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1953 Flick: "The Wild One"

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  • 1953 Flick: "The Wild One"

    On Easter I watched "The Wild One" again with some friends who had never seen it. I tried to catch the Brando character "Johnny's" LAST name. I have seen it printed as "Strabler" in articles, and as "Stabler" in one book. Another source (a movie script) gives it as "Johnny Donato." Huh?

    But listening to the actual film again where the sheriff says Johnny's name out loud towards the very end, I would spell it as: Johnny "Straebler" because that is EXACTLY how it sounds. The only other possible spelling would be "Straybler" but I don't think that name even exists.

    I don't know for sure if the film gives Johnny's last name on the credits because I forgot to double check this time but in previous viewings I think I looked and it was NOT given. Until there's better verification about this, I'm gonna spell it as John Straebler.

    Again, I gotta say that I like that movie alot. It's even pre rock & roll it's so old! I'd say that only 1 out of maybe 6 bikes is a Harley.

    The "menace" is clearly identified early on in the movie as this pack of black leather clad motorcyclists roar into town. Being filmed so soon after WWII (and in black and white) the scene is evocative of wartime German newsreels showing the Wehrmacht on motorcycles storming into a defenseless Polish village!

    The unshaven motley Harley-riding Lee Marvin thug character is indeed the more modern seeming "biker" type with Brando's character distinctly period 1950s "cool" with his Triumph, rolled up jeans, traditional black leather motorcyclist jacket, and what looks to be a chauffeur's cap worn at a jaunty angle.

    Johnny is the epitome of 1950's "coolness" (i.e. "juvenile delinquent") on two wheels!

    I esp. liked the scene where after the town folk beat Johnny Straebler up and he gets away he doesn't run first to find his buddies, but instead runs to find his bike! That was totally in character I thought to how a real motorcyclist would act.

    First thought: "My bike! My bike!"

    The end is good too. Johnny comes back and gives the "gold" (AMA?) trophy to the girl Kathy and (gasp!) he cracks a smile. The first time in the whole movie that he actually smiles. He also came back alone which makes you wonder if he didn't break with the gang/club scene and was now a lone wolf riding solo into the sunset on his Triumph Thunderbird.

    All in all still a good flick!

  • #2
    Isn't that funny how the girl is always getting those tough guys to soften up. They (menacing types) can't help but smiling.


    • #3
      Originally posted by servicardenise
      Isn't that funny how the girl is always getting those tough guys to soften up. They (menacing types) can't help but smiling.
      True enough!

      There are a couple of other sexually charged scenes in the movie. One is where Kathy gets on the bike behind Johnny and they ride down a romantic wooded backroad alone in the warm night.

      She is snuggled up tightly against him on the bike, her hair disheveled and waving in the wind (only instance of wind blast in the whole movie!), while beautifully seductive music plays in the background.

      She is clearly falling under the spell of Mr. Cool and his motorcycle!

      IMHO, what works wonderfully well for effect on a bike would NOT work nearly so good if they were in a car.


      • #4
        Too much time on our hands

        Come on WARM weather!!!!!!!!!


        • #5
          It was and still is a cool flick!!!!!


          • #6
            Best part of that movie was Lee Marvin, he could play a great bad guy :-)


            • #7
              Lee Marvin should have kicked Brando's ass, thrown him out of town, and taken over that movie. It would have been a much better movie with Lee Marvin as the lead character. It astounds me that women like guys like Brando's character.


              • #8
                Wow..... You guys are making me feel old talking about that great old movie. One thing remains the same though. The women still love our old bikes don't they guys...?


                • #9
                  Wild One

                  I think the wife has more of a Love/Hate relationship with the old iron. The flick is still one of my favorites. The naivate' of the past is pretty blatant but there are plenty of social commentaries that ring true to today. Particularly in the Johnny character. How many folks do we know that are a bit on the outside and still longing to be "in"? Not to mention the pretty girl locked into a rigid roll in life going for the bad boy for that visceral (sometime direct) thrill!! This is very easy to see in how the MOCO targets its' customers for new bike sales. There is The Wild One in ALL of us albeit to greater or lesser degrees.

                  Well enough rhetoric....Lets' Ride!!!


                  • #10
                    You nailed it when you stated that there's a bit of the "Wild One" in all of us. I see some who are buying the bike their parents wouldn't let them have when they were young.
                    I call it "Born to be Mild" :-)


                    • #11
                      another great m/c knuckle era movie that is worth watching is born to ride with john stamos as our hero, if you never saw this movie its worth watching its in color and some great riding scenes at the end he has to jump from his knukle to a moving airplane and the bike goes down the runway with no rider what a waste of a perfectly good bike ,you will thank me later


                      • #12
                        Own that flick Pat. It is a goodie for sure. Most of the bikes are 45"s but Stamos's is a knuck. Many a vintage European bike in the flick as well. Gotta love the drop the straw in the bottle task scene !! Paps

