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Still Finding 'Em

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  • Still Finding 'Em

    I found these two clips and figured I'd post them for those fellow dreamers
    Cory Othen

  • #2
    wow---that reminds me of the time i pulled one out of the raspberry bushes in st andrews new brunswick canada. it was a rusty but pretty complete 29 2 cam. by the time i got it back to the truck i was bleeding down both arms and was so excited i didn't even realize it until i started seeing red all over the truck seat and steering wheel. it still gets me going to this day. ronald haughn bought out the toronto harley dealer in 1955 when freight was $5 for 100lb. his freight bill was over $1800. yup---a lot of stuff. got to be some of it still around eastern canada. i paid $50 for the 29 in 1972


    • #3
      still got it?


      • #4
        unfortunately no. sold it to steve smith otter creek maine. he can't remember who he sold it to. i tried to chase it down years ago


        • #5
          Cool story flat-happy....... Those old bikes will take your blood, sweat and tears..
          Cory Othen


          • #6
            Out in the woods digging

            Hi CO, glad to see you enjoyed the clips from mee out digging in the Norwegian woods.
            Believe it or not I walked my dog in the woods not more than half an hour from where I live as one guy told me there where some old junk thrown there.
            Just before I was to leave the area i noticed like 6" of an Harley bar sticking up of the ground.
            Digging with my hands I soon realised there was an entire bike there and had to call for a couple of friends to help as some of the trees had roots that crossed the old Harley.
            Even more funny is that I didnt know these videos existed until I came across them on a Canadian AMCA members Youtube favs page .
            It appeared that one of my friend had filmed me with his mobil phone putting those on youtube and forgotten to tell me!!! I was really shocked at first when I did see myself digging, almost embarrased I dare to say, he he.

            Check out my blogspot where both videos are too;
            And then there is the idea that we are here on earth to get a certain amount of things done before we die.
            This is a great theory.
            If it is true, I am so far behind that I will never die...



            • #7
              Well isn't it a small world? I love hearing stories about bike finds! How long ago was that footage taken? Thanks for the blog link. I put it in my favorites so I can keep up on what's going on in Norway!
              Cory Othen


              • #8
                Small world indeed

                Hi CO, indeed the world is a small place at occasions.
                This digging happened last year.
                I am going to put the bike untouched up on the wall for display in my new workshop.

                Regards from Norway
                And then there is the idea that we are here on earth to get a certain amount of things done before we die.
                This is a great theory.
                If it is true, I am so far behind that I will never die...


