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  • auctions

    I just lost another ebay auction. When I see something on ebay that I think I can't live without I set a price limit and place my bid. I've been around this stuff for quite awhile and stay up to date thanks to the AMCA and it's members, but I can't believe what some people will pay for junk ! For me, ebay is like the supermarket. What ever checkout lane I pick is going to be the longest one. Anything I'm interested in (no matter how crappy, or beat) is going to be the lust object of the day. I either have good taste or I was born under a bad sign because I always come up against some guy with an ocean full of disposable income. I guess this is why our national meets will always be popular, becuase a vendor will quote you a price and you can either pay it or decline. Auctions bite.

  • #2
    exeric,try a program called snipeware it bids for you @ the very last second possible giving you a better chance of winning what you really want! If you check your bidding Ill bet youve lost by very little! I dont say it will get you everything ...but your success rate will at least double,dont give up and what I always say is if someone wants it THAT bad...they can have it! GOOD LUCK


    • #3
      I've had good luck with
      Plus you don't have to be there for your bid to be placed 5-seconds before the auction closes. There are still auctions you'll lose. ...bill


      • #4
        What ever piece of software you use or don't speaks the loudest and as long as there are "cheque book" restorers operating within our hobby, then ebay is a lottery unless you want to pay over inflated prices for every part you need.



        • #5
          Yes but ????? Once they get the part they needed, they don't bid on the same type of part again. There's our chance !! Paps


          • #6
            Right on! When some part comes up and gets overbid, I sometimes just sit back and wait until 2 or 3 of them get sold. Then the next one goes for about 2/3 of what the hot shots paid. I think it is easy to get caught up in that "what if i don't get this one?" mentality. For the more modern bikes I am looking for parts for ( 50's 60's) there are so many parts out there that I am going to kick myself some day for even paying what I have been. Anybody got a good 58-62 rear brake backing plate cheap? As long as it is flat, and the shoe stops are free, we are good to go. I have all the other parts. Well, no, actually I don't know if the wheel cyl. I have is stock or not. When I put the swivel fitting on with the brake bolt and the two washers, the bolt bottoms out a little early. I don't see a maker on the cyl., so I suppose it is Taiwan. Oh well................
            \ Mike


            • #7
              I do the 1923 HD (JD) parts/pieces. Sometimes when a part goes for big bucks, one or two more appear within a week. Sometimes the same part comes back too; someone chickens out on the agreement. ...bill


              • #8
                Or Bill as in some cases, the seller has bid on his own item under a different name or a buddy bids on it to jack up the price. If you check on the bidding history of some, you may find that they have repeatedly bought from this same seller but yet the same part gets listed again shortly afterwards. Shilling is not allowed but it happens alot more than one realises. Some times it's best to stand your ground than it is to play there game and when you win, it's so much sweeter!


                • #9
                  I've been shopping JD parts since about 2001. The repop market sorta sets my upper price (reality) limit. I've also accumulated a running tally of what things have been going for; I try not to overbid complete 'original' seats going for $550. ...bill


                  • #10
                    I like e bay, but stuff is often not as discribed - busted, amazing how much pictures can hide. I have bid my best price many times and been out bid by hundreds of dollars. Once or twice by a 1000 bucks or more! I ve almost bought no motorcycle parts, I dont get worked up anymore. You think you won and in the last seconds it gone. But its still kind of fun and at least you see some parts. I have not seen hardly any parts from the 20s - 40's at our swaps here in So Cal and if I did I could not afford them anyways. Atleast on e bay, I can sit at the table and look at hundreds of parts.
                    I have had good luck with model T parts on e bay though, I think to a large extent because the prices are so much lower. Today I go to swaps just to vissit with friends and see who brings what out.


                    • #11
                      Paps, your point is valid, but when you are hunting for parts for bikes other than the run of the mill Knuckleheads, Panheads, 45's etc etc, then parts don't often come up on ebay.

                      When for instance was the last time you saw a fusebox for a 1925 HD Model J on ebay ?? or a Sturmey Archer LS 383 Gearbox (those are the parts I'm looking for by the way!!)

                      Safe riding,



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Smarty
                        When for instance was the last time you saw a fusebox for a 1925 HD Model J on ebay ??
                        There was a cover about five moths ago, and a 1924 fusebox a month ago. ...bill


                        • #13
                          Thanks Bill, the cover wasn't a fusebox cover but a stop switch cover for a Knucklehead, I know cos I bought it !! which bears out the point above regarding misleading descriptions (Caveat Emptor - "Let the buyer beware" , for all the Latin scholars amongst us) and the fusebox about a month ago was for a pre '22 bike and went for over inflated money, which proves my point !!

                          At the end of the day ebay is OK if you know how to play the game, but is no substitute for the experience of a good swapmeet/autojumble.



                          • #14
                            Don't just focus on your ebay searches. The item you are trying to find may be hidden in the sellers other items for sell. If you see a part that fits a bike, car, etc., you are seeking parts for, click on the sellers other items. Your long sought part may be there. How items are listed make a difference also. The seller may use descriptions for his item not usually searched by bidders and buyers. Sometimes short word searches bring up an item you are looking for. Other times, plain ole part numbers do. Maybe you need a timer ?? Try searching for distributor. Though a timer is not a distributor, many sellers don't realize this. If you don't mind spending hours looking through hundreds of pages of bike parts, type in motorcycle, automotive, a combination search such as, Harley motorcycle part, Indian motorcycle part, etc., etc., The part you need may be in there. Many sellers don't know what they are selling !! I've hit on parts with just a "old motorcycle part" search. I had nothing better to do that day so I had the time to burn my eyes out on the pc screen. Use your imagination when searching. Of course you don't want to neglect the standard direct worded parts searches, but keep in mind......only sellers who know what they have, will list a part the way you expect them to. Paps


                            • #15
                              On the other hand, if you feel the prices go over reality on ebay, perhaps you might consider selling on it instead of buying there.

                              It's a wild marketplace out there with plenty of hidden agendas, games and cons going on, but there are also some hard to find items popping up.

                              I usually wait to the last hour or so to bid so I don't drive up the bidding any earlier then I have to.

