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Is Fuel Prices Ruining Swapmeet Attendence

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  • Is Fuel Prices Ruining Swapmeet Attendence

    I saw the fuel price forcast for the 4th of July on the network news programs. They predict a +5 per gallon by then. I don't know about others but the high cost to go anywhere has knocked some destinations off of my schedule. I chatted with some across the boarder from Mexico AMCA members, Arizona, Texas, and California. They will try Davenport but Wauseon has been removed from their schedules. One close to the boarder member complained about fuel prices in Mexico, just 10 mile south of him. Mexican citizens, according to him, were shelling out less than a dollar per gallon. He also said he cannot cross the boarder to fill his tank for his return trip levies a custom fee with eats up his savings on the cost of the fuel. Yet....Mexican trucks can roll in and out over the boarder freely ?? Paps

  • #2
    It's a sad situation all around and no mistake. Here gas is $3.99.9.

    Maybe it's time to bring back the sealed-tank economy run popular in the early days. Maybe Indian & Merkel were right after all having smaller engines. Looks like 100-inch choppers are out and gas-sipping scooters are in...
    Last edited by HarleyCreation; 06-09-2008, 10:01 AM.
    Herbert Wagner
    AMCA 4634
    The TRUE beginnings of the Harley-Davidson Motor Co.


    • #3
      Drop in Show Attendance

      Paps -

      You are exactly correct.

      Today we attended the Gilmore Museum Vintage Bike event
      which is held near Battle Creek, Michigan -

      There was a dramatic drop in attendance, estimated
      at 25 - 30%, by the event organizers.

      They told us there is no doubt that the cost of
      gas has effected their event, because of the phone
      contacts they had before the show and the drop
      in attendance today.


      • #4
        Don't forget the effect that ebay has had for shopping from your lazy boy chair!
        Not to be dismissed is the help forums provide for people in need of a part.


        • #5
          You know fellas''.......ebay hasn't dented me one bit. Of course I have found parts I would have searched for endlessly but all in all.....many Bros" I know have beaten ebay pricing 10 to one. In this moment, I have commitments to several difficult to find parts that ebay would have burn't me on. Why ???? They know I am for real !! I help them...They help me ! Don't forget this folks ! You get what you give... Now back to fuel........WTF?????


          • #6
            Mexican gas prices



            • #7
              Wtf Is Right!

              Here in western New york the price has jumped from 4.07 to 4.24 in a matter of a couple of days and have heard in some areas it is close to 4.30

              Just seems to me that some of the people as much as they want to go to a meet won't be able to justify the cost in gas to get there depending on the distance that they would have to travel.

              When I went to Oley earlier this year I took my sidecar rig to keep cost down so I would have more "operating cash" at the meet and that cost me 84.65 round trip in gas alone for a distance of 783 miles from home and back some of the gas stations in PA. were roughly 35 cents cheaper that around home.
              AMCA Member#1848


              • #8
                the gas prices have put a halt to my travel as well. oley is about 11 hours to drive gas this year was about $140.00 each way, while last year was about $80.00.

                had planned to go to rhinebeck this weekend but now not going, I hope to attend wauseon - get to work overtime the next little while that money will go towards fuel

                the price of gas around here is between $1.17 and $1.35 a liter, to get gallons multiply 1 liter by 3.8

                aka HAWG
                1914 EXCELSIOR BELT DRIVE SINGLE
                1914 excelsior belt drive single carcuss
                1940 indian chief military
                1965 sportster xlch
                1969 sportster xlch bobber
                1971 bsa A65 chopper
                1969 harley ss350 sprint
                1960 harley topper
                1963 harley topper
                H model whizzer on cheiftain bicycle
                H model whizzer on schwinn bicycle
                1949 harley model 125 bobber project
                1959 harley model 165
                1960 harley super 10
                1974 indian 70cc dirt bike


                • #9
                  The Mexican fuel link is last years figures.

