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Ya knew it was coming!

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  • Ya knew it was coming!

    Well, the idiots in our sport(motorcycling)who persisted in having open/straight exhaust pipes all these years have done it. If this measure passes it will most likely spread across the states and Canada and affect everybody. I wonder if it will pertain to old bikes as well?


  • #2
    Howdy Chaps,

    Functioning tachometer, eh? A stretch to see the correlation. Either that conveys the lack of technical grasp of the legislation's authors or indicates the naive believe a rider will let that flickering needle weigh on his conscious.

    Plenty of aftermarket big displacement V twins capable of rattling the DB meter at 1,200rpm just as there are Busa's capable of same at 12k. With the advent of OBDII now coupled with GPS, surprised noone's suggesting a rev limiter tied to an onboard DB meter with GPS to suppress noise in built up areas....or we just haven't got that far with this one yet.

    If it does get to that, it'll sure be satisfying to sail past them in the city on my old Vespa or R69S at 50mph as they're stumbling along at 15mph with those drag pipes.
    1950 Vincent - A Red Rapide Experience


    • #3
      The proposed New Hamphire law is an attemp to address the fact that the current New Hampshire noise law is considered unenforceable because it specifies specific decible levels at certain rpms. If you have no tachometer, a temporary tach would have to be hooked up. This new proposed law can't pass as written I would hope. My '63 FLH has a stock exhaust but no tach meaning I would be ticketed.
      Rod Hansen, Jr.


      • #4
        As with helmet laws this one will need all concerned to FIGHT and everyone must do their part !!


        • #5
          Here in the Buckeye state, Our pristene legislators are purplexed with the fall on the price of fuel per gallon. They claim they will loose revenue ! What a bunch of Bull !!! The taxes are based on gallons, not price ! We, apparently, according to those high and mighties, will need to pay this imaginary difference, in lost revenue, another way ! Their solution ??? Tax us on the miles we drive, ride, travel !!!!!! What the FUD ???? How do they accomplish this ? Such an implementation, to collect revenue, on milage spent, would need another agency created ! Someone would have to verify our odometers ! I say ....string em all up ! Coat em honey......and strap em to an ant hill ! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


          • #6
            We should all be worried about laws that are trying to be passed such as this. sooner or later they are going to slip one in. The new bill is in responce to bikes with straight pipes that are already againt the law. They need to enforce the laws that are there and not make new laws


            • #7
              Our antiques may be safe from regulations such as these but they are not safe from EPA future regulations. We will enjoy polution licenses which will eventually restrict how many hours a year we can operate our bikes ??? Will we appreciate the cost of such a license ?? Has any legislation come up on this yet ? Thankfully...not quite yet, but the talk has been brought up and the steering to such regs, are already in place. Paps


              • #8
                Originally posted by Robert Luland
                Paps don't worry. This new asshole president and his party are much more intrested in taking my guns away before your motorcycle but your right these socialist whore scumbags will get to you sooner or later. Bob
                come on don't hold back, let us know how you really feel!!!!
                Kevin Valentine 13
                EX-Chief Judge


                • #9
                  Do you really think it's really about loud pipes? Seat belt safety, red light cameras, smoking in public, cell phone use. It's just a revenue source, don't make it out to be anymore than what it really is, whatever it takes to make money. I have another question for this forum? Does this mean we can start giving political comments? That's one of my best subjects, also I am really passionate about all that religious hocus pocus. Rest assured I don't believe the sky is falling yet. And I think the Prez is doing a Grand job.


                  • #10
                    I play with motorcycles, I belong to the AMCA, and I come to this web site to get away from this depressing, dangerous, and often ugly world. No matter where your political compass points, please don't point it here.
                    Last edited by exeric; 01-30-2009, 01:51 PM.
                    Eric Smith
                    AMCA #886


                    • #11
                      My bad....and you are so right.... I come here for the same reasons also. BUT ?? Once the can is opened....I get caught up in it real easily. Paps


                      • #12
                        OKAY everybody,
                        I have deleted the offending posts. remember this is a family forum, offensive language is not allowed. PLEASE BEHAVE!
                        Kevin Valentine 13
                        EX-Chief Judge


                        • #13
                          I'm with Eric. If I wanna listen to exploitation news I can just turn on my TV. These
                          forums aren't the place for it. Everybody's got an oppinion. I started this post to let
                          everybody know what is going on in our sport. Like it or not a lot of people in this world do not like loud pipes. At Davenport this year some idiot left the fairgrounds on the side street on the north side where all the houses are and just nailed his throttle. Everybody looked and just shook their heads. Can you imagine if we loose Davenport as a meet?



                          • #14
                            Throw money at it till it goes away.

                            We've got money for everything else. We can always just cut a check to all those folks on that side of the street to appease them.
                            Last edited by Ohio-Rider; 01-30-2009, 01:58 PM. Reason: forgot something
                            AMCA #7300


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by exeric View Post
                              I play with motorcycles, I belong to the AMCA, and I come to this web site to get away from this depressing, dangerous, and often ugly world. No matter where your political compass points, please don't point it here.
                              Well said, Eric.

