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Is Fuel Prices Ruining Swapmeet Attendence

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  • #16
    I agree with you Herb. I heat with wood and it sure does the trick for me. If a fella is in an are with timber, it's almost crazy nowadays not to. I'm hearing that the corn issue is causing problems in the food markets. So I don't know if it's really the answer. Oh, by the way I sent you a p.m.
    Cory Othen


    • #17
      HC andCO yes Ive been there and done that as they say and HC you said the key phrase "labor intense" Im lazy and corn still is cheap here and easy to handle the plus is no creasote


      • #18
        Another pricing update


        • #19
          Fuel costs, swap meets, Mexico and other BS

          Fuel costs in South Texas are currently $4.05 for regular and $4.68 for diesel and rising.

          As a kid growing up in Northwest Iowa, I distinctly remember only going to town once a month. In that trip the feed store bill got paid, Mom went to the beauty shop, Dad and the four of us boys got haircuts at the barber shop, and groceries were bought before we went home. Most people I know today never let the hood of their car cool off. They run to the corner store every day for something. Face it no one will stay home until gas is not available.

          T. Boone Pickens stated the obvious well this a.m. on national news. During Nixons administration less than 20% of our oil was imported. With each successive administration we are now up to 70% imported. America has not had a new refinery built since 1972 and our energy policy is shitty at best. Environmentalists have cut off domestic reserves from being tapped...etc....He also predicted that one year from today we would be paying $6.00 a gallon! Might have to park the Panhead and ride the Hummer?

          I filled up several gas cans last week to top off some bikes in my collection. Took $75 bucks to do this. Made me remember being able to ride a scoot all weekend as a teenager for $2 bucks (gas was .25 a gal) and I am only 49. Many of our AMCA mmbers paid much less in their younger days.

          Rather than not attend Wauseon, Davenport or other worthwhile destinations I would rather cut miles out of my life elsewhere and be able to attend these events and be around "real people and real iron".

          Just a thought.

          Steve Klein...down in South Texas
          Steve Klein
          Collector . Conservator . Enthusiast
          American Pre-teens - 1965
          AMCA Member 12176
          Cherokee Chapter President, Editor

          Georgetown, TX USA


          • #20
            There's a method to this madness and it's designed for security reasons. The policies were made during the cold war....maybe even as far back as WWI.... and were designed to ensure if there was a war, the U.S. would have enough oil reserves to support military requirements for many decades. If the U.S. was to enter another WW, the first thing to go would be oil supplies from the middle east and Alaska (Russia next door).....hence the Alaskan pipe line and the large effort put into that project. We would fuel our peace time needs with imported oil from other countries....using theirs up......and leave our vast mainland oil reserves untouched. I believe there was even talk of putting oil back in the ground here in the States to refill what was already used. I don't expect this thinking to ever change anytime soon......I do expect offshore drilling to increase as long as it doesn't affect the mainland oil reserves.

            Just my opinion..............18 years Air Force training........I think I heard that somewhere.....



            • #21
              this is a long term deal

              KDR I strongly agree with that mindset plan of our country and I believe as we heat up the world with our bullyness the price will only skyrocket to the limit of more people thinking the way our parents thought back then too. Just as we are pressuring Saudi Arabia to explore more into their hard to get to underground untapped supplies. Use theres first and control/lower at home use. Power/Strength of any country rests in energy supplies. I feel for families full of children use to attending social/sporting events. I'm curious to see how our economy gets outta this one and yes I'm optimistic and waiting as well. Family of veterans here. Army, Navy(2), Marines, guess who the Jarhead was LOL Merlin in Pa.


              • #22

                I agree, using up others oil and keep ours in reserve might have been a good idea at one time.

                But I think that as the Arabian oil gets used up and supplys dry out......what are they going to do??

                Control the money markets.........Check out CNN International, and just look at all the ads concerning Arabic Financing/Banking.......Hell they know that the oil will come to an end and they surely cant eat the freaking sand............CONTROL the MONEY...

                You watch..

                George Greer
                AMCA # 3370


                • #23
                  Kurt has spoken the truth. That is the strategy ! Our reservers are just that ! Ours !! But ??? Don't beat around the damn bush..... Tell us so ! Paps


                  • #24
                    Quote George: "But I think that as the Arabian oil gets used up and supplys dry out......what are they going to do??"

                    Personal one one ever cared.

                    They have the oil and that's what everyone When it's will everyone and anything there.......basically the same thing when you're rich and famous....everyone wants a piece of you, but when you fail and go broke.....everyone stays as far away as they can. Nothing to gain from a country that can't support itself.........Africa ring a bell?

                    I've heard calculations decades ago (circa 1970's pre-internet) about the U.S. and its oil reserves could support itself for 150 years including (at the time) current population growth rate. I've heard it change over the years, but now with the current refining process of extracting oil from shale, sandstone and could be 100's more. My bet is though, it'll be only 15 more years with petroleum based fuels......hydrogen is the way of the future and I say by 2020 or so, you won't find a fossil fuel auto by any manufacturer. Home heating will undergo a change also.

                    My point is.......the Arab's see what's coming and are trying to get the most out of what they have now.

                    Again.......just my observation


                    Oh.......and that goes for the oil refineries also.......they'll be dead in the water..........maybe why no one is building new refineries.
                    Last edited by KDR; 07-10-2008, 09:59 AM.


                    • #25

                      That is why I say that once the oil is gone.......what they gonna do??

                      Control the financial markets, that's what I think that they are doing.

                      George Greer
                      AMCA # 3370


                      • #26

                        I think they won't control reason to kiss their azz anymore and everything will move to the next players home court.

                        My guess.......India


