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Winger's Step Down

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  • Winger's Step Down

    The new mag issue [pg 12] released the news of the resignations of both Wanda and Dick Winger. I'd just like to say....this awesome couple never failed me. All be it, my membership statis is no where as lengthy as other memberships, This couple responded to all of my concerns and issues in a friendly and professional way. I will sorely miss them both. Paps

  • #2
    Good Luck in their Retirement

    Good Luck to both of them in
    their retirement.

    They deserve it for all they have


    • #3
      Everything that can be said nice about the Wingers couldnt fit in one BOOK they are truely what makes this Club and the World a better place!Hope to see them enjoying the Club without working!!


      • #4
        I also am grateful to the Wingers for all the years of dedication. Its interesting to watch the tide of younger members taking on the club responsibilities, as well as watching the British & Japanese invasion. Change is inevitable, I'm sure the new folk share our passion & will do their best to live up to the high standard that Dick & Wanda Winger & others have created. So, I wish them luck & the sun to their back. Bob


        • #5
          I too would like to thank Wanda Winger for all of her hard work.

