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The Skinny on Wauseon

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  • The Skinny on Wauseon

    I want to attend the Wauseon meet this year for the first time, is there anywhere I can get any information on it? I'd like to know what the hours are each day, and (if any) what events are taking place other than the meet (bike shows, etc.)? Also, from anyone's past experiences, what day is the best day to go as far as parts selection goes (I need a LOT of 45 stuff)??

  • #2
    Hey Mike.... You going to ride the bike to Wauseon? If so, send me an e-mail with your times. Can't find anyone around here riding up so mayby I can bum along with ya. I'm pretty sure paps and dennis are going as well. It would be fun to all hook up and shoot the bull for awhile again. -Steve


    • #3
      Yeah....I'll be there. Early Friday morning on the 20 th, this friday. Friday before the sun rises. Best day for parts in my opinion. Prices may drop a bit by the third day but selection dwindles quickly also. What all do you need in the 45" parts department ? I may have extras that we could swap etc.. Could bring em along with me if I have them. Paps


      • #4
        Hey Steve, Paps, great to hear from you guys again!

        Steve, I highly doubt I'll be riding, I invited my dad along and besides, I'm gonna need 4 wheels to bring home all the loot I collect out there!

        Paps, I'm still piecing together this 45 project, I need more stuff than I have, if that tells you anything! Thanks to your friend, I'm pretty well set in the drive department, right now the big things I'm looking for are a set of inline handlebars, a front brake setup, and front and rear fenders. Plus about a million other smaller things. E me offline if you have anything or know anyone who does and maybe we can wheel & deal.

        I was hoping to go out there Friday morning, unfortunately I've used up most of my vacation time and down to just a coupla days, the old lady gets a little mad if I don't do some "family stuff" every once in a while, so it looks like I'll most likely be heading out there on Saturday. Good talking to you guys, hope to see someone out there...


        • #5
          I'll miss ya there this time Bro but you go ahead a put a parts list together [ be kind and use oem numbers] send them to me via email, and I'll do my darndest to locate them for you. I understand that family time too...... It took me years to convince the Ole Lady that swapmeets were quality family time. How does that country song go ??? "IT DON"T FEEL LIKE A BALL AND CHAIN TO ME " LOL Paps


          • #6

            That's kinda why we're doing the "family thing" together the following weekend at the AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days


            • #7
              Awesome !! Hope to see ya there. Sportsters are featured. K-Models too ! I'll will arrive on Friday there also. Can't stay longer, got a wedding reception to attend. Paps


              • #8
                Yeah, once again, I'm going a different day, this time Sunday (same thing, gotta work around other events). I'm sure we'll cross paths again sooner or later Paps, until then take care man!


                • #9
                  Wow. I thought I was the only one who used Vintage Daze as "quality time". Guess I ain't the only clever one out there.
                  I'll be at Wauseon for my first AMCA event, arriving on Friday. I'll be the 300# doofus on the Henderson, big straw hat, pro'ly a cigar too.
                  I'll drag my bride of 33 years to VMD (that Friday is our anniversary). We'll be spending quality time at the Honda Pavillion, hang'n with my CBX buds, besides walking around, drooling on old bikes.
                  Life is good........


                  • #10
                    There is still a few poker runs out at Marks Landing on Guilford Lake scheduled this season, plus Yankee Lake, pops up again. Yep...We'll see ya again for sure. You take care to Bro !

                    You got me beat by a year. 32 for me and my bride. In our thirty third now. More than half of that contained a special piece of funiture in the house, either in the living room or in the bedroom, was a bike. Yep !! Life is good ! Paps


                    • #11
                      Amen to life being good. It will be even better if the weather lets me make the 3hr ride Saturday without getting wet. I’ll keep my eye open for ya rickeieio. I’ll be the short fat guy with a red cap on a 56 pan. If one of you guys see me along side of the turnpike, please bring me a beer.

                      Man …. You guys make me feel like a newly wed. My bride and I have only been at it for twenty-eight years. I got a sportster that same year. That relationship didn’t turn out as well. -Steve


                      • #12
                        Start times for Wausean

                        Earlier - hogluvr wrote - "I want to attend the Wauseon
                        meet this year for the first time, is there anywhere I can
                        get any information on it? I'd like to know what the
                        HOURS are each day, and (if any) what EVENTS are
                        taking place other than the meet (bike shows, etc.)?"

                        This (below) is all the AMCA Calendar of events has
                        for times, schedule of events, etc.

                        "July 20 - 22 Wauseon National Meet
                        Fulton County Fairgrounds in Wauseon, Ohio.
                        Field judging Sun. 9am"

                        Does ANYBODY have the START/FINISH times for
                        Wauseaun on Friday, Sat OR Sunday for first timer
                        hogluvr? Or ANYTHING else hogluvr, or other
                        interested folks can look at, to make plans??


                        • #13
                          I don't think there is a start/finish time. There will be people there from thursday afternoon until sunday afternoon, non stop. Some of the vendors quit in the late afternoon and cover their stuff, some hang around all evening. Many of them are camping on their spots. This year will have the vintage races at the track which will start in the afternoon and probably go throughout the evening, maybe until midnight depending on the turnout of participants. Best day for parts is friday, in my opinion. Many vendors start packing it up by early saturday afternoon. Sunday is pretty much just show day.


                          • #14
                            OK guys, thanks for the info, I'll just wing it & get there when I do tomorrow, hopefully they won't have the place locked down when I get there


                            I'll get a list out to you after tomorrow, hopefully I can shorten it up a little before the day is over. If you happen to see this tonight, give us an "on-the-spot" report to let us know what to look forward to.


                            I'll keep my eye out on the turnpike, hopefully I'll run into you (but NOT on the side of the road, have faith in that old Pan, '56's RULE)



                            • #15
                              After The fact Report..........Mike, My day there was GREAT !!!! Found some really good deals too ! Races were AWESOME ! Don't miss them ! Weather FANTASTIC !!! Turnout EXCELLENT !! Wish I could have spent the weekend.

                              Denise........It was a great pleasure to meet you ! Wish you weren't as busy working the meet as you were. Would have loved to chat much longer with you. Another time maybe.

                              Johnny........Thanks for spotting me !! I have bearings as a sunken ship mate. Spent half the day looking for ya but had no luck. Sorry our time together was so short. I rely on the spot layouts when locating folks. Wish the spots were better marked for identification. Tags on stakes would be better I think. Paps

