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Forum Vote

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  • Forum Vote

    The U.S.A. and the AMCA have given us the option, and yes, the FREEDOM to vote on what we want here.

    Do you want this forum open to NON-MOTORCYCLE related topics?

    Do you want this forum open to MOTORCYCLE related topics only?

    The poll is expired.

    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886

  • #2
    Great idea Eric ! Thanks
    Johnny Whitsett
    AMCA # 8626


    • #3
      i think one thread for non motorcycle is a acceptable but should be titled that way so if no one wants to read it they don't have to. i'm very pleased with the way it is. i don't like change much. i wish flea-bay would decide on a format and leave it alone.
      there are plenty of forums to vent any anger issues on the web but only one AMCA
      Last edited by flat-happy; 07-02-2009, 08:56 AM.


      • #4
        I vote for : non motorcycle relate topics.

        Heck , What’s the harm? We got ten pages now discussing gun control and haven’t had any knock down fights about it. I’ve seen a lot more trouble caused around here by someone asking about motor oil than I have about the gun control issue.
        AMCA #7300


        • #5
          Freedom comes with responsibilities,
          and the quasi-offending topic shows not only that our participants can resemble responsible 'bloggers' (if nobody is offended by that term!), but also that there is great interest when it comes to goverment regulation that could be easily paralled in the vintage motorcycle world.

          I feel the "Chatter" forum lends itself very well to just about anything of common interest. And this community is already quite restricted (For instance: my "Stiff's List" is verboten.)

          No further restrictions please;
          Instead we should all pay a little more attention to what we post about ourselves. Why "preach to the choir", and advertise our arsenals of attitude when they shall soon come under threat?

          Strength is in numbers, and the friends we make in the Vintage motorcycle world may be our best. However, the serious networking for special interests must always carried out elsewhere.

          Thanks for letting me contribute,

          Now I can't find the vote button.
          Gotta be a conspiracy.
          AMCA #776
          Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


          • #6
            i vote for open topics

            "parking lot chatter" means just that, i vote we allow any and all topics in, that includes everything from how to grow your own weed to the best sidearm to carry when visiting cleveland. oh, and the occasional discussion on old motorcycles should be tolerated as long is it's kept civil and short.


            • #7
              There is a vote button up above fella's.

              Sludge, We better stick to legal topics for a while till everyone gets comfortable.
              AMCA #7300


              • #8
                Off Topic

                I get enough crap elsewhere in the world. When I want a motorcycle fix, I'd appreciate it not to be deluted with off topic drival. My vote is to keep it motorcycle related. One can go elsewhere for other "off topics".
                Extremely Free (un-employed) RF.


                • #9
                  Leave it like it is. Why split hairs?
                  Ride 'em. Don't hide 'em.
                  Dan #6938 FUBO


                  • #10
                    I vote as the topic suggests but I believe in majority rules. Paps


                    • #11
                      i vote for a non motorcycle thread. you don't need to click on a thread if you dont like it what if there was the internet when they forced helmet laws? maybe a different law today all 50 states could be helmet a club member i will respect the end vote.
                      rob ronky #10507


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Paps View Post
                        I vote as the topic suggests but I believe in majority rules. Paps
                        Good thing there was no bias in how it was suggested, right?

                        What if we think of it as:

                        Allow non-motorcycle topics


                        Censor non-motorcycle topics

                        It is obvious that a problem is being created where none existed.
                        When a Freedom is lost, it is lost by All.

                        Even if it is an inconvenience to those who cannot restrain their mouse finger from obvious off-topics.

                        Still can't find vote button after I post 'reply', but I think I've made up my mind.
                        Last edited by T. Cotten; 07-02-2009, 05:35 PM.
                        AMCA #776
                        Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                        • #13
                          This is a forum devoted to parking lot chatter I feel that means that any subject that you would discuss at a swap meet parking lot is fare game to discuss here. l Have discussed Motorcycle's, Politic's, Weapon ownership, Family issues all at swap meets with friends. Some of the topics discussed here I would not have been aware of that effect my life & hobby had they not been allowed to be discussed. I do not work in an office nor to I have access to a computer all day long it is limited to a few hours (if that) in the evening, So I must choose what sites to visit, It's nice to be able to read the comments here & educate myself on issues that I would not normaly be aware of.
                          I feel that things here are just fine & change is not needed, I also am not aware of any topics that could not be motorcycle related, if this is about the discussion on Gun Control, Then if you own a military bike & want to make it authentic you would need to mount a scabbord & Rifle to the bike, Hence if gun control laws are escalated you will no longer be able to make your bike authentic without breaking the law, or haveing to pay the goverment an extra $50 a year tax just to enjoy your hobby.
                          I always felt that America is the place for freedom of speech & there is no greater testament to that fredom than the ability to discuss what is on your mind with friends & excange ideas on different subject to expand your knowledge. To limit what can & cannot be disscused after it has been established that it IS OK would be a form of Censorship & do we really want to go in that direction? I personally do not, I will read everyones comments & be able to agree or disagree in a calm educated fashion.
                          I have also seen more combated discussion on this forum about "Motorcycle Related Topics" (Who makes good & crappy Saddles, What thread should be used on seats) Than I have read on the so called "non motorcycle" Topics.
                          So in conclusion The Forum is just fine as it is if it is changed or Limited to Certain Topics who would decide what is allowed & what is not? & how would the members know why that choice was made? & Why ?That's just putting some person in the position of censoring what we read & remember one mans opinion may not be the same as another , that is what makes cencorship such an UN AMERICAN CHOICE. Does the AMCA Want to be UN-AMERICAN?
                          I think not so leave things as they are unless you choose the later
                          just my 2 cents in a discussion among friends.
                          Thank You


                          • #14
                            While I agree that all is fair for parking lot conversation, there are plenty of sites where one can discuss politics and such and I do not click on threads that don't interest me. I also don't see the forum getting diluted with all sorts of things but I must state that I visit this forum for the knowledge base that is represented here in regards to old motorcycles. I purposely don't visit or participate in a lot of other motorcycle related sites because of the seemingly low quality of the input or attitudes found there and would hate to see those type things start to creep up here. So converse as you will, I for one will be sticking to things bike related.
                            Brian Howard AMCA#5866


                            • #15
                              As I read the post here so far a total of 14 it appears the 13 of them are in favor of this Parking Lot Chatter" to be an open uncensored Forum, yet the votes tend to sway toward censorship & are done Anonymously. It's funny how those that want to censor anothers thoughts & ideas fail to state any of their own. If you want censorship please state why you think that is good so I may educate myself further who knows you may change someones mind, or is censorship just a Backroom deal?

