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Gas & Oil Additives?

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  • Gas & Oil Additives?

    Don't know if a Thread about Gas & Oil additives has already been done here, but I would be interested in hearing about any new or old type oil/gas additives you guys use in your old iron and what if any improvements you've notice. Hrdly

  • #2

    Cotten and I and a few others got involved in a thread a few months ago about modern fuel, we didn't get into oil, just fuel.

    Cotten did some comparative analysis on commonly available pump fuel, we were discussing what mysterious additives the petroleum industry is currently blending into pump fuels that is destroying the fuel delivery components of our vintage bikes such as floats, viton needle tips, gas cap gaskets, and tank sealers to name a few. Admin Guy may be able to post a link to that thread.

    It should be interesting to see what some of the other club members are introducing into the already mysterious mix which we pump into our tanks at the local gas stop, and what the results are. Octane boosters, lead substitutes, upper cylinder lubes; is any of it worth the money, or the risk?



    • #3
      yes you can do a search and find it.

      I tried the Marvel Mystery Oil. added to gas just for fun. Well it makes the exhaust smell a little nicer. As far as performance??? It may lubricate the valve guides a bit. No big deal. It's a novelty in my opinon.


      • #4
        I'd like to see a discussion on removing additives!

        Some of the crap in P4gas seems to precipitate out on its own.



        • #5
          Morris Oil

          Meet Morris Oil folks at Oley and what they where
          saying about modern oil mixtures and old engines
          seem to make sense. Picked up a can and used it
          last oil change. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! My 45 in the
          Servi has never been cooler or quieter!


          • #6
            The addition of Marvel Mystery Oil is for valve and valve guide protection. Since the removal of lead, one must do something to salvage the top end, if using original oem parts. Paps


            • #7
              I use Marvel Mystery Oil in my old BMW.

              Everytime I whip it out at a gas station I think of it as giving it its medicine. It never harmed anything and it made me feel better. Certainly it may help keep your gas tank from rusting inside and may also help lube the valves and guides. I've been told, however, that it doesn't help prevent valve seat recession. Yet my old BMW seems not to have that problem anyway and it was built for leaded gas.

              My old pal used to put top-end oil in the gas of his 80-inch sidevalve Harley. Don't know if it helped, but again it made him feel better.


              • #8
                link to gasoline gel/percipitate

                Here is the great discussion about what modern gasoline may be doing to the old carbs. ...bill


                • #9
                  I use Marvel Mystery Oil in my Ironhead Sportster also.

                  Get funny looks from the gas attendants as I open up the small plastic bottle I carry with me (The bottle is marked on its side and holds enough Marvel fluid to treat 3 full fill-ups of Super-Unleaded in my King Sportster Tank. Hrdly


                  • #10
                    Fuel in and around Stl,MO

                    talking about gas last week I spilled some on my BMW tank while filling it, turned around to the pump to look for a towel (none) back to the bike 2 or 3 seconds, gas was all gone. While riding my VH this Sunday on a poker run at the third stop after filling up , turned the gas off of course, after returning to the bike to continue on tried to start it without turning the gas back on and it would not start, noticed what looked like a small dark spot on the tar and chip under the bike, like the gas boiled out, scratched my head turned on the gas waited for a minute, bike fired right up. was wondering if anyone else has had this problem yet. Its like they changed the formula of fuel again in the St.Louis area. (boiled out and or evaporated quickly)


                    • #11

                      Volatility is good. Octane rating is dependent upon it for the most part.
                      Ethanol increases volatility.

                      At least you kept your paint, as some Midwest blends are excellent strippers, even eating quality powdercoatings.

                      Don't forget that formulations change seasonally, at least.
                      And also that cold fuel out of the ground will expand in your tank, especially over a warm engine.


