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  • #16
    At this point I would say leave things as they are. Open to discussion! I am not sure if non-AMCA members can access this site and the forum topics so if they can't it is all "in house" so to speak. If they can then I guess moderators or soemone like Kevin will have to figure out how to keep the general public off here. While we may not all share the same view I do think it is important to allow folks to express their views in an uncensored way. You need to keep it non personal though or PM if you have serious personal issue with someone. I personally have enjoyed reading the post and agree with what seems to be the consensus but also respect others right to their opinion even if it is wrong.


    • #17
      Lets get real folks. The Parking lot is great just the way it is. Everything you can think about has already past though it. Love, divorce, booze, sex and O yea that motorcycle thing! Leave just the way it is. If ya don't wan't to read it just read the topic and bail out. The information age is about fredom! That thread wouldn't have the amount of replys if it was something we didn't care about. bob L
      AMCA #3149


      • #18
        Originally posted by 45OZ View Post
        As I read the post here so far a total of 14 it appears the 13 of them are in favor of this Parking Lot Chatter" to be an open uncensored Forum, yet the votes tend to sway toward censorship & are done Anonymously. It's funny how those that want to censor anothers thoughts & ideas fail to state any of their own. If you want censorship please state why you think that is good so I may educate myself further who knows you may change someones mind, or is censorship just a Backroom deal?
        I used the voting option that the club provided and it was my choice to make the votes anonymous. There was no damn conspiracy to promote censorship. Personally, I see this gun thing turning into a loyalty oath to see where people stand politically. Everyone else was just having a good time talking about motorcycles and now it's all about how American you are, or what side of the isle you're on. I guess it was inevitable. Whenever you have a good thing, someone's going to screw it up. This voting thing was all my idea so blame me and call me whatever you want. By the way 45OZ. I don't see your damn name and AMCA# at the bottom of your post.
        Eric Smith
        AMCA #886


        • #19
          I just got back from a 15 mile bicycle ride which is great medicine for clearing your head and fixing an attitude. I want to apologize to 45OZ for losing my temper. I like the forum the way it is and we have all wandered off topic. Every one of us is guilty of it but it's usually done in passing for fun or to illustrate a point of view, and then that's it. The problem with controversial topics and hot button items like gun control is, it will never come to a conclusion. These topics are too complex and ever changing to be resolved. Also, these topics are as passionate as Antique Motorcycles and people have STRONG views on both sides. This voting thing means nothing. It's not binding or enforceable and will have no bearing on the topics club members want to post. I just think it would be great if we could keep this forum away from the rest of the world and go back in time with our old bikes.
          Eric Smith
          AMCA #886


          • #20
            A Model A Ford Forum I read regularly banned political posts and personal attacks about six months ago. It got to the point that they overwhelmed the posts for technical info, show and swap meet info and other car related topics. Granted that forum did not have catagories like this one where "open topics" can be slotted but I expect to see some pretty inflammatory exchanges, particularly over politics. I guess we can see what happens and delete it later if it becomes to devisive. After all, we band together for the good of the hobby with our common love and interest in old bikes and it seems ashame that the bonds could be torn apart due to things not motorcycle related.

            Steve Ciccalone


            • #21
              I'm a New Member (2 months), but joined to learn more about maintaining and restoring old iron and *related* topics such as meets, runs, reliable vendors and competent restoration services, plus, of course, History.
              Ride it like you can fix it!


              • #22
                JSB55, pretty mutch the same as you here
                Not much understanding of gun thread pros/cons/politics as i sit here in the UK.
                Although something came to mind related to motorcycles "Easyrider"
                though that`s just a fictional film


                • #23
                  it was fictional for those actors but believe me it was not a fictional scenario back in those years


                  • #24
                    You've got that right Flat. I got pushed off the road in the early 70's on a miserable, lonely road between Melbourne and Orlando Florida. There was nothing but gators and mosquitos out there but I was lucky and just got dirty and slightly bruised. I guess those guys thought it was a good way to kill some boredom. . . . Or a hippie. About 10 years later that happened again but the push wasn't intentional, just bad driving. Unfortunately, I didn't get up and walk away from that one and my '69FLH dresser got it worse than me. One of the scariest sights you can see as you are tumbling at 45 mph is your full dress Harley tumbling right behind you at 46 mph.
                    Eric Smith
                    AMCA #886


                    • #25
                      man i feel for ya. i hate hearing that stuff but it happened a lot more often than people will ever know now----now that bike are cool and expensive. in the beginning we all rode together for the strength in numbers----ahhh i remember it well----those were the good ol days----then somebody decided hey lets steal something----then some chick said can i have a ride?????? please?????
                      wow---i was gone for a minute there but now i'm back!!!!


                      • #26
                        Glad to know I wasn't paranoid back in the day... they *really were* trying to kill me!
                        Ride it like you can fix it!


                        • #27
                          I voted MOTORCYCLE TOPICS ONLY { to stay as it is other words} if we start having political and other off topic post there will be the problems other forums have and the need for mods.
                          Last edited by jmanjeff; 07-04-2009, 07:19 AM.
                          Jeff Bowles
                          Membership # 14023
                          1957 Sportster


                          • #28
                            I vote to leave it alone. I enjoy the occasional parking lot chatter not necessarily related to bikes. If you don't like a particular subject, then DON'T read it!!! If the subject is popular, it will stay towards the top for awhile. If it is not popular, it will drop to the bottom. For pete's sake, why all the sensitivity? I repeat, DON'T read it if you don't like it, but don't ruin it for those that do.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by exeric View Post
                              I used the voting option that the club provided and it was my choice to make the votes anonymous. There was no damn conspiracy to promote censorship. Personally, I see this gun thing turning into a loyalty oath to see where people stand politically. Everyone else was just having a good time talking about motorcycles and now it's all about how American you are, or what side of the isle you're on. I guess it was inevitable. Whenever you have a good thing, someone's going to screw it up. This voting thing was all my idea so blame me and call me whatever you want. By the way 45OZ. I don't see your damn name and AMCA# at the bottom of your post.
                              Wow I just got in from a 2 day ride & look what I find I have posted my name on several other post I made in this forum, I don't see a need to sign EVERYONE besides my Last name is in my screen NAME "OZ" what does my AMCA # have to do with anything? I did not ask for anybody to IDENTIFY themselves just maybe state the reason for your vote that's all !!!
                              Time for you to take a CHILL PILL & relax man. I thought this was a forum called "Parking lot Chatter" for as the title states "General open discussion, say hello, give a big thanks, ect..." Who said ther was a "Conspiracy"? NOT I the biggest problem here is peolpe like you reading things into post that are not there & getting upset about it. You Man I thought we wree all friends with like intrests just because someones opion does not agree with you I do not see a need for censorship just so that only select opions can be placed in the fore front.
                              This is a dssicussion not an ATTACK! Is the FOWL Language really needed?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by exeric View Post
                                I just got back from a 15 mile bicycle ride which is great medicine for clearing your head and fixing an attitude. I want to apologize to 45OZ for losing my temper. I like the forum the way it is and we have all wandered off topic. Every one of us is guilty of it but it's usually done in passing for fun or to illustrate a point of view, and then that's it. The problem with controversial topics and hot button items like gun control is, it will never come to a conclusion. These topics are too complex and ever changing to be resolved. Also, these topics are as passionate as Antique Motorcycles and people have STRONG views on both sides. This voting thing means nothing. It's not binding or enforceable and will have no bearing on the topics club members want to post. I just think it would be great if we could keep this forum away from the rest of the world and go back in time with our old bikes.
                                Thank you Eric
                                Joe Oz

