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  • #31
    Mike, I believe your concerns to be valid also. Thus was my need to respond to them. Like you, when I see vendors leave early and also hear vendor woes of low sales, I too worry about the next seasons meet turnout. It does take cash to put these gatherings together though. Your concerns are definately valid. And please.....keep voicing your concerns. We all learn this way. Paps


    • #32

      I would love to be in the US to go to some of these meets..

      Find any knuckle cases while you were there??

      George Greer
      AMCA # 3370


      • #33
        Hey knuck cases yet but I'll keep seachin for ya. Paps / Pa / Paul and other four letter words to some.


        • #34
          Hey i wish these forums had moderastors so they could end them long before anyone gets amd at each other! but thats ok we dont either! As for the meets Ive been at this a long time long enough to have been at Davenport before it was a super meet front lot only! and I had fun ! I still have fun when i go to meets and I dont blame the vendors for grabbing parts ahead of time and from what I can see it mostly the same people all the time that buy and swap before the general public gets in,but they dont hord for the most part,they resell at a higher price! Thats capitalism at its finest!!Again along time ago i was just a bunch of motorheads getting rid of their old junk so as they could buy something else like all things it has evolved into what we have today and I personally liked the old ways but Im a bigboy (in more than one way !!!HA!HA!) and can live with the way things are,I really dont NEED anything so bad that I cannt live without it until some other day,right now id like to find an original headlite bucket for my 1940 FOUR a hard item to fin but the 41 thats on there will do until I find one reasonable!What we have forgotten is respecting each others space vendors do have some gripes as do the buyers, i have put myself on both sides of the fence and at times as a seller it can be very fruserating selling to people,but thats retail!! Lets all go to the meets for what they are designed for FUN!! I believe if we do that all else falls into place!!!! PAPS dont stop posting even though I have never met you I enjoy your comments


          • #35
            Well said INLINE! I can't help but sit here wishing I could have gone to Wauseon. That's my only gripe!
            Cory Othen


            • #36
              I joined this club in the early 70's and the meets that I went to were much smaller, personal affairs. There was vending but the social aspect seemed to be more at the front. Unfortunately, I didn't know very many of the members and my only bike was a 1941 EL which was one step above a Honda in those days. One thing that has not changed in this club is; you are what you own. The guys with the big collections (big wallets in many cases) are the big shots. That's just life.

              I believe this hobby is extreamly healthy and shows no signs of weakening. If the vending side of future meets weakens, the show and social side will strengthen. However, when you look at the volume of reproduction parts that enterprising people are making you have to admit that the parts side of this hobby is far from feeble.

              If transportation becomes a big issue in the future, people will organize smaller regional meets. The big meets will probably get smaller but then, they started out small. The past 20 years or so have been great but there is every reason to believe those days are gone forever. We have a lot more people looking for the same stuff and of coarse there is ebay. I feel like Mike does and I fully understand his frustration but you can't control these things.

              I have one more observation. A couple of years ago, the Eustis meet was more or less rained out. My friend Mark brought his enclosed trailer and a bunch of us and passers by sat in the trailer drinking beer, analyzing old bike parts, and telling stories. It was one of the best meets I've been to. The thing I regret is not getting to know more members. If there is anything I would like to see change at our meets, it's creating some way for us members to get better acquainted. We don't get to know many people with our heads bent down looking at parts.
              Eric Smith
              AMCA #886


              • #37
                Life as it changes

                Well said ExEric, Keep riding them, Merlin in Pa.


                • #38
                  Exeric said it all for me. quote: If there is anything I would like to see change at our meets, it's creating some way for us members to get better acquainted. We don't get to know many people with our heads bent down looking at parts.


                  • #39
                    Well, I said I wasn't going to comment on this thread anymore, but I got a call from a member yesterday saying he "heard" from another member who has internet access that I had made some negative comments about Wauseon. Everyone in the AMCA is welcome to read my comments, and reply. I thought that is what this forum was for. I don't talk behind peoples backs, and if you say something to me, that is as far as it goes. I am not here to gossip. I said before, I enjoyed the meet, and didn't mean to offend anyone. If I don't feel free to post on our forum, I won't be here long. I don't like people taking what I say and twisting it. Any response can be said directly to me, by some who knows exactly what I said. My name is Mike Schmitz, and I approve this message.


                    • #40
                      How could anyone twist what you had to say Mike? It's all right here in black and white. As you can tell from reading all the posts, many members share the same view point as you. This is the "Parking Lot Chatter" area. Seems lately that quite a few members here are really quick to draw lines in the sand. Hell, I just wished I could have repaired my tranny intime to join in some of the fun at Waseon. -Steve
                      AMCA #7300


                      • #41
                        Don't feel bad. My oil pump went out that week!


                        • #42
                          I feel the same as Steve, Mike. What went on the pump ?? Paps


                          • #43
                            I don't know. The man who did the motor assembly will have to figure that one out. I am hands off on this one. I will let you know.

