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Riding in the rain 2008

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  • Riding in the rain 2008

    Being caught in the rain, during a ride,
    is dangerous in more than one way.

    "University of Tennessee - Knoxville - Medical Research Team - 8/2/08

    Those who are exposed to the road film mix that is sprayed into the air, after or during a typical summer downpour, need to understand that they must protect themselves from exposure to this bacteria, chemical, disease laden bath.

    Teams studied samples taken during May 2008 rain storms, that were collected from I-65 south of Brentwood. The specimens collected of the highway film, found that the water sprayed into the air by traffic had heavy concentrations of Staphylococcus, along with over 30 types of other air and liquid born diseases and contaminants.

    Most surprising was the high level of virus and bacteria examples that are found typically in human and animal expectorations and feces.
    The teams determination is that the improper and illegal dumping of Motor home waste tanks and debris from animal transportation vehicles, on the highway surface, may explain the high concentration of these types of liquefied waste products.

    Any exposure to this liquid can cause dozens of serious diseases of the skin, eyes and other organs. Other exposed bodily surfaces, including parts that become wet through soaked clothing, are at risk. Skin, eye and throat diseases are most common. But contamination is not limited to those areas.

    After being exposed to road waste water, victims can develop severe red, swollen and painful pimples, or boils on any expose surface. The lesions can turn into impetigo, which turns into a crust on the skin, or cellulites, a swollen, red area of skin that feels hot to the touch. These types of staph bacteria are very resistant to certain antibiotics, making infections extremely harder to treat.

    Caution is suggested to insure that there is no bodily contact with this liquefied road waste."

  • #2
    That's one of the reasons that one might consider wearing protective clothing while riding !
    Membership # 2926


    • #3
      Your right

      Your right.

      But even my Barbor suit lets water get in around the neck
      and left sleeve after a while. I remember hearing that
      "Water always wins ... " , when it comes to it finding a way in.

      I don't even want think about the "stuff", that comes
      out of drivers car windows and Motorhome storage tanks,
      turning liquid then getting in and soaking my skin.

      Kind of surprising that this subject has never been
      looked into before.

      When we visited Mid Ohio, we saw several guys
      riding their bikes in the rain, with only goggles on .... but
      nothing covering their heads and necks. Their heads, hair
      and shoulders were dripping wet, with that road water mixture,
      when they pulled up to the traffic lights in Mansfield ....


      • #4
        Oh-Oh. I,ve rode through thousands of miles of rain without a rain suit or helmet. maybe that explains a lot ?



        • #5
          Great, now I have something else to worry about. Last week I got caught twice when it rained. What really got my attention was all the lightning. I live in an area that is all ridges and valleys and when I'm on top of the ridges the lightning always seems to hit right next to the road.



          • #6
            How many of us went thru the bobber era? No front fender and a chopped rear fender. That explains my hair loss at such a young age. LOL -Steve
            AMCA #7300


            • #7
              And yet another good reason for keeping my mouth shut when I ride.
              Eric Smith
              AMCA #886


              • #8
                Come on ladies,you may as well just go out & buy a new dress! That should make everything better.

                I thought we were BIKERS! What about grandpa & uncle ernie that had to ride dirt roads & dodge a double ton of horse hockey pucks mixed with cow urine !


                • #9
                  I guess that'll be the end of that

                  I can't begin to think about that or what may be, I do remember about 30yrs ago a friend and yes I said friend ran over a blown up dead groundhog on a hot back country road in front of me while we were out having fun riding...He said he heard it explode. I felt the spray and my clothes stank all day from that. Nothing a few beers and laughs didn't fix although I sweared I'd return the favor someday. If I worried about such things as bacteria I'd never touch another door handle without a glove on. I do wash my hands alot though. Keep riding them, Merlin in Pa.


                  • #10
                    This is an entertaining thread that is easy identify with. I've been caught in warm rains, cold rains, rain mixed with snow, freezing rain, and those hideous blasts of waterized road grit (and LOTS else!) by passing semi trucks. Even riding blind in the rain following the red glow of the taillights ahead of me. And how about those times spent under freeway bridges as it pours down in sheets?

                    Ain't motorcycling fun?
                    Herbert Wagner
                    AMCA 4634
                    The TRUE beginnings of the Harley-Davidson Motor Co.

