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  • Earlyriders

    A friend stopped over last evening with two magazines. They're issues #1 and #4 of Earlyriders, sister publication to Easyriders. Exept this mag is a class act, rich photos, good writing, and lots of old bikes.
    Hope I don't leave too many drool streaks on them.
    Does anyone know just when these issues were published?

  • #2
    Hi Rickeieio

    I remeber having one volume in 1978 don't know which number though. But you are right they are a total class act. Every page crammed with great stuff. I'll have to root about and see if I can find it.



    • #3
      I have a couple issues, too. I think it was in the early to mid 90s.

      An article on Crockers stands out in my mind. Had some great pictures. And I agree, it was a really high quality publication. It was almost hard to believe it came from the Easyriders guys.

      Of course, look at which magazine withstood the test of time!



      • #4
        I haven't really read the magazines yet, but one of them has an article about Crockers. Both issues have green Indian Fours on the cover too, but different bikes.
        As for which magazine stood the test of time, it just shows that sex sells. Heck, I wouldn't mind seeing young chicks on old bikes myself. Maybe I'll just let my granddaughter sit on the Henderson....


        • #5
          Found the answe to my "q". Issue one is marked fall '94, Issue 4 is fall '95. It's at the bottom of the contents page, in fine print.
          Too bad this mag didn't continue.......


          • #6
            I have saved the first issue, mainly because of the Henderson article with Richard Morris. He is local in So Cal, at one time he had the biggest and best collection I had ever seen. One time he invited me over to see it, it was awesome - probably 80 machines. Including 5 running Hendersons!!! Many really rare machines, almost all gone now - though he is working on a 17 Henderson right now. I also loved that mag, wish it would of made good.


            • #7
              It seems to me that I have four of these mags kicking around. It was a great publication, but like all things good it went away. If you watch e-bay at all, they do seem to show up there now and then. My favourite issue had the Cyclone racer in it. What an awesome machine.........


              • #8
                The first issue of 'Earlyriders" was published in 1977. I remember seeing it in Puckett's motorcycle shop and had to have it. I was just getting interested in antiques but knew little about the history and the variety of marques that were made in America. That magazine was a real eye opener but it was not very well researched and did not identify many of the obsure motorcycles pictured. The AMCA was much more helpful but I still treasure my worn out copy of Earlyriders.


                • #9
                  I too have a copy of that "early" Earlyriders. These were a later publication (90's) They were for the most part better researched and featured some real great bikes.


                  • #10
                    I also bought one of the 'early' Earlyriders. Mine is a hard cover, believe it or not. 1977 sounds about right.


                    • #11
                      That first issue of Earlyriders was a one time "special". After they quit printing the later issues they turned it into a regular section in "VQ" magazine. I got them for a while but it wasn't worth buying a magazine full of "Star Wars" customs just to get a few pages of vintage coverage.


                      • #12
                        I agree's a shame to have to surf through that junk to get to a few pics of what a fella likes...... Other than our club mag there isn't much out there anymore that I can relate to.


                        • #13
                          The first issue was issued in June 1971, I have 23 original issues from June 1971 thru Feb. 1975 complete. Looking to sell them.

