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Keeping the membership informed

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  • Keeping the membership informed

    The Talk at the Eustis Meet Was that there are major changes taking place with the set up of our Club.
    I am surprised that nearly two weeks after the meet there is no mention of them on this the club web site.
    This forum would be the perfect medium to keep Us the ordinary member abreast of what is happening to or what is proposed for the future of our club, It would also be the perfect place for our leadership to sound out the views and opinions of the membership at large. Members would feel that there opinions count for some thing.
    Whilst I applaud the commitment, time and effort that is given by our voluntary leaders. I feel it would benefit the club if they could make information available to the membership by posting it on this forum rather than waiting for the next issue of our magazine to come out, this delay is much to long and can take a further month before every body receives copies after its release.
    The delay in releasing information only fuels rumour and ill informed discussion which must be harmful to our club.

    Pete Reeves

  • #2
    You're right on the money with this post Pete. I have implored the members of our board to use this forum to let us know what is current and in what's in the future for our club. Kevin Valentine is the exception and Pete Gagan pipes in from time to time but the rest of the National board is never heard from. I'm not saying it should be obligatory for board members to use this forum but you would think that having this incredible tool would be automatic for them. The days of running the AMCA like small club are over and accountability, credibility, and communication to the membership has to be paramount.
    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886


    • #3
      Meeting Minutes Posted

      I wonder why the members have not requested that the minutes be posted here on this forum after the board meeting. The meeting minutes should be made avaliable to any member who request to see them. Actually, they belong to the paying membership body. I totally agree it is not right to make the membership and local chapters wait 2 or 3 months to read what the board members voted on. Especially this Board meeting at Eustis, which has lots of people asking detailed questions. Only my 2 cents - David
      David LLoyd


      • #4
        I read in the last issue about the clubs new "Antique Cycle Museum" project inside the Antique Auto Museum. I gather the club will get paid money by displaying bikes and helping boost attendance for the Museum. With all the talk about Wheels in Time moving because of low attendance and $4.00 a gallon gas. I'd hate to be counting on more people traveling for a while.
        Last edited by *JU; 03-13-2008, 10:34 PM.


        • #5
          maybe it's time for club officials to be elected. America is a democracy isn' t?


          • #6
            What in the hell is going on in the AMCA ?
            Eric Smith
            AMCA #886


            • #7
              The rumors are circulating with regards to the actions of the board of directors at the Eustis Meet. Extending any "official" factual publication of such major changes in OUR clubs structure will only make matters more difficult to comprehend. If half of the rumors are true, this is a very sad event in OUR clubs history. I sincerely hope that a few folks have not overlooked the concept of "OUR CLUB", but it appears at this point that a "MY CLUB" concept has emerged. Someone please stop the bleeding and present the facts.
              Johnny Whitsett
              Johnny Whitsett
              AMCA # 8626


              • #8
                Originally posted by Barry Brown View Post
                maybe it's time for club officials to be elected. America is a democracy isn' t?
                Yes, and our prez is Canadian. Maybe socialism on the horizon?

                Seriously, though, I think our officers will inform us when they have an opportunity. Remember that this is not their full time job... they have families and jobs like most. I am sure any of them would answer your questions if you picked up a phone and called them, if you really need to know right now what is going on.

                If actions taken by the board are so outrageous, they can be reversed. I still would like to believe that the overall club's best interest is their best interest. I will give them the benifit of doubt until proven otherwise.


                • #9
                  The Problem with not making the details immediately available to the membership is that it encourages uninformed discussion and rumour,with the risk that people will form conclusions before they know the full details.
                  . I would encourage everybody to wait until the facts are known before jumping to conclusions.
                  Hopefully somebody that knows exactly what is happening will let us know before to long.

                  Pete Reeves.


                  • #10
                    I agree with your statement, and on many occations in the past I have taken your stance of giving the benefit of doubt. Again, the rumors are flying......such as Mr. Gagan is no longer our President ??????????? A change of that magnitude should be openly and promptly announced to the general membership thru any and all means of communication.
                    Maybe its just a rumor. I do not know the facts but as a member of this great club i desire them. jww
                    Johnny Whitsett
                    AMCA # 8626


                    • #11
                      A short while ago it was mooted that the AMCA should share its knowledge and in particular its Judging system with other international organisations in the Vintage/Classic mortorcycling field.

                      It strikes me that in return the AMCA should be asking other organisations how to manage the transition from a relatively small scale voluntary and part time run special interest Club to a fully functioning with full time employees organisation catering for a worldwide membership.

                      The AMCA could do well to consult James Hewing at the VMCC as its gone through the process in the past few years and contiues to provide the attenton to member service enjoyed by the smaller Clubs while serving a multi-national membership of over 15,000.

                      Successful Management is after all the art of successful communication

                      Just my two-penneth worth.

                      Martin in the UK
                      Last edited by Smarty; 03-14-2008, 09:51 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jww View Post
                        the rumors are flying......such as Mr. Gagan is no longer our President ???????????
                        Apparently he's now the President of the new "foundation" which us members "voted" (not)to fund with money out of "our" coffers.


                        • #13
                          "foundation" .........makes it sound like a religious cult. Or the formation of a foundation/trust could be some form of tax dodge to avoid paying tax ?

                          The membership should have been informed and consulted before this went this far.

                          Peter is right, rumours and heresay now are informing the membership not an official announcement from the management committee of the AMCA, which can only damage the status of the organisation not only with the members but with its peer organisations.


                          • #14
                            Being a relatively new member ( 11 years) I might not be on the mailing list, but to my knowledge "us members" are not allowed the opportunity to vote under our past and current structure. We have always been ruled and guided by our entrusted Board of Directors.
                            Given the good job they have done in the past, i hope they haven't "stepped on their pecker" with the rumored actions. Time will tell i suppose. jww
                            Johnny Whitsett
                            AMCA # 8626


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jww View Post
                              Being a relatively new member ( 11 years) I might not be on the mailing list, but to my knowledge "us members" are not allowed the opportunity to vote under our past and current structure.
                              Sorry my sarcastic "vote" (not) was membership vote was taken.

