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Hebron Tomorrow! Be There!

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  • Hebron Tomorrow! Be There!

    Don't forget! Hebron Connecticut tomorrow. August 1 and 2. Yankee Chapter. Time for more fun! Bob
    AMCA #3149

  • #2
    Yesterday (Friday) was perfect weather, but a very disappointing turn out of bikes and vendors. I've been hearing rumors of how the Rhinebeck event is stealing the thunder of other events but had no idea how much. Then again, it could be the weak economy and high cost of gas.

    Sure hope they get a great turn out today (Saturday) as the Yankee chapter has always been a solid one with lots of great people and machines.
    Buzz Kanter
    Classic-Harley.Info Classic Harley History
    [Classic American Iron Forum Classic Harley Forum
    [American Iron Magazine Harley Magazine


    • #3
      Buzz you couldn’t have bin so right. I just got back home from Hebron. I drove six hours round trip for seven venders that were packing up when I got there at 10:30 am. This was a real disappointment. The Lion fair grounds are a great place though. I hope next year will be better. I’d hate to see this small meet have the same fate as Harmony. Bob

      “Any man that forsakes freedom for security deserves neither.”
      1 800 NRA JOIN
      When seconds count and the police will be there in minutes!

      1948 FL
      1965 XLCH
      2006 FLHT
      Five more in crates with good paper!
      Restore for life, Restore for the next generation! O the hell with this. Just save something of what used to be America.
      Beagle! Beagle!
      AMCA #3149


      • #4
        I've only been to Hebron once, since it is such a long haul from here in central SC, but the folks there really made my buddy and I feel at home. I would think Buzz hit the nail on the head not once but twice. Fuel costs really make you think twice before riding to such a small meet, especially if you are looking for parts (I went to have a '48 FL judged so as to get in the WC in a single year). And a humongous meet like Rhinebeck is a better venue for selling and buying, so if you are a vendor where would you go?

        It's really a shame since the smaller meets have such a homey old-time feel. At the big meets I've never really had time to watch the field meets but at Hebron and Harmony (been there three times) you could do it all. As a buyer you don't feel so rushed, in fear that the one part you need or the next big deal must be in the next spot, or the next or... I guess you can say you have time to smell the roses.

        Bigger may not be better in every regard.

        Lonnie C. from SC.
        Lonnie Campbell #9908
        South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

        Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

        Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at


        • #5
          Hebron event

          Thank you to everyone that came to the meet.

          While we did get up to 20 vendors, this was less than 1/2 our normal amount. We did have a good turnout of Yankee bikes, along with Long Island, Hudson Valley, and others on the show field and around the grounds.

          We will need to learn from this event.

          I solicited members on their ideas and received many different thoughts on the meet. I feel it is important to listen to our membership and the AMCA mambership at large to make sure we don't have tunnel vision about our meet. In particular, there were guys there with money to spend, and some good parts and bikes did sell- from the AMCA forum responses, you can see this is an important aspect of any meet, and we'll need to get back to 50+.

          The Yankee Board is committed to providing a great local venue for the Chapter and surrounding clubs, and we will be back in '09 with some new ideas to pump up the meet and make sure no one goes away feeling the ride in wasn't worth it.

          As a side note, the Yankee Chapter is coordinating a ROAD RUN to follow Rhinebeck next year. The run will be up in Maine, and will feature coastal as well as inland rides. This is truly a spectacular area for riding, and there are myriad museums, antique stores, and sites to visit.

          Thank you for your comments, and hope to see you in Maine.

          Dan Margolien
          Director, Yankee Chapter
          Dan Margolien
          Yankee Chapter National Meet July 31/August 1 2020 at the TERRYVILLE Fairgounds, Terryville CT.


          • #6
            Small meet thoughts

            I've been going to meets for a good number of years, and have seen some of them shrivel and die. I think a few things led to this happening. One thing is that over the years, the 'main players' arrived earlier and earlier, scoured the meet for the good deals, and then stashed them (For later sale on Ebay), kicked back, or left early saturday. This left fewer deals and fewer vendors for the 'common man' who shows up on Saturday looking for parts for his or her machine. These 'little guys' who work all week and show up on Saturday are an under-appreciated segment of the hobby. With less parts available, and fewer vendors, the incentive for these guys to come to the meets is less. This means a smaller turnout at the meets, which makes vendors less likely to show up. It's a vicious downward spiral. The other, and maybe the most significant factor is Ebay. Many vendors now just sell their good parts on ebay, letting the auction venue determine the true value of parts for them. They don't need to load their truck, drive many miles, spend a lot on gas, food, hotels etc to attend a meet to sell their stuff. It's easier to sell at their own pace from their homes. Personally, I like to pick up a part, look it over, and see if I can make a deal with a live person. I like walking and talking with a field full of folks with the same interests-old bikes! I enjoy dinner at the firehouse, or the pavilion, or up the road/across the street with a bunch of vintage motorcycle folks. The social aspect is a big part of it! If the vendors saved some good stuff, brought it to a meet, stayed all Saturday and sold/swapped like the 'old days', the meets would become a lot more they used to be! Yes, Ebay is very handy, but some 'good stuff' needs to be available at the meets, to everyone, if the meets are to survive. Why is Rhinebeck so popular? Because there is a lot of stuff there! H.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DanM View Post
              Thank you to everyone that came to the meet.

              While we did get up to 20 vendors, this was less than 1/2 our normal amount. We did have a good turnout of Yankee bikes, along with Long Island, Hudson Valley, and others on the show field and around the grounds.

              We will need to learn from this event.

              I solicited members on their ideas and received many different thoughts on the meet. I feel it is important to listen to our membership and the AMCA mambership at large to make sure we don't have tunnel vision about our meet. In particular, there were guys there with money to spend, and some good parts and bikes did sell- from the AMCA forum responses, you can see this is an important aspect of any meet, and we'll need to get back to 50+.

              The Yankee Board is committed to providing a great local venue for the Chapter and surrounding clubs, and we will be back in '09 with some new ideas to pump up the meet and make sure no one goes away feeling the ride in wasn't worth it.

              As a side note, the Yankee Chapter is coordinating a ROAD RUN to follow Rhinebeck next year. The run will be up in Maine, and will feature coastal as well as inland rides. This is truly a spectacular area for riding, and there are myriad museums, antique stores, and sites to visit.

              Thank you for your comments, and hope to see you in Maine.

              Dan Margolien
              Director, Yankee Chapter
              Dan, what can we do to support you and the Yankee chapter? Love Rhinebeck, but don't want to see Hebron die.
              Buzz Kanter
              Classic-Harley.Info Classic Harley History
              [Classic American Iron Forum Classic Harley Forum
              [American Iron Magazine Harley Magazine

