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Who's controlling this site

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  • Who's controlling this site

    There must be someone who has ultimate responsibilty for this site.

    Who is that person and how does someone contact him/her?

    Unless some control is exercised here I can see some serious litigation looming for the club. Several threads have gone from discussing issues to attacking personalities which is something that will only lead to disaster.

    Please someone from the board respond and tell us where the buck stops.
    Peter Thomson, a.k.a. Tommo
    A.M.C.A. # 2777
    Palmerston North, New Zealand.

  • #2
    Tommo i and some others have offered your time to be moderator but i don't think they want or trust us members to do the job .
    Jeff Bowles
    Membership # 14023
    1957 Sportster


    • #3
      Tommo, We have had two good administrators and both have left under very mysterious circumstances. At 10,000 something members, this is a small club but you would think this is the CIA. We are treated like children at a daycare center by a National board that has never been forthcomming with real information. With the exception of Kevin Valentine and Steve Slocombe the National board rarely makes a comment here. It is absoutely shameful that we have this miracle of communication and we have a National board that treats it like dog sh*t on their shoe. I even heard a rumor this week that the National board wants to kill this forum because of seditious talk. I don't think I believe that but it's a sample of the paranoia that is getting louder and louder in the rank and file.

      I agree with you 100% that litigious talk like we had over that '44 knuck will lead to big trouble for this club and could indeed kill this forum.
      Eric Smith
      AMCA #886


      • #4
        Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "CONTACT US"
        Be sure to visit;
        Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
        Also be sure to visit


        • #5
          I have not been in touch since late May but see I got back just in time.

          As a member here since 2001 the tone seems to have heated up to a new level.
          I have found that every once in a while some one will go out on a limb and say a few things that maybe they should not have. It really all depends on how the message is delivered. I see that Chris went out there and the limb sort of got sawed off on the '44 Knuck deal.

          I think we should be careful how we deliver the message and have all the facts. We should police ourselves, the moderator should step in and lock it when it gets personal. There is really no point to that type of school yard behavior, telling people things you would not say in person face to face. We can also send a note to the contact source.
          #7558 Take me on and you take on the whole trailer park!


          • #6
            [QUOTE=KNUCK;70058] I see that Chris went out there and the limb sort of got sawed off on the '44 Knuck deal.

            I have? What I did was to alert people to something advertised on ebay as something it was not. I did that to notify any prospective bidders that they may not be getting what they though they were. That was on July 24th of this year. It was nothing malicious. Just a warning.
            Be sure to visit;
            Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
            Also be sure to visit


            • #7
              I read your "BEWARE" post again and I guess it is the words you choose to use and how you deliver it is all I can say.
              #7558 Take me on and you take on the whole trailer park!


              • #8
                I agree with Chris,he told it like it is.He didn't make it up out of the clear blue sky either.If the shop selling that phoney put together mototorcycle told the true story about the bike,we wouldn't be having this discussion.Way to go Chris.
                Ken Kalustian
                AMCA #2065


                • #9
                  I wonder if one of the board members could post how the "forum" discussion was handled at Davenport. I'm sure at the abrasive rate that this forum has been travelling that we are sure to eventually have an unwanted halt to our liberties to post here. It's a shame really as there are some really knowledgeable folks that use this site that have chosen to share with those of us that are less so. It would be a real bummer to have it all go away. A moderator would certainly be helpful to eliminate this spam b.s. and to control the posters that can't control themselves. It really sucks that we lost AdminGuy, he kept things in line.

                  Oh, and Tommo thanks for all your input over the years and best wishes on your health.
                  Cory Othen


                  • #10

                    you know i hate to chime in on this,as it only prolongs this problem,but with all due respect cory,adminguy sat on his hands for over 6 months while me and other upstanding members of this club were verbally attacked by an "anonymous" one point even calling it hilarious when my father and i were called frauds ,and liars ,and other unmentionable obscenities.i agree ,we need a moderater,because this will only continue ,and get worse as time goes by.leading the directors to end this fine forum. lonnie isam jr.
                    Last edited by jurassic; 09-11-2008, 10:08 PM.


                    • #11
                      Why is so hard to get a straight answer from the powers that be to a perfectly reasonable question.
                      My direct intention was to avoid any further airing of dirty linen on this particular thread and to find out who exactly controlled this site.

                      Chris I have always been taught that you always introduce yourself and when directing concerns you direct it to the person responsible.
                      The "Contact Us" facility only gives you a box with no name as to who you are addressing and this is not acceptible to me.

                      It is obvious that someone is deleting questionable material and if they are the site administrator why are they so reluctant to reveal themselves. It certainly appears that the board wants this site to self destruct and that would be a shame.
                      Peter Thomson, a.k.a. Tommo
                      A.M.C.A. # 2777
                      Palmerston North, New Zealand.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jurassic View Post
                        you know i hate to chime in on this,as it only prolongs this problem,but with all due respect cory,adminguy sat on his hands for over 6 months while me and other upstanding members of this club were verbally attacked by an "anonymous" one point even calling it hilarious when my father and i were called frauds ,and liars ,and other unmentionable obscenities.i agree ,we need a moderater,because this will only continue ,and get worse as time goes by.leading the directors to end this fine forum. lonnie isam jr.
                        I like to think I have a good memory, but I guess it's a little short. It took your reminder to bring me back a bit. Now that you mention it, I guess what's going on now isn't a whole lot different than what went on with you. I went back and re-read some of the posts and I guess the same type of squabbles keep re-living themselves. Hopefully the powers that be can allow us to have a proper moderator. This is all getting old and is tainting the site.

                        Looking on the bright side though, you got a great avatar out of it...........
                        Last edited by c.o.; 09-11-2008, 11:27 PM.
                        Cory Othen


                        • #13
                          Many of us who swing by here several times daily have volunteered to keep an eye on this forum for the club. Yet we get no response. If the AMCA’s goal is to shut down this site then their doing a great job.

                          They will then most likely reopen it, as a pay per view site. However it plays out, I would like to thanks all the members who have shared their smarts with me over the past few years here. Thanks to you there are 2 more old machines on the road, that other wise may not have been
                          AMCA #7300


                          • #14
                            Well I too would like to see a FEW moderators one isnt enough to do the job right our present Admin is aware of this Im sure!! I do believe to some extent we need to "POLICE" ourselves,infact I believe at inception we (members of the forum ) had that discussion and we all were going to be gentlemen here and for the most part I think all of us have been,it doesnt take to much of a flaming to make a fire grow!!! Im also sure Mike is aware of whats going on and may have a few words on the subject at some time,that being said Lets all be civil towards each other and I think things will be just dandy !! Have a great day all of you !


                            • #15
                              who's controlling this site

                              this is to everybody that has asked!

                              as of Sept 9 2008, I have offered to be moderator on the forum.
                              this is a good place for members to share ideas and ask for advice about old motorcycles, and should be kept alive. the board has no intention of doing away with it, and has a new person looking to see how to update the entire web page.
                              as for the forum, some of you have already suggested that we police ourselves. that is a very good idea, and we should also remember what this forum is really for. to share information and ideas, to help each other with the restoring of old motorcycles and make new friends.
                              if this gets to busy, I WILL ask for help from members that have offered.
                              until then ride safe and HAVE FUN!!
                              Kevin Valentine 13
                              EX-Chief Judge

