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Penn-Ohio Swap Meet

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  • Penn-Ohio Swap Meet

    FYI to my Ohio friends:

    Looks like they couldn't iron out their differences...

  • #2
    Marked it on me calender. Paps


    • #3
      Like I said before, first one's on me, hopefully they won't cancel THIS one. Still gotta find those ever-elusive 1940 WL cases


      • #4
        I'm not positive but my Buddy may have a set. Whether he will let them go is another issue but I'll ask him Wednesday. Paps


        • #5
          Oh Hell Yeah…. Thanks for the info Mike. I live here and didn’t know it had been re-located to Hubbard. I’ll keep my eyes open for those 40 cases your looking for. Does this project have anything to due with the tranny you got from Paps last winter?

          Free beer at my place, all day long for any AMCA member on Feb 10th. That AMCA membership fee is looking pretty good right now eh.?

          I sure do hope they turn the heaters on for us down at the flea market. LOL
          It’s a bigger building than Yankee Lake so we should all be more comfortable.

          Sorry folks…. We buckeye’s get a bit excited about our winter swap meets. The old parts just keep getting harder to find.

          Maybe I should start thinking about shovels and evo’s instead of pans and flatheads. It sure would be easier finding parts. I’m just kidding of course.

          Happy New Year Everyone -Steve


          • #6

            Yeah, I just happened to stumble across the info the other day, I was jonesing for a good swap and started looking around. Good memory, those cases are the "missing link" in the project I'm piecing together, I've been very fortunate picking up parts over the last year, but no luck on the cases. Sooner or later it'll happen...

            BTW, did I hear FREE BEER? Boy, that AMCA membership is getting more valuable by the minute

            Hope to catch up with you at the new, improved "Ohio-Penn" swap...


            • #7
              Doubt Kat will allow me to hang around for to many free beers Steve. If I were only 20 years younger ! Not only did our Buckeye Members read "FREE BEER", our member firends and neighbors from PA and WV did also. You in a heap of trouble Steve ! Paps


              • #8
                FREE BEER!!!! Steve, old buddy, where is your place? Just kidding, I rarely drink anymore. I'm going to try to make it though, depends on my work schedule.


                • #9
                  Kojack, I hope you’ll be able to make it. Its always great to be able to meet and put faces to all the members I b.s. with here on the forum.

                  Paps, your probably right about me getting in a bit of a problem if everyone from the tri-state area shows up for a free beer. Those without membership cards will need to stay in the garage.

                  Mike, Do those cases HAVE to be 1940 or will any WL cases work for ya? -Steve


                  • #10

                    I'm trying to build this bike as a 1940, I started with a frame from that year and built around it. I've got a complete '47 motor, but I'm hoping to swap the cases out before it actually comes together, so I guess my answer is yes, I do need '40 cases.

                    Wow, I guess I coulda just said "yes" and saved myself a lot of typing



                    • #11
                      I didn't look it up yet but could you not go with 39 as well ? Paps


                      • #12

                        Yeah, I suppose I could go with '39, but I'd have to swap my front end for the I-beam type, along with my '40-only transmission


                        • #13
                          Got cha. I may have found you that 40 engine Bro. I'll check in the morning before I go on a KH errand I said I would do. My source is pretty certain he has one, but he wants to make sure first. Don't want you counting any peeps before they hatch. Nothin feels worse than a given that isn't a given. He also isn't sure whether it is cases or complete. Paps


                          • #14

                            Can I hold my breath, just a little? I promise to breathe when I start turning blue

                            Yeah, I know all TOO well about a given that ain't, been there done that. I'll just cross my fingers and hope for the best. I truly appreciate all your help!!



                            • #15
                              Hold your breath a little bit longer Mike. He forgot to look this morning. I should have an answer this evening for you. Paps

