Mr. Franz Heck from Berlin, Germany
Juli 8, 1928
Picture shows Franzl after he won the Grand Prix of Germany
423 Kilometers in 4 Hours 51 Minutes 38 Seconds (87,18 kpm)
One Month later on September 8, 1928 he won the Solitude-Race in Stuttgart, Germany
223 km in 2:12.42,0 (100,7 kph)
Photo shows the special oitank and the bolt-on extra gastank
Regards from Germany
423 Kilometers in 4 Hours 51 Minutes 38 Seconds (87,18 kpm)
Mr. Franz Heck from Berlin, Germany
Juli 8, 1928
Picture shows Franzl after he won the Grand Prix of Germany
423 Kilometers in 4 Hours 51 Minutes 38 Seconds (87,18 kpm)
One Month later on September 8, 1928 he won the Solitude-Race in Stuttgart, Germany
223 km in 2:12.42,0 (100,7 kph)
Photo shows the special oitank and the bolt-on extra gastank
Regards from Germany
423 Kilometers in 4 Hours 51 Minutes 38 Seconds (87,18 kpm)