I read a piece in the Sunday NY Times by Ben Stein (economist, lawyer, actor and writer). I thought the last paragraph was worth sharing here (and other sites I frequent) as it echoes my feeling better than I could say.
"I will say it until the day I die: the military family is the marrow in the backbone of America. And if it seems that I am too upset about financial fraud, I would just like to say that I often cannot sleep at night seething that men and women are giving their lives fo us in faraway places while a home their country is being plundered by men in $3,000 suits who get multmillion-dollar severances when they are caught.
How many military families lost homes because of predatory lending? I know of at least two, and that's just in my little world. My resolution for 2008 is to keep plugging fo the those "little people" who are a lot biger than the hucksters on Wall Street."
"I will say it until the day I die: the military family is the marrow in the backbone of America. And if it seems that I am too upset about financial fraud, I would just like to say that I often cannot sleep at night seething that men and women are giving their lives fo us in faraway places while a home their country is being plundered by men in $3,000 suits who get multmillion-dollar severances when they are caught.
How many military families lost homes because of predatory lending? I know of at least two, and that's just in my little world. My resolution for 2008 is to keep plugging fo the those "little people" who are a lot biger than the hucksters on Wall Street."