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Roth 401K

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  • Roth 401K

    Do anyone know?

    Can I with no earned income, only pension income buy into a Roth 401K?

  • #2
    if roth has a bike worth $401,000 i sure would like to see some pics!


    • #3
      Not likely. 401Ks, Roth or otherwise, are employer sponsored plans. If all you have is retirement income I'm guessing you're no longer employed. No employer=no 401K. I'm in a 401K where I work but if I leave the company I have to leave the 401K plan also.


      • #4
        Is Roth european or japanese? I think they had three wheels plus a set of optional training wheels.

        Seriously though, the short answer to your question is NO.

        A Roth IRA's main advantage is its tax structure. Contributions are made only from earned income that has already been taxed (and is not tax deductible), but withdrawals up to the total of contributions are federal income tax free, and withdrawals of earnings (anything above the total of contributions) are often free of federal income tax. Depending on with whom a Roth IRA is set up, it can be managed in creative ways, including investments in non-typical assets (Self-Directed IRA). The tax code doesn't mention if the non-typical assets includes antique motorcycles, but would be cool if it was possible!


        • #5
          WHAT does this post have to do with old bikes? look in the yellow pages under "accountants" and call one and quit cluttering up the chatter with garbage like this. What a bunch of morons.


          • #6
            Wow Martin were you born angry or have you worked on it over time? I've always found that if one asks a question on this forum, that someone always seems to have an answer. Granted.....this post seems to be off topic........ but you didn't have to waste your time reading it either.........


            • #7
              picture of martin

              Martin, lighten up man! Remember old times when your head got stuck and somebody took a picture? I laugh everytime I see it. Maybe that is why you are so angry? If this is too edgy, I apologize in advance.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                ya, eeeeeeeasy you guys..... go watch the triumph factory tour link i just posted. 1957. Should make you all happy.


                • #9
                  Wow is right. Martin there is much knowledge to be shared here from some of the greatest builders in the world. Do you really want to piss these guys off after only 13 posts?


                  • #10
                    Maybe this is the wrong place for a question of this nature.......But what the hey! liven-up! Half of whats said here is bull anyway so enjoy and Paul thanks for the link,interesting


                    • #11

                      In your defense, some of these guys telling you to lighten up are usually the first ones to complain about off topic post.
                      Let those without sin cast the first stone.


                      • #12
                        lookin at the location of most of the folks who replied on this post ,i would say spring fever is a factor all need to do what i did yesterday .......dig a hole through the snowbank.....check your fluids .........give 'er two priming kicks.....turn on the juice .....1 more kick.....THEN GO TO TOWN AND GET YOURSELF SOME JUICE!


                        • #13
                          I was just pointing out that there really isn't a need for a negativity factor on these forums. I enjoy reading a majority of the posts and the one's that don't interest me just get skipped over....... nuff said......

                          Chiefrider, I'm going to take your advice and burrow through the snowbank........A ride is definitely in order........


                          • #14
                            Let's see, this guy pops up out of the blue and calls four people "morons". Looking back through his previous posts he seems to be good at making smart a** remarks and negative comments. I don't think anyone was too hard on him. He asked for it but we're probably better off to just ignore him.


                            • #15
                              I agree, if you don't like the topic, don't waste your time to read it. And people shouldn't call people they never met names. I mean most people who post here don't call others names just because they don't agree with what is written. Who know maybe this guy is not even a member. Maybe he doesn't own any old bikes. Maybe he rides a gold wing and wish he had an old Indian or Harley. Or maybe that is a his picture and he just hasn't seen the light yet.

