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A thief at Fremont,Neb. swap meet

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  • A thief at Fremont,Neb. swap meet

    Was having a good time at meet until I notice my NOS VL Corbin gears were missing.I'm not sure who the A-Hole is but your such a loser.Just goes to show that you have to keep a close eye on your stuff.It was a good meet,it just sucks when you have something like this happen.

  • #2
    Looks like you have the low lifes everywhere ya go.


    • #3
      Sorry to hear that Tom. As much as a guy would like to think that things are warm and fuzzy, there's still dishonest shiesters out there! I hope the jerk feels good about himself!
      Cory Othen


      • #4
        I'm still looking for a military scout that was stolen from me in 1983, I know how you feel and I am sorry for your loss!
        Pete Cole AMCA #14441
        1947 Indian Chief


        • #5
          Tom I was at the meet and I really enjoyed it. Sorry for your loss. I wasn't vending but I have had stuff stolen when I did and know the feeling.



          • #6
            A friend of mine had a wla speedometer stolen from him. I won't mention his name because he may be reading this post and may not wish his name noted. I personally had a couple of 100 buck or less nos items taken before. Bastards ! I don't see any harm with a meat clever disciplinary action, for those five finger discount purchases. The Oley story is great !! My hat is off to the vendor who nailed the thief !!! Paps


            • #7
              Originally posted by tst
              It sucks that these low life are out there getting away with it, A couple years back an instance like this had a happy ending at Oley, the thief was caught by another vendor and hung on to him until the cops showed up and dragged him away and as i recall he would grab parts and pass them off to his wife and he came with another vendor and resell them at that vendors table, they should hang these guys up as far as i am concerned when they get caught

     why bother calling the cops?

              Paps,has the right idea with the meat cleaver.........
              AMCA Member#1848


              • #8
                Nothing worst than a thief !!! He will get his just due sooner or later!! Maybe in another form job loss poor health ect ! Sorry to hear of your loss,because if you really think about it...its our losss as well !!


                • #9
                  Nothing worst than a thief !!! He will get his just due sooner or later!! Maybe in another form job loss poor health ect ! Sorry to hear of your loss,because if you really think about it...its our losss as well !!


                  • #10
                    I didn't get to Oley until Saturday last year. I was there tweanty minutes and sat down with a gentalman at the tables. We got into a talk about his 60FLH and he told me the day before he was sitting in the same place and watched some piece of **** pull out and pocket the cigarette lighter which he promply reclaimed. I couldn't beleve what I was hearing. A Amca meet of all places. I know it's small on the level but it's just the same. What happend to a good ass kicking? Bob
                    AMCA #3149


                    • #11
                      10-4 Bob !!!


                      • #12
                        Sometimes that's the best way to handle things, then the buzzard with any luck will be too embarrassed to do it again! It's too bad such scum has to infiltrate our hobby!
                        Cory Othen


                        • #13
                          misreable, thieving, rotten, rat bas....s ! Curses on them all !

                          A few years ago one was caught at Davenport. he was being followed and had tied a string to a speedo assembly { the object of his sticky fingered desire } and lowered it into the business end of an outhouse for retrieval later when no one was looking. Exiting the crapper he appeared all innocent. By the time he went to retrieve it, some unsuspecting outhouse user had cleanned the seat and dislogged his string. Not to be thwarted, our Evil-doer returned again to the crapper with a board in hand to fish around below and snag the speedo. Spotted walking into the head with his reaching stick one of the Good Guys barricaded the door with the Thief inside. Officer Freindly was informed and lodging was securred for him in the county lock up. It is a Shame that the outhouse didn't happen to get tipped over and rolled around a few times with the culprit inside for the ride.

                          I think the arrest photo was printed in the magazine
                          William McClean
                          AMCA # 60


                          • #14
                            One thing is for sure. We all need to start watching each others backs a little closer. I’m afraid this economy will be having a lot of people doing stupid things that could get them beat like a rented mule.
                            AMCA #7300


                            • #15
                              "Beat like a rented mule".

                              What A great line! I'm rolling!
                              AMCA #3149

