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admission at Rhienbeck?

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  • #31
    I think the new Rhinebeck 'Super'?? Meet will make for a great annual East Coast AMCA destination.

    The facilities are large and offer plenty of accomodations. With such a high potential of large numbers of antique MC enthusiats in attendance its likely an even larger amount of out-of-state vending members will make the trip and in doing so will bring even more parts to lay out.

    Some guys might resent this large meet, but I welcome it. I've had the pleasure of attending the larger mid-West meets. Wow I though, wish we had one this big back home. Well TA-DA...We got one. And with great facilities to boot...makes for a happy spouse and kids if you bring'em...and kinda nice for us too.

    As for the gate Fee, well like I mention earlier, you would think that AMCA members would not have to pay. But ok, the costs to use the facilies of Rhinebeck are higher then smaller local events what with the insurance and maintenance costs, etc, etc.
    I'll pay the gate fee. Its a fair price..(SO FAR). for potentially a huge AMCA annual event.

    The thing that bothers me or should I say causes me a little sadness, is the loss of the smaller local Chapter meets. Particularly Harmony, NJ which for me was a leisurely 1/2 hr ride and which I vended for many years. Always a great big/little meet I thought. 'EVEN' when it rained...AH them that showed up were true Antigue Motorcycle Enthusiats with Moxie!! HA, HA!!

    Anyway I'll miss it cause it was the very first AMCA meet I ever attended so it holds a special place in my memory bank. I'm sure many others feel the same about the loss of their smaller meets also.

    Of course, if the Chapters can still hold their smaller shows, that would be great. If not, then how about turning their old show dates into great old style one day Field Meets or 50-100 mile Ride...Destination Unknown... NO VENDING....JUST RIDING....MEMBERS ONLY...Cost?...Gas & Food.

    So anyway, why not look at Rhinebeck as what it is A Big AMCA East Coast Meet and lets participate and do the best we can to make it everything we want it too be. A GREAT SHOW!!

    Attached Files


    • #32
      Hi All:
      I have been a member longer than most of you, joining in 1959. I remember those early meets held at Fort Mott, Doc Cleaveland's farm, etc. with fondness, but that is unfortunately in the past. We have the largest and best old motorcycle club in North America, and if we want to stay there, we must give the members and other enthusiasts, (potential members) what they want. Rhinebeck, when run as an experiment in 2007, became second only to Davenport, in an area where attendance at our meets had been dropping for years. I believe we are on the right track, and I hope you all think so too after attending in 2008.
      See you there! (just 3200 miles for me)
      Pete Gagan


      • #33
        Thanks Pete

        Well said Pete.

        The AMCA's future is indeed bright ....


        • #34
          Re: admission at Rhinebeck

          Originally posted by kval
          2: "officers to go hob-nobin all over the place at members expense" this is NOT the case, when you see a board member at a meet or road run, they have paid for the trip themselves. WHY because we love this hobby just like all the other members, and we are on the board to help keep this club alive for future generations.
          I know ALL the board have expenses paid to attend the board meetings twice a year. These board meetings typically coincide with meets or road runs. So when I see a board member at Eustis or Davenport or Borrego Springs or wherever the meeting is scheduled, I have helped pay their way. Likewise, I thought the board was willing to pay to have ONE board member attend each nationally sanctioned event? This isn't true? When you or Robin show up to judge in Dixon or Dinkelsbuhl you're not reimbursed for your travel expenses? If you're not that's very magnanimous of y'all ... Perry

          P.S. the tone of this post may come across as disgruntled, but I have no problem with board members having their reasonable expenses covered to attend board meetings, etc.. I know they do a lot of work behind the scenes to keep the club running smoothly and this is a small benefit the club can offer in return for many hours of unpaid labour. I also have no problem with the chief judge or designate being reimbursed if they're needed at a meet to assist with the judging and it's a significant out of pocket expense for them to attend (eg: California or Germany). However, I do think the members should be told honestly how their money is being spent.


          • #35
            Perry well put! I would never deny a board member from being reinbursed,I guess what I dont care for is why not just be honest and tell the membership this is the way it is,seems alot of things are cloaked in secretcy!! This all goes back to another post about being HONEST! I do think anybody giving their time to do these things do deserve the perks!


            • #36
              admission at Rhinebeck

              you are right, I forgot to mention this because it is general knowledge. yes all board members get a mileage fee(federal rate) for attending the 2 board meetings, the president or in his place the vice president will get the same federal rate to attend other meets and I get the same rate to bring the trophies to the meets. I DO NOT get anything for the road runs, I go because I can just ride and enjoy myself like everybody else. as for the European chapter meet, I told the board that I will go only once every three years, because it is expensive and I do not want to spend that much every year. after all I pay the same dues as everyone else and do not want to squander it.
              see you at a meet soon
              Kevin Valentine


              • #37
                I've been a club member for 12 years and have never paid to get into are meet. That is because I've always volenteered to help out... The only way these meets happen is with a lot of people volenteering their time and energy to make it happen. If your not helping I don't think you have anything to complain about.


                • #38
                  I think as a club member I have every right in the world to complain. I pay dues and you multiply my dues by 10,000 plus and you've a damn big club. I've volunteered in the past and I vend at every Eustis meet and a few out of state meets from time to time. Vendors are the ultimate contributors to a meet because they (we) are the #1 draw. Everybody contributes in their own way, including the member who is there just to buy.


                  • #39

                    the reason i stopped going to car shows in the 90's was because gate admissions were getting out of control no matter where the car show was. i am an AMCA member, a vendor, i don't mind paying the vending fee (i am at the meets to make some money) or the camping fee (i have a RV and thats cheaper than a hotel) for that thing that is nice is i don't have to "pay" to get my bike in the nat'l judging.

                    here's my two cents on the rhinebeck deal and all Nat'l meets for that matter. if its going to be "all about the money" then take this to the bank:

                    gate fee's should be for NON-AMCA members
                    parking fee's should apply for everyone....... (except vendors and anyone associated with a vendor)........unless your coming in on a m/c that is 35+ years old regardless of member status, but you have to join the club
                    vending fee for vendors MAX $50.00 per space (applies for all Nat'l meets
                    camping fee should apply to those who tent, or who are in an RV.
                    tenters are using the grounds facility (hot water, showers, electricity etc....... just the same as an RV owner does so the camp fee's should be the same (amounts would vary on the fairgrounds pricing)

                    just my two cents ..i am a member in good standing.......

                    i also respectfully request that the the indian 4 be at my sons b-day party in june. as an amca member in good standing i feel i am entitled to having some type of interaction with the bike and am requesting some quality time with the club owned m/c