                  My Buddy and I ran up to NH, here from Ohio, a few weeks ago. Round trip in a cargo van cost us just under $400. In the early 70's, I drove to Seattle from Pittsburgh, on a $100, in a 10 ton cargo van. It now takes over $50 to fill my 4 cylinder Pontiac Sunbirds' tank. It only holds 13 gal. when empty. Heard a man on tv the other day state......high fuel pricing is the only way to curb our fuel usage. We use entirely to much of it. Wish I could have been on that set with him. Prior to busting his nose, I would have forced him to devulge his average income. He would have had to account for the lower fuel costs in the third world, Islamic, and South American nations as well. Google up what the Chinese pay per gallon. Look at Irag, Saudi Arabia, India, Argentina, and several other S American nations. Compare those to the Western civilizations such as the US and European nations. My comparisons showed lower fuel costs in developing industrial nations. You know.......No pollution control countries, cheap/child labor, population control by murder[adult also], dictorial governments, etc.. Major controling stock holders are behind our fuel costs. They moved the work to where the profit margin is 400 to 1. Hense... those nations get the fuel first. We pee ons, the lowly consumers, loose jobs, loose homes, loose our standard of living, and are forced to buy the crap that is sent back to us, or go without. The money we spend leaves our nations, except for the investment profits to the select stock holders. And how to you like the stimulus package for the US ?? We borrowed it from China !! How do you like the new super highway system we tax payers are footing the bill for, coming up and out of Mexico ! In Mexico it leads to port cities. That's right ! US port cities will loose even the Chinese imported goods. Long shoreman will loose their jobs. We all know the trickle down effects from one closing. More closings come. Local, state and fed govs loose needed revenues. It takes decent paying jobs to finance a nation. Real manufacturing is the foundation of any good economy. Here in the US, the proof of this, is in the past.

                  Sorry for running a muck on you folks but ???? Paps approves his message


                  • #10
                    I hear gas is about a buck a gallon in south Texas, oops, I mean Mexico.


                    • #11
                      We all can blow off a little steam here ....but Im afraid to blame any one party here, big oil corps have reaped a real harvest as of late,If King George cared about all of us he could and would have done something for us,instead he takes a trip to Europe to say goodbye, I hope he realizes they hate him and not us. Now Ive said my 2 cents worth !! There is no end in sight,so we better find other ways to run our cars and heat our houses, some time ago in Davenport i had a talk with a local about heating with corn and it sounded reasonable, they grow a good crop of corn here in Maine so this year my house will be heated with corn,Im giving my hard earned money to an American this year ! And like PAPS I approve of this message


                      • #12
                        The corn pellet stoves have been around for quite awhile and up until a few years ago where very cheap to operate. The cost has gone up significantly since the farmers are getting a good price from the refineries for their corn, why would they sell it to us for less than the oil companies will give them for it. The oil companies have got us coming and going. If not for where I live, I’d be thinking about solar energy.
                        AMCA #7300


                        • #13
                          We will carefully consider all our trips from now on. Never even thought about it before.

                          Going to Rhinebeck, and Hebron. Probably won't go to Davenport although we may be nearby.
                          Mark Evans
                          Gloucester, Mass.


                          • #14
                            Supposed to be a more up to date Mexican fuel price link



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by INLINE4NUT View Post
                              We all can blow off a little steam here ....but Im afraid to blame any one party here, big oil corps have reaped a real harvest as of late,If King George cared about all of us he could and would have done something for us,instead he takes a trip to Europe to say goodbye, I hope he realizes they hate him and not us. Now Ive said my 2 cents worth !! There is no end in sight,so we better find other ways to run our cars and heat our houses, some time ago in Davenport i had a talk with a local about heating with corn and it sounded reasonable, they grow a good crop of corn here in Maine so this year my house will be heated with corn,Im giving my hard earned money to an American this year ! And like PAPS I approve of this message
                              Have you considered a regular old-fashioned wood stove? I'll bet Maine grows more trees than corn. I've been heating my house with wood for many years and it's labor intensive but I get the wood for free. The small amount of gas I use in my chainsaws and hauling the wood doesn't add up to more than a few gallons worth. You can save THOUSANDS of dollars heating with wood.
                              Herbert Wagner
                              AMCA 4634
                              The TRUE beginnings of the Harley-Davidson Motor Co.

