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Penn-Ohio Swap Meet

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  • #16
    T-T-T-Turning blue!!

    Thanks Paps, appreciate it my friend...


    • #17
      Bad news Mike. Not one 1940 on the shelf. 39 and down and 41 and up, but no 40's. We will have to search eleswhere for one Buddy. Sorry.... Paps


      • #18
        Oh well, you tried I appreciate the effort Paps.

        Maybe I SHOULD think about that '39??


        • #19
          Hey Guys,

          I found this kind of interesting as well:

          I'd be REAL interested to find out what happened...


          • #20
            Anyone who thought it was a bit crowded at last years Penn/Ohio swap meet at Yankee Lake. Wait till next week-end when it will be at the Hubbard Flee Market.
            Turns out that there will only be about ½ the amount of indoor space for the sellers available, as there was last year at Yankee.

            Hence the cost per square foot which sellers need to pay to setup and get table space is twice as much. Once again the little guy has to take it in the shorts for the good of the team. Yes, Cotton it seems that Big Money is heading this way. And I hope your feeling better.

            From what I’m hearing around town, the Niles swap meet will be the one to not miss.
            It’s on the 25th . All the guys who couldn’t afford space this coming week-end at the Penn/Ohio have already committed and bought space for the Niles meet. It will be in a 20k sq/ft building.

            Hey Mike, Have you heard from Paps lately. I'm begining to worry about him.


            • #21

              No, haven't heard from Paps lately. He seems to disappear for days at a time once in a while, I think he sometimes gets lost in his stash of parts!

              Paps, come out from the darkness and make yourself known!

              Wow, I didn't realize the Hubbard meet was gonna be so small, let's pray to the weather gods for decent weather next Sunday (it's always hit & miss this time of year). At least that way there would be some brave souls selling stuff outside, that's where I usually find the more interesting stuff (and better deals) anyway.

              I plan on going to both meets Steve, I've been Jonesing to be around some old parts, hopefully we'll see ya there



              • #22
                Sorry Bros's.......didn't mean to worry ya none. The Ole Lady decided I had to buy a new house. We've been moving for days now. Will be a while before we get settled in. Got more room to roll around in my stash of parts now, as soon as I unbox them all. I'll be at the meet. Bummer the size is reduced though. I'll hit the Niles one too. I haven't been up to the Eastwood Mall in years. Last time I was there, I attended a gun show. Paps


                • #23
                  Hey Paps…. Congratulations on the new home. I don’t envy you needing to move that large stash of yours though. LOL Give a yell if you need some extra help.

                  Listen Guys…. Everything I’ve said about how much indoor space there will be next week end at the Penn/Ohio has all been second hand information. I’m going to run over there sometime this week to find out the real deal for my self. The Hubbard Flee Market is a larger building than the Yankee Lake Ballroom but the Flee market building can be partitioned off into a smaller area. Hell, I don’t even know if beverages will be available or not yet.

                  It seems the debate between the three new owners of Yankee Lake and the Penn/Ohio organizers will continue. I know Tami must be shaking her head in dis-may. This kind of stuff never happened on her watch.


                  • #24
                    Remember Last Year?

                    Dress warm...
                    I wonder if that same rolling chasis shovel will be back again this year. Remember, it was the one that got sold 4 times that day. Got sold at 10:15am for 1,300, then that guy sold it to some one else about an hour later for 1,500. Then was sold 2 more times before the end of the day.

                    I could have turned a quick buck on that one, but once again I was to slow deciding if I wanted it or not. -Steve
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      Yeah, I remember that rolling chassis, that bike changed hands more times in a few hours than some bikes do their entire lifetime

                      And yes, I will be wearing my long undergutchies, for the mild Ohio weather we are almost certain to endure...



                      • #26
                        OK, looks like I'll be wearing TWO pairs of long underwear, forecast here is calling for a dramatic temperature drop on Sunday, high temp is 12!!



                        • #27
                          Yeah Mike, cold and snowy again this year. You'll find me hanging around the beverage booth as normal. Look for the same, short, fat guy with the red Detroit red wings ball cap on.

                          Incase you need them, here are road directions to the new location.
                          1)-Exit the first Hubbard exit from I-80
                          2)-Turn right/ south on 62/7 for 4 lights. (1.2 miles)
                          3)-You'll see a Wallgreens,Turn right/west go 4 lights (.8 miles) and bear to the left to continue on 62/7.
                          4)-Go (1.8 miles) and look for Flea market on your left.

                          Paps... This place is about 2 miles east of Cleveland Auto Wrecking on the same road.


                          • #28

                            Thanks for the directions, I was gonna ask someone if they could get me out there. I think that's the same way I used to take to get to Yankee Lake, except I got off at the second exit and went north on 62/7? It's too bad the weather isn't going to hold out 'til tomorrow, it's actually pretty nice outside in my neck of the woods right now. What time does this thing start. Look for me, I'll be wearing my Buell hat, I also got my eyebrow pierced, I don't know if that'll make me stand out more or stand out less in a room full of bikers!


                            P.S. Paps, are you tied up with that new house of yours, or are you still coming out?


                            • #29
                              Yep.. Its the same as you came last year expect when you get off in Hubbard you will be going the other way. Doors open at 10am. I like to be there a little early. You know, The early bird gets the best parts. -Steve


                              • #30
                                Thanks Steve,

                                It says doors open at 10:00 am, will they let you on the grounds earlier than that? If so, I'll try to get there a little earlier too, before all the good stuff is gone


