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Hard to Kick Start - Make Money!

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  • #16
    It was intended to be a non denominational joke.


    • #17
      Aspaul50, your comment about getting thrown reminded me of a real nasty Chief I owned years ago. Everything was wrong with that bike but the worst thing was the starter. On this occasion I was having a real hard time with it and I was having to kick it way too many times to get it to do something. Any Indian owner will tell you what a worn out Indian starter will do. . . . . Which is nothing. To set the scene, I'm sweating like a pig, used every swear word I knew and some I made up, and I was pretty much all in. I gathered what strength I had left for one final gorilla kick. I go up in the air and came down with everything I had . . . . And nothing. What happens when there is no resistance to a forceful kick is your knee bends backwards and grown men cry like little girls. I was hopping around in circles doing the pain dance and screaming profanities. After a half hour of self pity, loathing, and vigorous knee rubbing I got the brilliant idea to give it another kick. I was smart enough to feel the starter engage and even gave it a few light test kicks. I gave it another high altitude assault with lots of tough guy muscle. . . . You guessed it, nothing. Now if this had been a boxing match the after bout interview would have gone like this: "Yeah Howard, he got a lot of kicks in, but I whupped his ass good !"


      • #18
        Ha !! Ha !! Ha !!! I learned timer setting on a 55 KHK I owned years ago. That kick back launched me several feet into the air in front of just about all the inhabitants of that small town. Dropped the bike as well. Couldn't put any weight on my ankle for days but the pain of that embarressment was sufficient enough. Paps


        • #19
          Hey all, first post here even though Ive been in the club over a year now, not too puter savy, Ive had a few embarrasing moments kicking the beast to life, think the worse was when I had gassed up the pan and had a few folks standing around talking about the bike, had only been stopped a few minutes and knew the bike would start on first kick, well it did but like an idiot I forgot to put it in neutral, it took off and left me staring for a second then I took off after it, it went about 15 feet and was veering to the left and I was on the right just as I caught up with it and grabbed the bars it went down on the side with me on top of it, nothing was hurt but my pride and Im sure everyone there had a good laugh on me, Im even laughing now. for a good feeling story was out riding my 71 FLH a couple of weeks ago and stopped in at the Harley stealer to look around, came out and the old shovel had drawn a crowd , they were all riding new twinkies and watching close as I pulled the kick pedal out, kicked it one time and started potato-potato, for a while my chest stuck out farther than my belly, I think they were impressed, I was. Spike


          • #20
            Originally posted by Spike
            [B the worse was when I had gassed up the pan and had a few folks standing around talking about the bike, had only been stopped a few minutes and knew the bike would start on first kick, well it did but like an idiot I forgot to put it in neutral, it took off and left me staring for a second then I took off after it, it went about 15 feet and was veering to the left and I was on the right just as I caught up with it and grabbed the bars it went down on the side with me on top of it, [/B]
            Yes spike, you are an idiot. What if some old lady or little kid was walking in front of the bike? Would you still be laughing? I cant believe the moronic things that have been posted on this thread, especially the first guy saying he charged a dollar to kick start his bike and he maid $11. What a lyar. Nobody would pay a dollar to kick someones bike. Nice try at story though.

            And Paps, it launched you a "couple feet in the air"? Wow, i am not a physic dude, but I think you are stretching it quite a bit.

            And exeric says... "and then throw in Florida humidity on a clammy August night with 12 Miller High Lifes". I think he must be a lush. And what kind of idiot would drink and drive AND admit it.

            MORONS! Get with the program. You are embarASSing the club. Can you immagine nonmembers reading these posts, thinking "what a bunch of bafoons". REPRESENT!


            • #21
              Martin, why don't you take a risk and tell us all a little story of your own. That way everyone can take a turn at poking a little fun back. If your really serious about your comments, then I'm not sure that your the best representative of this club either. There are other words to choose besides MORONS............


              • #22
                Originally posted by martin

                Yes spike, you are an idiot. What if some old lady or little kid was walking in front of the bike? Would you still be laughing? I cant believe the moronic things that have been posted on this thread, especially the first guy saying he charged a dollar to kick start his bike and he maid $11. What a lyar. Nobody would pay a dollar to kick someones bike. Nice try at story though.

                And Paps, it launched you a "couple feet in the air"? Wow, i am not a physic dude, but I think you are stretching it quite a bit.

                And exeric says... "and then throw in Florida humidity on a clammy August night with 12 Miller High Lifes". I think he must be a lush. And what kind of idiot would drink and drive AND admit it.

