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Gas tank cleaning

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  • Gas tank cleaning

    I want to thank the club member who suggested putting a gas tank in the clothes dryer for tumbling. I put a mixture of river rock, lacquer thinner, and industrial stripper into a '48 tank half. I put the cap on the tank and taped up the cap and lower fitting with duct tape. I wrapped the tank in two furniture blankets and packed the voids in the dryer barrel with towels. Our dryer has a delicate setting and a switch to turn off the heating elements. (Which is a damn good idea by the way). I figured, if this thing blows up, and I live through it, I'll go back through the old posts on this web site and find the knucklehead who suggested this. However, it was an unmitigated success and whoever that guy is, he's a genius.
    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886

  • #2
    I am glad you are still with us. That is quite a witches brew of liquid. ...bill in oregon
    Bill Gilbert in Oregon


    • #3
      Originally posted by exeric View Post
      I want to thank the club member who suggested putting a gas tank in the clothes dryer for tumbling.
      There must be another forum on the internet with wives exchanging the exact opposite impressions.
      Eric MATHIEU @ Beauty of Speed


      • #4
        Originally posted by exeric View Post
        I put a mixture of river rock, lacquer thinner, and industrial stripper into a '48 tank half.
        Holy cow Eric, You are a braver man than me.
        AMCA #7300


        • #5

          and they scoffed when carl olsen suggested it.


          • #6
            I once needed a fuel tank welded up. I took it to a welder who explained to way hosaeeeeee ! get the fuel out first !!! He said. Ok, I told him....I will. I pondered just how I would accomplish this, for several days. And then it came to me ! I let the tank air out for a few weeks. I kept the tank out of any rain but it still was outdoors. After I felt a bit more comfortable with the lapse in airing out time, I filled the tank with water, about 3/4 full. Aquiring a 4x8 sheet of 5/8 plywood, I causiously approached the tank. Feeling confident I was shielded well enough, I tossed a lit match into the filler opening. Whoosh !!! went the tank ! It wasn't a bang or boom which I feared could happen. Just a lonely whoosh!!!! After explaining to the welder, how I got the remnants of fuel out, He welded it up for me.


            • #7
              I rinse them with cleaning solvent then light them. A whoosh and small blue flame is all ye get.
              Last edited by Chris Haynes; 10-23-2008, 07:51 PM.
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              • #8
                While we're on the subject of the wonderfull services of home appliances and modern comfort: I use my dish washer to clean cases even after they have been blasted. I always clean cases very carefully after they have been blasted but you would be amazed at how much is left. When you open up the dishwasher there are beads all over the place.

                Now that we've covered dishwasher and cloth dryer let's see what we could do with a toaster
                Eric MATHIEU @ Beauty of Speed


                • #9
                  i did the dryer with the aquarium rock in mine worked like a charm. the toaster oven was for my twin cam plate so I could put in the cams. and you are right the dishwasher on high heat and pots and pans cleans a lot (and does not leave spots) until the wife gets home and smacks you between the eyes

                  aka Glenn


                  • #10
                    Glen did you just use the rock/gravel or also add cleaner or solvent exeric did?
                    AMCA #7140


                    • #11
                      Humm... I just had a thought. If we are all using the womens machines while they are away, you don't suppose their using ours while we're away do ya?
                      AMCA #7300


                      • #12
                        just the gravel
                        aka Glenn


                        • #13
                          you know guys, if the women ever read these posts we are in deep......


                          • #14
                            If I listed all of the times I found myself in deep doo doo, using the Ole Ladies appliances, my reply would cover 30 pages. Paps


                            • #15
                              I always figure that everything in this house is mine and I will use it as I want. But sometimes I regret it.
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