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know this guy?

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  • know this guy?

    anybody ever heard of a guy named marty cristopher? he showed up at my place the other day wantin to look at a couple of bikes i have for sale ..........says he has judged at amca meets b-4, mostly pre "16 stuff i guess. said he was gonna send me some info on the hudson valley chapter (rhinebeck meet)havent heard anything from him so now im wondering if im being set up for a spot in the "stolen bike" section , any help is appreciated ,thanks,tom

  • #2
    Tom I have never heard of him but that does smell!! What do you have for sale if I may ask ??


    • #3
      know this guy?

      I can tell you he is a AMCA member and if he did judge, it was over 10 years ago


      • #4
        thanks for the reply guys ,i guess i get nervous sometimes. but when someone shows up out of the clear blue sometimes ya gotta wonder.i have the 1997 roster (the one that came in the book form)and hes not listed in there either, i guess he could have opted not to be listed in there .anyways , to answer you inline, i am selling a pretty nice 1948 wl and a 1941 u with a 1942 le sidecar, the tub is 1973 vintage so you would need to aquire a steel tub if you want it to be right , but if youre looking for a hack that goes down the road this one will. the only reason these 2 bikes are going is i am going to do indians exclusively from now on (they are after all the better machine!


        • #5
          CR thanks you are doing just about what Im doing love the redskins and thanks for answering !


          • #6
            by the way , once both these scooters are sold i will seriously be looking for a pre war chief, preferably a '38........anyone have one out there they might let go?ive seen a few on epay but they want an awful lot of moneybucks for them


            • #7
              Re: know this guy?

              Originally posted by cheifrider
              anybody ever heard of a guy named marty cristopher? he showed up at my place the other day wantin to look at a couple of bikes i have for sale ..........says he has judged at amca meets b-4, mostly pre "16 stuff i guess. said he was gonna send me some info on the hudson valley chapter (rhinebeck meet)havent heard anything from him so now im wondering if im being set up for a spot in the "stolen bike" section , any help is appreciated ,thanks,tom
              2006 AMCA Roster lists a Marty Christopher, PO Box 180751, Austin, TX, 78178, no phone, His addresses in previous years are different each time but all from Texas.

              I would just think it advisable to check out if the person who showed up at your door is actually that person. Seems a long way to come for a look at bikes without a prior appointment.



              • #8
                hi i am a hudson valley chapter member and i have last years membership list,that name is not on it


                • #9
                  I know Marty Christopher and he does not steal motorcycles.Marty is a very knowledgable Indian person.He has a 1914 Indian that is a senior 1st motorcycle.He had it on display at Davenport last year.His every day rider is a 1948 chief that he rebuilt and maintains himself.Marty moved back to N.Y. about 5-6 months ago.He grew up there and his family lives in the area.He just purchased a 38 sport scout in the area and he will be working on it.In Texas he belonged to the Cherokee Chapter,that I am the news letter editor and secretary of. I believe he just joined the Hudson Valley Chapter,as he called and told me he was going to a meeting the past week.We may be sharing a vending spot at the Rhinbeck meet in June.He called after he visited Tom to tell me that Tom had a UL model for sale,as I am looking for one.I tried calling Tom a couple of times,but got a recording.I tried emailing Tom tonight after reading this post but his email bounced back.Marty gave a seminar on trueing flyweels at the Sunshine Chapter meet 4-5 years ago. marty will follow up on leads and word of mouth when he hears bikes are for sale,but he is not coming to steal them. In fact some of us here in Texas wish he was still here to work on our bikes.He is a good person to know.He likes the early stuff.


                  • #10
                    many thanks for stepping up and clarifying martys' status.the story you tell about his bikes and his recent move matches what he told me . he seemed like a nice enough fellow and we visited for awhile , however when i quized him a little on some of our local indian guys ,he didnt know them ,hence my doubts. i guess if hes been in texas awhile he wouldnt know them.he also told me he knew a guy that may be interested in my '41.i take it you are the guy . try this email the recording you heard was my business line ,leave a message and i will get back to you. again thanks for the info and clarification,tom c

