paint sheet metal. I know I could do the latest "patina" craze and make it all look original and have it judged as such, but to me that is dishonest and cheating just to get an AMCA award. We need to have a class for those that just keep these bikes on the road. Most Winners Circle bikes just stay in a museum somewhere so they never get a bit of dirt and only are started going to be judged!!!!--Michael--AMCA 6671


                            • #74
                              How do you objectively judge a "netherbike"?
                              I got it! CELEBRITY JUDGES!

                              There should be a way to acknowledge personal efforts, even creative ones, as well as the unique machines that can stand for themselves.

                              But let us not queer the legitimate AMCA system that history depends upon.

                              It really should be separate.
                              After all, most folks leave before the serious judging anyway.

                              AMCA #776
                              Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                              • #75
                                how many people that leave before the judging on sunday would hand over the $10.00 to have their bike judged if there was another class for them to put their not original or not restored bike.

                                could work out to a few more dollars for the clubs pocket

                                aka hawg
                                1914 EXCELSIOR BELT DRIVE SINGLE
                                1914 excelsior belt drive single carcuss
                                1940 indian chief military
                                1965 sportster xlch
                                1969 sportster xlch bobber
                                1971 bsa A65 chopper
                                1969 harley ss350 sprint
                                1960 harley topper
                                1963 harley topper
                                H model whizzer on cheiftain bicycle
                                H model whizzer on schwinn bicycle
                                1949 harley model 125 bobber project
                                1959 harley model 165
                                1960 harley super 10
                                1974 indian 70cc dirt bike
                                EXCELSIOR - ALWAYS MAKES GOOD

