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Blood, Sweat & Gears

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  • Blood, Sweat & Gears

    Sad to see the baton pasted.
    I for one will truly miss reading Steve Blancard’s informative and light sided view of our favorite sport. Good luck in your future ventures Steve.

    Can anyone vouge for this new guy, Red Fred Johansen? I like his 3R’s way of thinking already though. Restoring, Riding, Repairing
    AMCA #7300

  • #2
    Yes I have to agree, I always enjoyed those articles by Steve. Lots of good info, he was very helpful on his web site and over the phone too, a good man. Best of luck to him and Red Fred in his new possition.


    • #3
      Red Fred is the real deal and a good guy.
      Be sure to visit;
      Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
      Also be sure to visit


      • #4
        It was one of my favorite columns he will be missed


        • #5
          I've read Fred's tales of running around Europe for years. His writing is very entertaining and informative. I'm sure he'll do just fine......
          Cory Othen


          • #6
            I thought Fred did a very good job on his first article. Of coarse we'll miss Steve but if Fred can keep comming up with stuff like this I think the transition will be seemless. I would imagine Fred could use some input from the members but my only tools are a hacksaw and a hammer so I don't know what I could contribute. Hopefully, some of the more talented members will share their knowledge and skill.
            Eric Smith
            AMCA #886


            • #7
              Friends - I appreciate the kind words, but nothing stays the same. After 11 years, it was time for a change and a fresh outlook. I've known Red Fred for quite a while. He's a good man and a real gearhead. His column will be different than mine, as it should. The membership gave me wonderful support over the years by submitting tech tips, ideas and articles. I'm sure Fred will be appreciative of similar contributions.

              Ride Safe,
              Steve Blancard


              • #8
                Steve, will you be haunting our forum ? You would certainly be a welcomed addition.
                Eric Smith
                AMCA #886


                • #9
                  Red Fred

                  Fred's a true gearhead (though mainly in the feathered type m/c's) and will get 'er done. Will miss you Steve. I've known Fred for 30 years but please don't hold that against me.


                  • #10
                    Yes, Fred is a "feathered Friend", but he fully understands the broad spectrum of motorcycles and the importance of keeping the magazine friendly to all makes. I'm confident that Fred will bring a refreshing viewpoint to the magazine.

                    I will check the forum from time to time. I'm still being pulled kicking and screaming into the computer age

                    Steve Blancard

