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Contributors and Staff For New Magazine

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  • #16
    So what??? .....Listen, I own an Ironhead Sporty......We get no respect. But I don't get upset when I'm surrounded by a bunch of Indians and Big Twin Harleys.

    Do you really think that the AMCA is going to be suddenly taken over by thousands of Japanese motorcycles and parts??

    I can see it now.. a hoard of Japanese two stroke pilots attacking our club grounds....."BONZI.....BONZI.....Aw re gona krush you Ynkee Bastads tis time awound!!.......

    Really get serious. You probably know most the your local Clubs member and vend your own chapters meet. So none of you are going to lose your spaces. Same goes for renewing your current spaces at the other Chapter meets you attend.

    Don't forget, the guys bringing in the Japanese bikes and parts are MEMBERS...Hell if there is money to be made on the early 70's Japanese stuff, you'd have seen it already...I mean the japanese bikes go back further then 1973.

    Haven't seen the British Bike crowd taking over yet either. They're there and you probably don't even notice them. Supply and demand will always ring true.

    And Besides, we are going to start the American Antique Motorcycle Club of America Club right? Hrdly

    PS...Oh and Yeah, I'll apoligize for goofing on the Japanese guys in this post when somebody apoligizes to me for all the bad Irish jokes.


    • #17
      Gentlemen--Please calm down!!!! In my post I only mentioned that there were a lot more vendors of Japanese bikes than I usually see. Please read my post with care as you should do with all posts. I am only saying times change as do what motorcycles become antiques symply because of the 35 year old rule, the rubber side down rule works for all marquee's. There were certainly plenty of parts for sale at Davenport for American motorcycles that were not antique--As I said to each his own, If you feel the wind I don't give a flip what you ride, but I do have my favorites. Get back to the task at hand, does Buzz have a chance in launching a new mag, are you willing to help out? does our mag need to change direction? Think positive----


      • #18
        This thread sure jumped the track in a hurry, it seems to have brought out some concerns of a few of the club members.

        Good points Hrdly, I couldn't have said it better myself.

        Here's my take on the whole thing:

        1. Nobody is pointing a gun at anybody and telling them they have to buy a new magazine. Its just like anything else on the market, its out there if you want it, take it or leave it.

        2. A sudden flood of newly eligible bikes will not decrease or eliminate the interest in the older ones.

        The only problem I see is that there will be a demand for more qualified judges if more of the Japanese bikes show up for judging at the shows. Remember that any bike entered for judging is only competing against itself and the score sheet, there is no award for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place in each class at each meet, just a point cut-off for each bike. The guy with a '73 Shovelhead is just as proud of his bike as the guy next to him with the '73 Honda 360 and they both have the same chance of earning a "Junior Second" for their efforts.

        So, I guess this is a call for volunteers. The experts on the recently vintage imports from Japan are going to have to step forward and offer their services as judges at future meets. Nobody knows their stuff better than they do and I don't think they have a Brian Palmer book to document all the details about what is correct for those machines.



        • #19
          How about trying this.



          • #20
            We shpuld all get along because riding is the MAIN FOCUS !! (or should be ) here ...But long time ago I did join the club because of the lack of other makes being at the meets,just a few issues ago in George Yarockis Column I read an excerpt from one of the founding fathers stating the club to some extent was formed for the exchange of parts and the likes of American MCs ,I still feel thats what this club should be about.....But we ALL have to be open minded to some extent,I dont like it but will live with it it because thats the direction the club has decided to take.Parqutte I agree with you 100 percent!Dont mince your words your right on!All that other stuff is just that stuff but have at it,I will never look at it in the same light as a pre 60s MC and nor will I ever feel it has any place in the same oplace as the old stuff.

            HAPPY MOTORING!!!!



            • #21
              Its funny that my post was preceived as being upset or menacing in some way. I certainly wasn't meaning to come off like that.

              I already stated to Buzz in an earlier post that I would sign up as subsriber for his new magazine.

              Oh in regards to those who favor a cut-off year in the AMCA...I think 1908-09 would be best. That's about the start of the modern motorcycle. Hrdly


              • #22
                Ah, I love a good public debate!

                In all reality, it is the kind of passion we are expressing here that encourages me to continue to launch and publish motorcycle magazines. We might not agree on all the points, but as long as there is this kind of passion I feel confident enough to try more.

                My very small team of advisors and I are still working on defining our goals and definations, but I continue to feel we are on the right track.

                Thanks to all, and please keep the passions flying.


                • #23
                  Not sure

                  Not sure how many it takes Charley.

                  Thats why we suggested putting
                  the money into a known commodity
                  first, our OWN AMCA magazine ....
                  for more issues per year and articles.
                  Rather than sending it off for an unknown

                  Five guys, on this site, indicated that they
                  would subscribe, sight un-seen. But when it
                  comes time to actually send in the cash,
                  who knows ...

