Some lessons are best learned thru others mistakes....especially when they involve things like falling down....arms flailing...and generally eliciting comments from on-lookers like.....OW!...OOMPHH!...WOAH!.....I remember I was at English Town, New Jersey a few summers ago just checking out the local Drag Racers running the lights... when a kid pulled up to the line with a beautiful mid seventies Iron Head Sportster....A nice 'Rootbeer' Brown metallic color. His girl was in the background (an even better looking brown hair beauty) he set up to make his run...lining up on the black patch (where all the hundreds of previous Drag racers had laid down gobs of tire black rubber)...the announcer was doing his racer build-up speech "coming up to the line is Joe Kid on his first run ever...and what a great looking the 'Tree' lights counted down...RED>>>YELLOW... the 'Kid' was looking the part, revving the motor....looking over at his obviously more experienced Racer competitor...>>>>.GREEN LIGHT and POW....Off the line....front end coming the kid barely hangs on...the look of fear and surprise clearly visible thru the clear face mask of the mandatory full face helmet....his views quickly turns from Black Top to Blue Sky!!....A quick 1 second and 20 feet of Glory and BAM....TUMBLE....ROLL...arms flailing...! Loud shouts of WOW!...OOMPH!...WOAH!...Holy S**T...coming from the spectators.....And as the Drag Strips crew were picking up the now beat-up Sporty...the 'Kid' checking himself for similiar damage... the Announcers chuckling words clearly heard by all...."and as soon as he changes his shorts......" while the 'Kid' limps along side the Sporty back to the 'Pits'.... his 'Girl' stroking his back....all thoughts of Glory hopelessly dashed! I think to myself... Lesson #1....Whatever you do, don't do that!...