Hello members, I've experienced twice this year the difficult task of having to ask people to not lean on my handlebars while flicking the switches with their nervous fingers while talking to people, or just using the bars as a rest for their tired arms. The display area is and should be a place to LOOK and enjoy up close the treasure of our hobbies, and not a parking lot hangout. I have no problem speaking up for myself, however I believe we are getting a little sloppy with respect for others. I've also seen large dogs loose and on leashes in the display area while some bikes are on center stands and not heavy weights (and yes I like dogs). Believe me when I say that I am easy going, but I have my limits. Sincerely, Ride um! Merlin
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M/C display area courtesy
No Apologies Necessary!!
Isn't it funny how we always feel like we've got to apologize or feel badly because we've had to tell a child or even an adult to stop doing something that we know will cause damage or possibly worse, an accident . I say, "Tell them and make it 'LOUD AND CLEAR!" Even when it's not your bike!! I wish I had someone say something to the person (Child or Adult) who ruined my day this past fall at a local Car Show. I had just finished the Harley and thought I'd run it over to a local Car Show a couple of towns over. I pulled in after paying my entry fee and set up the bike in between a couple of beautifully restored 60' s Muscle Cars. After dusting it off and setting the front wheel just a certain way to what I believe shows off the bike to its best and placing my 'shortie' helmet on the solo-seat, I decided to walk around and look at some of the other vehicles there. Luckily, just before I did I dropped the trans into gear just as a precaution to keep it from moving. Good thing! I couldn't have been gone more then 10-15 min. when I decided to go 'check' the bike. Lo and Behold, someone decided that it was perfectly 'OK' to 'Sit on My Bike' and play 'Biker'! Probably even made the VROOM-VROOM sounds!! ( Of course, you know I just missed seeing who did it!) Sure wished the people on either side of me who were busy polishing and detailing their cars would have said something! Might have saved me my best pair of sunglasses that now lay smashed next to my helmet on the ground. And Yes, I'm still touching up the scratches in the paint on the tank and rear fender!! Lucky the Harley stayed up-right! I agree with you Magic, Speak-up right away, regardless of whether their kids or adults! I believe in the addage "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!" What good does it do you to have 'Dad' or 'Mom' apologize for 'Theirs' or their 'Kids' careless action! The damage is already done! PS, You could be sure that 'Mom' or 'Dad' would have been standing alongside my Harley asking for my lawyer's number while saying "It Just Kinda Fell Over On Our Little Jr." ..."Happy New Years Everybody"... Hrdly-Dangrs and Mrs Dangrs
That also reminds me of last summer when I went to the WWII show in Reading Pa. We were looking at a WWII paratroopers cycle, and my daughter said "may I sit on it"? I told her no, it doesn't belong to us. THEN, some man and his kid came up to the cycle, while I was still there and let his kid get on it. This no sooner happened and my daughter said "well he's sitting on it" and loudly I said "THAT KID DOES NOT BELONG ON IT" the father and son quickly left the area. It really is a shame to have to leave your bike/car unattended and feel you should have to babysit it. But, that is the way people are. That is why if you are showing a car, no matter how hot it is, you should roll up the windows, (except an inch for heat) and lock it up. Course MCs are harder to roll up the windows.
(What part of NJ are you from Hrdly? I am near Exit 5 of the NJTPK.)
I returned to my '47EL to find a little boy struggling to stay upright on it (his feet were waving around looking for a good grip) while mom held his shoulders. I was...excited...and told her that he DID NOT belong on the bike, as it was very old, not an amusement park ride, and NOT HERS. She replied that it was an ugly old thing, and her son couldn't possibly hurt it. I told her that if it had fallen on him, he would probably have been crippled or at least, burned by the pipes. At his point, she quickly pulled junior off.....but only because her prized possesion was in danger. Harumph!
When I do shows where I display WWII memorabilia, I put up signs that say PLEASE DO NOT HANDLE, THIS INCLUDES YOU. If I had a dollar for every time somebody picked something up anyway, I could buy another bike (at least a 1982 Yamaha 250). I guess that sign indicates who has "center of the universe syndrome".
It really is much rarer at AMCA meets...but creeping in. New motto in order? "You can touch my bike if I can touch your .."