                MORONS! Get with the program. You are embarASSing the club. Can you immagine nonmembers reading these posts, thinking "what a bunch of bafoons". REPRESENT!

                im a thinkin "the powers that be"should consider givin this guy the axe.every time this guy speaks up ,all he has is a deragatory remark about someone .i,ll bet if it wasnt for the profanity filter in here, you would see real "embarassment"from him. i know in any other internet chatroom , when you make everyone mad you get this thing called the BOOT.just a thought,tom


                • #23
                  Grandpa always said, "Never let the facts get in the way of a good story". I've enjoyed reading the various posts, and it never even crossed my mind that some of these tales might be enhanced a bit.

                  Now someone comes along and points out these fine bits of entertainment may not be true. Reminds me of the kid who told me that there was no Santa Claus. I never liked him after that.....get the hint?


                  • #24
                    Generally speaking, motorcycles have always appealed to people who are a bit off center, the black sheep of the family, non-conformists, and adventurers. You have to be a bit nuts to ride a motorcycle, but the rewards are well worth it. You have fun, it's thrilling, and you meet great people who share the same feelings. I know men who are in their 70's and 80's that have been riding since they were kids and still have a deep love for motorcycles. These men were the oddballs in their communities but they were also the risk takers and the kind of men who squeezed more out of life than the button-down straight arrows that didn't have the nerve to ride a bike, or at times, look like a fool. I guess you could call them buffoons. (spelled buffoon, not bafoon).

                    We have a great club full of talented, interesting people and that's the key word, interesting. Motorcycles attract interesting people who have done great things, and stupid things. This topic may be showing some of the stupid things we have done but that's because we have been out there, and we have been experiencing as much of this crazy life as we can.

                    This is a fantastic forum. The AdminGuy has given us a reliable, well designed place for members from all over the world to talk about motorcycles. This is a priceless gift that we should always be grateful for and be careful not to abuse.

                    One last bit of advice Martin. You can call someone a "lyar" (spelled liar) or idiot on this forum, but I wouldn't try that in person.


                    • #25
                      Having read all of the 15 posts from martin it is clear he is a troubled individiual. He doesn't come here to share any meaningful knowledge or to enjoy the thoughts of others. We can only hope he does not own any weapons and if he does that he doesn't work for the post office or live near a university. OK martin now its your turn. If thats the way you like to play then you came to the right place.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by AdminGuy
                        Yup - that pretty much sums it up. I'm always blown away when a guy sells a bike giving up on some mechanical gremlin.

                        Last year I stumbled and not even looking for a 1965 FLH in Very Good Cond. that the owner of many years was fed up with the costs of maintanance. Yeah I gave him what he wanted (14K) and rode it home backfiring and bucking all the way! The next day after a carb switch ( I keep spare M74B rebuilts around) and a gas tank removal and flushing because obviously he never looked in with a flash lite to see the years of deposits on the bottom, the bike was running well. Don't know who his Mechanic was...just the multiple shop receipts for tune ups and maintanance that came with it. $$$ I couldn't turn that one down and had to find room for it. I love these ole bikes, Keep riding em Merlin in Pa.


                        • #27
                          Speaking for myself........I don't believe Martin has a clue about high compression engines. 157 lbs at the time didn't resist the kick back of that KHK. Several feet it was !

                          Martin seems to live by hindsight alone. Fact is.......what is, was...what wasn't, isn't.

                          The stories ???????? New membership viewing ??? Glad they know they are with real people like themselves !!!

                          Apparently, Martin has no " remember the time?" ,"I once etc...", "the dumbest thing I ever did", "I must confess", times of his life to share with his circle of friends and family. Tis a shame to have such a dull life. Paps


                          • #28
                            Martin, I read back through some of your posts, very negative person, I try to stay away from your kind as I suspect most people do. This is only my second post on this site and dont like to come off as a negative person, I wouldnt be laughing if someone would have gotten hurt because of my idiosity but no one did, I have done some idiotic things in my life but not as idiotic as the last person that said that to my face. Spike


                            • #29
                              Ok, so we have some feedback. Good on all you guys.

                              I also often wonder how peoples comments would change if they were talking F2F. Something to consider. A reflection of the keyboard I guess. I'm not judging anyone at this point. I'm not perfect.

                              I agree- try to be positive and set an example. Step up and share some personal stories.

                              ie. how many times have you been accidentally electrocuted by an antique motorcycle? I clearly remember each time. Not fun. hee-hee...

                              I was watching an excellent video on you tube. Branbury run in England 2001. Two part video. I reminded me of just how long a stroke some of the big single brit bikes are. In some cases your lucky to get three revolutions. American v-twins are an easy kick by comparison when set up to the top of compression before kicking. Just ask someone with a brit vintage or vetran machine. Kinda shocking how long the stroke is on the kicker. Or maybe that is just reflective of the mechanical relationship of the kicker.


                              • #30
                                Hi Martin, glad you were able to join the discussion.

